I have a city in the desert

Chapter One Hundred And Seventy Three

Ren Dongsheng has cooperated with many scenic spots. He has more than 70 travel agencies in the country, and all of them are located in key cities. His travel agency is also very large, which is completely unmatched by Xinmei Travel Agency.Rao was so. When he heard that Jiang Chen had five thousand tickets for the tourist base, Ren Dongsheng also spouted the wine in his mouth instantly.

"Well, Xiaojiang, your price is too high. Now the tourist market is sluggish, and the tickets for the five-A scenic spot are only two or three hundred. Your scenic spot is not a five-A scenic spot, and it has no reputation, so...!"

Ren Dongsheng wiped his mouth while talking. He suddenly felt that Jiang Chen was a little swollen. He just said a few words about Jiang Chen, but he didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so boastful!

As soon as Ren Dongsheng finished speaking, Li still said to the side: "Jiang Chen, your scenic spot is quite magical, but the price is indeed a bit high. This has to be coupled with the accommodation and air tickets, plus the travel agency. Profit, no one can make money without receiving tens of thousands of dollars, so why not lower the price!"

Li still finished speaking, she also felt that Jiang Chen was a little swollen. Now, no one is willing to spend 10,000 yuan to see grass in the desert!

"That's right, Xiaoran is right. Desert scenic spots are already unwelcome, especially now that the desert is so hot and no one goes there anymore. Xiaojiang, listen to my uncle’s advice, don’t set the price high. Tickets are one or two hundred That’s fine. When the time comes, my travel agency won’t make you money, so I’ll treat you as a scenic spot for free!"

After Ren Dongsheng finished speaking, Jiang Chen saw that Ren Dongsheng reacted so much. He also said in a bit embarrassed manner: "Uncle, it's not that I don't want to lower the price, but that this is already the lowest price. If it drops again, there will be too many tourists in the scenic spot. Can't entertain."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Ren Dongsheng coughed and Li still said, "Xiao Ran, either let's eat first, and you two will go back and discuss things about the scenic spot!"

"No, there is no need to discuss it. My schedule is very tight, uncle, I will make it today. I will let you be the only designated travel agency in our scenic spot. You will never regret it. Also, don’t worry about tourists, you Just be responsible for sending tourists to the scenic spot."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Ren Dongsheng wanted to laugh. Jiang Chen was too arrogant. He didn't know that it was a winter of travel!

Ren Dongsheng just said that Zhu Chang is not as good as Jiang Chen, and now it seems that he is thinking too much.Zhu Chang is ugly, but at least he has a head!This Jiang Chen, does he have a head?

"This, don't want to..."

"There is no need to discuss anymore. I will solve the tourist's affairs. You can rest assured. By the way, you have to hurry up and contact the plane. You may not be able to get on one or two flights. Also, you can contact the high-speed rail. For the city’s high-speed rail, I will arrange for a bus to pick you up at the high-speed rail station and airport."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Ren Dongsheng didn’t care about Jiang Chen. He looked at Li Yan, and then pointed his head. Li still shook his head in embarrassment. That’s right, Ren Dongsheng signaled that Li Jing’s head was There is no problem, what can Li still say?Could she say that Jiang Chen's head was pretty funny?

"Uncle, or else, just cooperate with him. Anyway, you have nothing to lose!"

Li still looked at Ren Dongsheng with a look of embarrassment. Ren Dongsheng thought about it and gave him a name, and he didn't care if there were tourists or not, and he would just help Li.

Thinking of this, Ren Dongsheng looked at Jiang Chen helplessly and said: "Okay, then I promise you. By the way, I will have a meeting in the afternoon. You can go directly to my vice president to sign the contract!"

After all, he can't afford to lose his old face...

"Okay, thank you Uncle! Come, I'll toast you again!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he picked up the wine glass, Ren Dongsheng did not get up, he just picked up the wine glass and took a sip, and the wine was tasteless.

Because there was no common language, and Ren Dongsheng felt that Jiang Chen might really have a problem with his head, the three of them simply ate some and called the waiter to pay.

After the waiter arrived, Jiang Chen hurriedly took out his wallet. After all, this was what he asked Dongsheng to do, so this customer must be invited by him.

Ren Dongsheng saw that Jiang Chen had taken out his wallet, which was empty. He talked and said, "Farewell, Xiao Jiang, this meal is not cheap, let me come!"

As soon as Ren Dongsheng finished speaking, he was a little disappointed and helplessly took out his wallet from his pocket. He just took out the wallet, but the waitress looked at Jiang Chen with the bill and asked, "Are you Mr. Jiang Chenjiang? "

After the waitress finished speaking, Jiang Chen was a little puzzled, how did she know her name?

"Yes, I am Jiang Chen, what's the matter?"

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, here is the menu. You spent a total of five thousand six hundred yuan, please sign the order."

The waiter smiled, she spoke very gentle and polite, Jiang Chen took the order suspiciously, he just wanted to sign, Ren Dongsheng hurriedly shouted: "No, no, I'll invite, I'll sign!"

Ren Dongsheng wanted to pay the bill while he was talking. Unexpectedly, the beautiful waiter handed the pen to Jiang Chen and said to Ren Dongsheng with a smile: "Let this gentleman sign it. He is our hotel’s super platinum VIP. He ordered the meal. All are free. Besides, Mr. Jiang, you can leave as long as you sign here."

After the beautiful waiter finished speaking, Ren Dongsheng was dumbfounded. Has this hotel followed suit?He is a paranoid neuropathy, you are a five-star hotel, what kind of order do you give him!

Not only Ren Dongsheng was puzzled, even Li was still puzzled.She knows Jiang Chen's identity better than anyone else. He is an out-and-out peasant child. How could he... Wait a minute, is it the hotel doing activities?

"No, when did I become the platinum VIP of your hotel? I have never been to your hotel. Did you make a mistake?"

Jiang Chen didn't want to take advantage of anyone. After all, he still paid out the five thousand yuan.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the waiter said with a smile on her face: "Mr. Jiang, your platinum VIP was specially organized for you by the car manager, and our car manager specially explained that as long as you stay and dine at the hotel under the Narada Group All free."

After the beautiful waiter finished speaking, Jiang Chen was taken aback. Dong Che?Which car director?Wait a minute, is she talking about Che Wenfei from Urumqi International Hotel?

"Is your boss Che Wenfei from Urumqi?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the beautiful waiter nodded and said, "Yes, our chairman is Che Wenfei."

After the beautiful waiter finished speaking, Jiang Chen laughed. No wonder the hotel would waive the bill. Since it was Che Wenfei’s hotel, he would also be polite with him. So thinking of this, Jiang Chen reached out and signed the bill. Got his own name.

After Jiang Chen signed the name, the beautiful waiter bowed to Jiang Chen and said, "Mr. Xie Jiang, welcome to eat again next time!"

After the beauty waiter finished speaking, Ren Dongsheng’s whole person was changed. He never expected that the dignified five-star hotel would waive Jiang Chen. Of course, he did not expect Jiang Chen to know the general manager of Narada Group. , You must know that the car is always the top 100 rich man in China!

"You, how do you know Che Wenfei?"

After the waiter left, Ren Dongsheng looked at Jiang Chen and couldn't help but ask. Now he looks at Jiang Chen and he obviously respects a lot. Yes, who can become friends with a rich man like Che Zong is a simple master?

"Well, it's a long story. I used to drink together."

After Jiang Chen got up, he would pack and take away the food on the table. After all, the CD operation started with me!

"Jiang Chen, can he give you a free bill if you drink with him?"

Li still asked questioningly as he picked up the plastic bag and helped Jiang Chen pack it up. After all, the food in this five-star hotel was still very delicious, and many of them didn't use their chopsticks.

"Drinking together will definitely not give me a waiver. Still, I have a cooperation with him. He wants to build a hotel in my scenic spot. I granted him a few plots of land."

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