I have a city in the desert

Chapter 176 The enemy of the enemy is the friend

The job fair of the University of Medical Sciences went smoothly. There were more than 1,900 graduates of the University of Medical Sciences. Jiang Chen recruited more than 700 of the best people. Jiang Chen was very satisfied with this.

In the evening, after Jiang Chen handed over the recruitment of the head of the department to the new dean Sun Yu, he took a plane back to Mojiang County.

After returning to Mojiang County, Jiang Chen knew that he had to hurry up to make money. He owed more and more money now. If he didn't make money, he might be bankrupt!

Just as Jiang Chen was about to discuss with Guan Xu to sell a lot of rose petals to raise money, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang.In Mojiang County, the sky in China is already dark, and the sun here has just set.

Jiang Chen took out his cell phone. There was an unfamiliar number in the cell phone, and Jiang Chen hurriedly picked it up.

"Hello, are you?"

"I, Master Zhu."

Hearing the familiar voice, Jiang Chen frowned: "Zhu Chang? Ha ha, are you free? Why do you always call me?"

Jiang Chen wanted to hang up while he was talking, this guy is really crazy!

"Don't hang up yet, Jiang Chen, let me tell you good news, come and listen to whose voice it is!"

"Hey, boss Jiang, do you remember me?"

There was another rough voice on the phone, which Jiang Chen was also familiar with. This was Mr. Jiang from Xinmei Travel Agency.Hearing Mr. Jiang’s call, Jiang Chen was surprised. Why is Mr. Jiang and Zhu Chang together?

"Jiang Huai?"

After Jiang Chen said puzzledly, Zhu Chang over there laughed loudly after answering the phone: "Yes, it is Jiang Huai. Jiang Chen, I can't think of it, your old partner has gone to me, I see how you can win !"

After Zhu Chang finished speaking, Jiang Chen understood in an instant, yes, this cheating Jiang Huai actually hooked up with Zhu Chang!

"Jiang Huai, what do you mean?"

Jiang Chen asked on the phone. After Jiang Chen's questioning, Jiang Huai’s treacherous laugh came from the other end of the phone: “Boss Jiang, I’ve never heard that an enemy’s enemy is a friend. That’s right. It's a friend. He also allocated a part of the scenic spot to me. Don't blame me for being unfeeling. The mall is like this. Wherever the benefits are, our businessmen are there."

After Jiang Huai said, Jiang Chen is really...

"Jiang Huai, you still don't believe me when I said you are a second fool, do you really think Zhu Chang will win? Tell you, he is sure to lose!"

Jiang Chen really wanted to pull him and couldn't even pull him. Jiang Huai was deliberately dead. What could Jiang Chen do?

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Jiang Huai also sneered: "You are the second fool. You set the ticket for the scenic spot so high, and the fool goes to your scenic spot! Also, you said you would help me, I think you were thinking Harm me! Tell you, I now have the tourist base in Teng County, and soon my travel agency will have more tourists. Then our two travel agencies will compete with you. I see how you win us! Also, as long as you lose Yes, you don’t even want to get a cent of my ten to thirty percent of the shares!"

After Jiang Huai finished speaking, he almost wanted to praise his wit!That's right, on the verge of death, he pulled himself up. When the company develops in the future, he must tell every employee of his feat today, and he must let them know that his boss is in this world. The smartest person!

"Hey, Jiang Chen, let me tell you the good news by the way. I have requested the management right of Today's Flowers from my dad, which means that I am now the owner of Today's Flowers. Haha, you can't think of it, just wait. Let me cut off all your roses!"

After Zhu Chang finished speaking, Jiang Chen actually laughed angrily. That's right, are all the people of Zhu's family in Beijing a fool?This Zhu Chang is so retarded, do you dare to give him today's flowers?

"Okay, just cut it off! By the way, I'm going to cut the price of roses. I'm going to sell one thousand, and I'll start selling it the day after tomorrow. Until all the roses are sold out, you dare to compare with me?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Zhu Chang said with a sneer: "Bi-just-bi! I'm afraid of you, tell you, I don't believe that you consume more energy than me!"

After Zhu Chang snorted, he hung up the phone. After the phone was hung up, Jiang Chen looked at the sunset, and the desert before the arrival of Kuangsha was a bit unstable.

"Compare with me, hehe, I want to see how much money your family has!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chen drove the car and went to Guanzhou, and now he had to find a way to kill Zhu Chang.

When Guan Xu was found, Guan Xu was instructing the installation of machines at the rose petal processing plant. When Jiang Chen arrived there, all the machines had been commissioned and workers had been recruited, and the first batch of experimental rose petals had been packaged. .

At the rose petal factory, Guan Cuo saw Jiang Chen coming, and he said with surprise on his face: "Boss Jiang, you are here just right, come and see our dried rose petals!"

Guan Cu handed Jiang Chen a packet of petals, which was 30 petals, just enough for a bath.

Jiang Chen asked people to fetch warm water. He scattered the petals in it, and then put his hands in the warm water. A group of people looked at Jiang Chen curiously. They waited for a miracle to happen, and Jiang Chen also moved a stool to sit on it. I felt it carefully next to the bucket.

The last ray of sunset in the sky fell into the horizon, and Jiang Chen took out his hand, and he felt the hand soaked in the water extremely comfortable.Under the light, a group of people looked at Jiang Chen's two hands, and they closed their mouths together in amazement.

"Wow, this effect is amazing!"

Jiang Chen lowered his head and looked at his hands. The hands soaked in the rose bath were white and delicate, and the black matter was discharged. On the other hand, the other hand looked a lot rougher, and it was a little dark.

"Success! President Guan, starting from today, the workers are working in three shifts, processing rose petals day and night!"

Jiang Chen was also very excited. After his own experimentation, he seemed to see the trillion-dollar market waiting for him. That's right, when all the flowers were sold out, he made money, and he would continue to produce this Petals, he will let two-thirds of the women in China use his rose petals for bathing!

"Okay! Start work, start work! From now on, three shifts a day, Director Hua, I will leave it to you here. Remember to process all the roses before they fall!"

After Guan Cuo finished speaking, a 30-year-old man behind him stood up straight and respectfully said in surprise: "President Guan, don't worry, I will complete the task on time!"

Manager Hua arranged for the workers to start work. After the workers got busy, Jiang Chen left the rose petal processing plant with Guan Cu.

After leaving the rose flower processing plant, Jiang Chen and President Guan found a restaurant and sat down. The restaurant was not very big, and the two of them ordered some side dishes and got a bottle of wine.

"President Guan, I have already talked about the dean of the hospital, and the doctors have also talked about it. They will be in Mojiang in early June. From now on, we Mojiang people will never have to go to Beijing for medical treatment!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Guan Zuo was very happy. That's right, it's a great thing to be able to enjoy the medical treatment in Beijing right at the door!

"Good thing, good thing, boss Jiang, I happen to have something to tell you. The various facilities of our tourist base have been built in the past two days. As long as you have a word, our scenic spot will be open soon!"

After Guan Zuo finished speaking, Jiang Chen nodded with satisfaction. Guan Zuo helped him, and he was really relieved.

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