I have a city in the desert

Chapter One Hundred And Fifty Four

Hearing that Jiang Chen was going to buy all the unfinished buildings in the new district, Governor Li smiled and said: "If you want to buy so many buildings, the buildings in the new district plus the 100,000 units in the old town, even if they are all sold to you cheaply, it will cost you hundreds. Starting at 100 million yuan, you have to consider this price, Xiaojiang!"

As soon as Governor Li finished speaking, Jiang Chen replied: "Don't think about it, tens of billions are tens of billions, but I can't pay that much now, I need to pay in installments."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Guo Keming over there looked at Jiang Chen and said: "Payment can be done in installments. As long as we can solve these unfinished buildings, we will help us. We are not trying to earn you any money. You only need to owe those developers The money from the bank is fine. By the way, Director Xiao, how much money do these houses owe in the bank?"

After Guo Keming finished speaking, he looked at a fat man next to him. They came this time, and Governor Li also specially instructed them to bring all the main persons in charge of the county, and he really used it here.

"Major Guo, according to the current market price, the land is worthless. Because it is close to the desert, these are equivalent to giving away for nothing, so remove the mortgage on the land. If boss Jiang can pay back the cement and steel bars that the developer owes. , We can give him the unfinished buildings in the new district."

"How much does that cost?"

Director Xiao finished speaking and Jiang Chen couldn't help asking. After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Director Xiao stretched out his hand and took out the calculator and quickly worked it out. After more than ten minutes, he used up a dozen pages of notebook paper. .

Ten minutes later, Fat Xiao wiped the sweat on his head and said: "It is calculated. If you add the current land money, if you buy the new district and the unfinished buildings in the old city together, boss Jiang needs to pay us 630. One billion!"

After Director Xiao finished speaking, everyone sucked in air-conditioning. That's right, more than 60 billion is not a small sum!And it's worth buying a place that will soon be swallowed by the desert!

"Or, just buy a few communities mean?"

Mayor Ma also seemed to see that it was inappropriate. In order to get Jiang Chen to step down, he hurriedly persuaded him. Jiang Chen thought about it for sixty-three billion and bought the semi-finished products of the entire new district and four or five in the city. The community, this is so profitable!You know that buying a few larger communities in Urumqi and other places is no less than 60 billion!

Of course, Jiang Chen felt that it was cheap because he believed that Mojiang would not be submerged by the desert.

"No, I want it all. I will pay you 10 billion before the end of the year, and the rest will be paid next year."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Director Xiao said in a bit embarrassed manner: "Boss Jiang, don't say that we cheated you. The money is really not calculated with you. The main reason is that the materials used in these houses are really expensive, nothing else. , The new city is built internationally. The materials used are all top materials. The design of the entire new area is also from the design of the Beijing Design Institute. All the facilities in this new area are available. There are only two hospitals, all of which are World standard construction, let’s say nothing else. Now the hepatitis patients in the inpatient departments of hospitals in China live with other patients. We have special hepatitis wards here, not to mention other supporting elementary and middle school facilities."

After Director Xiao finished speaking, Jiang Chen heard that there were two hospitals inside, and he was even more happy. Jiang Chen was worrying about where the newly recruited doctor did not work. Now that the hospital is there, it really saved him a lot of trouble. Too!

"It's okay, it's okay, I know everything, I'm not too expensive, by the way, are all the hospitals built?"

"The hospital has been built, and the school has been built. However, there are still seven or eight communities in the new city that have not been built, and many of the houses are rough. You need to renovate this, but the hospital, elementary and middle schools have been renovated. You only need to re-clean and renovate the inside to use it!"

After Director Xiao finished speaking, Jiang Chen could no longer contain the surprise in his heart. He was afraid that if he missed this opportunity, he would never have another chance, so he looked at Governor Li and said eagerly: "Then can I sign the contract now? I can now. Pay a deposit of 1 billion in advance."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Governor Li nodded, and Guo Keming hurriedly asked people to prepare the contract. He was more scared than Jiang Chen. Yes, as long as Jiang Chen took over these unfinished buildings and the new district, then Mo Jiang would be better off image It will be refreshing. When the people of Mojiang see that Mojiang has begun construction again, how can they not come back and develop?

"I have a request, Boss Jiang, can you just use our Mojiang workers to decorate the community and build the remaining community?"

When Director Xiao went to prepare the contract, Guo Keming asked again. Yes, you must know that once the construction of these communities starts, it will solve the employment problem of thousands of people for Mojiang.

"Yes! I promise this!"

Jiang Chen is also preparing to use Mojiang's workers. He knows that if he wants to develop his desert, his desert will not work. He must have Mojiang's cooperation, but how does Mojiang cooperate?Then you have to develop yourself first.

"Then I will thank Mr. Jiang for the people!"

After Guo Keming finished speaking, ten minutes later, Director Xiao brought a draft contract. Jiang Chen signed the purchase contract with them after reading it. After signing the contract, both parties were relieved.

"Come on, to the future of Mojiang!"

Secretary Wang also raised the wine glass at the right time, and everyone at the table raised the wine glass one after another.

After a round of drinking, Secretary Wang remembered Jiang Chen’s bet with Zhu Chang, and he couldn’t help asking curiously: "Boss Jiang, how did you prepare for your bet with Zhu Chang during the day? As far as I know. The desert film and television tourist attraction in Teng County will open on May 25. When will your scenic area open? You must tell me in advance when it opens. I have to sign up to visit first!"

After Secretary Wang finished speaking, Jiang Chen nodded and said, "It's a coincidence, I also opened on May 25."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Governor Li looked at Secretary Wang and said, "Well, you have to visit Xiao Wang when it opens. The scenic spot in Xiaojiang will definitely subvert your traditional understanding of the desert!"

After Governor Li finished speaking, Secretary Wang was even more looking forward to it. Not only him, but several leaders who accompanied him this time also stated that they would definitely join in at that time. Not only would they join in, they would also bring their family and friends together!After all, the scenic spots recommended by Governor Li, this is certainly not bad!

The evening gradually dissipated, and the night fell. Mojiang's celebration dinner did not go away until late at night. At the banquet, Jiang Chen negotiated a series of documents such as the hospital's operating permit. He was very happy to think of the future of the desert.

In the middle of the night, Governor Li and others got up and left. Jiang Chen hurriedly went to checkout. When he arrived at the checkout counter, the cashier told him that Governor Li had already settled with his own money, and Jiang Chen was a little moved.

Sending Li Sheng out, Jiang Chen has a lot of admiration for him. These years, it is really his blessing to meet Li Sheng's dedicated and well-defined leadership.

After leaving Li Sheng away, Jiang Chen walked alone on Xinshen Street. As soon as the wind blew, his stomach was upset. When he was in the house, he felt nothing. After coming out, he felt dizzy and dizzy, and Jiang Chen hurried. Sitting on the ground, he fell asleep without knowing it.

He just leaned on a tree and didn't know how long he slept. It was a bit cold at night, and he felt as if he had fallen into the ice cellar, but fortunately, he didn't know who covered him with a piece of clothing before he felt a touch of warmth.

When Jiang Chen felt conscious again, it was early morning.

"Hey, hello, wake up, are you okay, do you want to help you contact your family?"

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