I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 8 The first copy is Changfeng?

Mu Rufeng now wants to know what kind of place this is, why he appears here, and how to leave.

"Brother driver, I gave you face, you should also give me face, right? You don't want to..."

Mu Rufeng inadvertently turned her head and looked at the few dozen pieces of goods left in the carriage.

Chang Feng only felt a deep malice.

When Mu Rufeng saw that the driver didn't move, he couldn't say much, so he picked up the empty board on one side and placed it on the ground.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces...

Mu Rufeng had just moved three pieces of goods, and the driver quickly came forward and grabbed Mu Rufeng.

"Wait, wait, don't unload. I'll tell you whatever you want to know." The driver said quickly.

"This is the right thing to do. I'll help you and you help me." Mu Rufeng stopped what she was doing and stood up with a smile on her face.

"I want to know how I can leave here." Mu Rufeng asked the question he was most concerned about.

"As long as you become the driver, you can leave here." Chang Feng said.

"Well, I didn't explain clearly. I mean, how to leave this weird place and return to the real world."

"Do you know the real world? It's the world where humans live." Mu Rufeng said.

"I know." Chang Feng nodded.

Seeing Chang Feng nodding, Mu Rufeng nodded secretly in her heart. Sure enough, these weird 'people' knew about the human world.

For a long time, Chang Feng did not continue to speak, which made Mu Rufeng, who had been waiting, feel a little pained.

Mu Rufeng was about to speak when she saw Chang Feng finally spoke.

"Did you enter this weird dungeon because of an umbrella?" Chang Feng suddenly said, but Mu Rufeng was shocked.

"How do you know?" Mu Rufeng looked at Chang Feng suspiciously.

"Because, I entered this place because of this umbrella, or in other words, because of this umbrella, I became what I am now." Chang Feng said slowly.

"You" Mu Rufeng stared at Chang Feng.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, and a familiar picture appeared in his mind.

"Are you the first driver to die in the wine warehouse? The driver whose whole body was eaten by wild beasts?" Mu Rufeng suddenly exclaimed.

"So, I'm not the only one who died?" Chang Feng said after hearing this.

"What's going on? What's going on with that umbrella?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"If you want to leave here, you must first become a regular employee. After becoming a regular employee, there should be information about leaving."

"Don't ask me, I don't know either. I applied for a job as a driver, and I didn't even get a full-time job."

"Also, I was not bitten by a wild beast." Chang Feng's voice was hoarse, which made people feel a little itchy.

For a moment, Mu Rufeng thought a lot.

What Chang Feng said also proves that the second driver who died and the third leader who died should have entered this scarlet preferred copy.

However, they all died here for some reason.

And Chang Feng was the first to enter the Scarlet Choice. In the real world, he had died, but here he became a truck driver?

Does that mean that the second driver and leader who died now also hold some kind of position in Scarlet Prime?

"Wait a minute. That bald manager Wang Kun"

Mu Rufeng suddenly remembered that the bald male supervisor Wang Kun he met earlier was not the leader who died in the real world?

"You were probably bitten to death by some kind of monster while delivering goods, so why did you become the driver again?" Mu Rufeng said.

Silence, Chang Feng was silent.

Mu Rufeng didn't push her and waited quietly.

"When I was making a delivery, I broke the rules and was chewed to death by the service station supervisor."

"Later, when I woke up, I became a truck driver. I couldn't leave the car. Even if I drove out, I couldn't get out of the car. I could only move within the confines of the car."

"My advice to you is, you must not die, and you must not be contaminated, otherwise you will be like me."

"I still have my own thoughts now because I just became a driver not long ago."

"I have already felt it. My thoughts are becoming more and more indifferent and cold. It should not be long before I am no longer me."

"Can I ask you something?" Chang Feng said.

"Say." Mu Rufeng didn't know how to answer at this moment, so she could only spit out these two words.

"I know you are not an ordinary person. The unloading speed is so fast. Even another stevedore, An Lu, would need an hour and a half to finish unloading."

"With your ability, you will definitely achieve great things."

"While I still have thoughts, I hope you can help my family when you are capable in the future." Chang Feng actually revealed a sad emotion in his words.

"Okay!" Mu Rufeng nodded heavily.

"Thank you. I have a daughter who is still in kindergarten. Unfortunately, I can't see her growing up. This is a damn world."

Chang Feng cursed, and his figure gradually faded, and finally turned into a black mist, blending into the carriage.

Looking at Chang Feng disappearing, Mu Rufeng sighed.

He sympathized with Chang Feng's experience, but there was nothing he could do.

If he hadn't owned the plug-in, Mu Rufeng felt that she would have followed in Chang Feng's footsteps.

However, Mu Rufeng would naturally help Chang Feng's request if he could.

At least, the driver also cleared up some doubts for Mu Rufeng.

"Remind you, you have to be careful of Wang Kun, the warehouse supervisor. You unload goods so quickly, you can help another loader more so that Wang Kun can't find fault with your work ability."

"Of course, you have to be careful of An Lu, the last loader was eaten by him."

"Also, in the truck, the driver cannot attack the loader unless the unloading time exceeds two hours."

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng heard Chang Feng's voice.

"Eat?" Mu Rufeng thought slightly in his heart.

"Thank you!" Mu Rufeng, who had a little clue, thanked the driver Chang Feng.

When Mu Rufeng dragged the pallet out of the car, another large truck stopped nearby at some point.

At this moment, An Lu was standing in front of the large truck, and it seemed that he was ready to unload the goods.

Apparently, the car An Lu had just unloaded had already been unloaded.

An Lu also saw Mu Rufeng coming out.

"Mu Rufeng, wait, are you almost done unloading the goods in your car?" An Lu stepped forward and stopped in front of Mu Rufeng.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Mu Rufeng nodded.

"You are just an ordinary human, why are you unloading so fast?"

"And why is there no change in your body?" An Lu asked.

"Ten dollars." Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand and said.

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