I have a city in the desert

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy

Jiang Chen gave Guan Cuo the shares of the Saha shop, Guan Chu almost cried with excitement. Jiang Chen patted him on the shoulder and said, "In the future, besides the Saha shop, you have to do other things for me, you know, I have a lot of companies now, but I lack people!"

Indeed, Jiang Chen has money and some companies, but he is really short of management talents. Apart from anything else, so many companies he plans need managers, such as general manager, deputy general manager and department manager, so many people. They have to be prepared all at once, which is really not easy, especially when they are still in the new province on the border.

Speaking of talent, Guan Zuo also nodded, yes, he had already thought about this issue.

"Okay, Boss Jiang waited for the Saha shop to be formalized, and when the petal factory was put into operation, I went to Beijing and Shanghai to find headhunting companies to help the boss find some real talent."

After Guan Zuo finished speaking, Jiang Chen nodded, and Guan Zuo helped him. It can really help him solve many problems. In the future, he will be farming in the desert, and he will have to rely on supervision for outside affairs.

"By the way, President Guan, I have another question. Our scenic spot will be open next week. How many tickets should we set properly?"

Speaking of scenic spot tickets, Guan Zuo thought for a while and said: "Nowadays, the general five-A-level scenic spot tickets are two to three hundred uncertain. I think our scenic spots cannot be priced like them. The plants in our scenic spots are rare in the world. It has important historical significance. Therefore, we have to take the high-end route. We will directly serve the top crowds. Therefore, for this ticket, I think we will start at least five thousand yuan."

After Guan Zuo finished speaking, he was talking about Jiang Chen’s heart. Yes, the things they produce in the scenic spots are all ultra-high-end routes. This has established an ultra-high-end brand invisibly, and Jiang Chen I have also thought about it, in order to protect the fragile environment of the desert, his scenic spot receives not many tourists, so this high-end route can just make up for his small number of disadvantages.

"Well, I think so too. Now the plants in our scenic spots are very precious. There are too many tourists. We rarely see them. If they secretly pick the roses and the lawn is small, they are afraid that some low-quality tourists will break the rose branches and Trample the lawn is the big one."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Guan Zuo also said: "Yes, I am also worried about this. Although the overall quality of China has been improved, there are still some tourists who do not pay attention to their image. We are now raising the threshold to at least a certain amount. Protect our scenic spot."

Jiang Chen’s scenic spot is not like other Five-A scenic spots. They can influx hundreds of thousands of people, but Jiang Chen’s scenic spot can only receive five or six thousand people per day, because his scenic spot is on the edge of the desert and the environment here is fragile. Too much, it will destroy the growth environment of plants such as green grass and roses.

Not only that, they have another idea when they choose to take the high-end route, which is to promote their products by the way.Imagine that after tourists come to the scenic area, they have to go shopping, and desert products are expensive, a rose is 30,000 yuan, ordinary tourists who want to buy it?Of course, there will be sunflower seeds and apricots in the future. These ordinary fruits have to be sold at sky-high prices. Those ordinary tourists come, what else do they do besides spraying him?

After discussing the price, Jiang Chen picked up the phone and prepared to tell Mr. Jiang of Xinmei Travel Agency the fare. At this moment Mr. Jiang has already arranged the Bermuda Lawn Scenic Area, Rose Flower Sea View Area, and Jinshou Apricot King Flower Sea View according to Jiang Chen’s arrangement. The promotional videos and posters of the district and the Crescent Lake Scenic Area were put in more than fifty travel agencies across the country, and many people came to consult, which made Mr. Jiang extremely excited.

In the evening, it was getting dark. After Jiang Chen dialed Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang was sitting on the sofa dreaming about his travel agency being crowded by tourists.

"Hey, boss Jiang? I just want to call you and tell you that the travel agency below has a strong response. We have a lot of people consulting the scenic spot! I'm just about to discuss with you whether the scenic spot can be opened in advance."

Mr. Jiang's excitement could be heard on the phone, Jiang Chen was very calm, all this was in his expectation.

"It said that it will open on May 25th and it will open on May 25th. The time will not be advanced. By the way, Mr. Jiang, let me tell you. Now notify the travel agencies to let them tell the tourists the opening time of the scenic spot and also the fare. Tell everyone."

"Okay, okay, what's our fare?"

"Fare is five thousand."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Mr. Jiang jumped up from his chair in a frightful moment. That's right, he had never thought about anyone who would dare to set the fare so high after running a travel agency for so many years!

"Boss Jiang, five or five thousand, so high!"

"Five thousand is the ticket money you gave me. As for how much you charge, you decide by yourself. By the way, my scenic spot can accept up to five thousand people a day. You have to plan ahead."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, President Jiang's head instantly grew. What the hell is this?Just giving him tickets cost five thousand, how much does his travel agency charge?And you are also limited to five thousand people, which is really funny. It's not bad if you don't limit people and people can go. You also limit people...

"Mr. Jiang, this, this can’t work! Who wants to come with such a high ticket price! Moreover, I asked, the ticket for the Tengxian Desert Film and Television Tourism Base is only 250 yuan. They have stars. If they are low, they may not be able to compete with them. They are still higher than them, so how can it work!

After Mr. Jiang finished speaking, he really regretted cooperating with Jiang Chen. Yes, he thought that Jiang Chen’s scenic spot fare was only two hundred yuan, so that he could barely attract tourists. Now it’s better. He goes directly to five thousand. Old eggplant will come!

"Okay, you don't need to worry about so much, you just need to do it, I'm still busy, I'm hanging up."

Jiang Chen hung up the phone after speaking. This President Jiang is a small vendor who only cares about his immediate interests. If it weren't for the contract, Jiang Chen wouldn't bother to cooperate with him.

After the phone was hung up, Mr. Jiang called Jiang Chen back in a hurry. Jiang Chen wanted to refuse, but he thought that he was so angry that he had forgotten the tourist's play time, so he answered the phone again.

"Hey, President Jiang, this really doesn't work, listen to me, let's set the fare the same as the Tengxian Desert Film and Television Tourism Base, so that we can keep up..."

"He is two hundred and five. Do you want to be two hundred and five? Okay, my scenic spot, the price is set by myself. If you want to cooperate, you can cooperate. If you don't cooperate, we will shoot and lose. If the time is lost, I will not pay my 5 billion. You You pay for the five billion of them yourself."

Jiang Chen didn't have a good temper, and then President Jiang calmed down. Yes, Jiang Chen was willing to pay 5 billion for him. What else is he worried about?Can his broken travel agencies add up to 5 billion?

"Okay, okay, how many days are these playtimes? Seven days?"

Seven days your uncle!Five thousand yuan will allow you to see my two trillion scenic spots for two days. I want to see it for seven days. Is your face so valuable?

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