I have a city in the desert

Chapter 178: Tu Sanshi looked up at the starry sky

It was already ten o'clock in the morning, just after dawn in the desert. At the opening ceremony of the scenic spot, a group of self-media people gathered around Jiang Chen to ask questions, and some people simply started the live broadcast. He kept pointing the camera. Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen was very disgusted.

"Hello everyone, I’m Maoyaxin’s outdoor live broadcast brother Daqin, and the live broadcast project I bring to you today is the opening ceremony of the Mojiang Scenic Area. I must all know that this Mojiang Scenic Area is a shameless pepper live broadcast Xiaozhu Jiang Chenkai The scenic spot, today I will let everyone take a look at how such a rubbish scenic spot cheated everyone of money!"

Daqin insisted on talking to Jiang Chen and shouted: "Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen, come and show up together. By the way, I heard that you are the outdoor brother of Jiali Live. Do you have many fans? ?"

Da Qin was only seventeen or eighteen years old, dyed with weird hair, smoky makeup, and had pierced ears on his nose and mouth. He looked nondescript.

When he got close, Jiang Chen saw the number of his fans. His fans already had more than one million.

"Keep on working hard. If you eat shit live, you may have as many fans as mine."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Da Qin was instantly angry. He pointed to Jiang Chen and yelled, "You tell me again?"

When Jiang Chen waved his hand, two security guards came in the distance. The security guards went up and pressed Da Qin to the ground. They held Da Qin's head with batons and pressed him to the ground.

Jiang Chen walked to him, he lifted the phone that had fallen on the ground, and then pointed the camera at Daqin and said, "Wait, you will have more than tens of millions of fans later."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he walked straight to the rostrum. A group of self-media behind him wanted to humiliate Jiang Chen. Guan Xu hurriedly shouted, "Dear reporters and friends, please go to the media area and sit down. Yes, we will leave you interview time."

After Guan Zuo finished speaking, Jiang Chen looked back at Guan Zu and said, "The media area is not reserved for them. The media area is reserved for the real media. They should go and squat for the self-media who are afraid of time. "

Jiang Chen didn’t look down on the self-media, but many self-media themselves stunned themselves. They reported some fictitious things every day, and gained attention. Being responsible for society, Jiang Chen looks down on them.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a self-media agency pointed at Jiang Chen and scolded: "I don't allow you to insult our media people. I will sue you now!"

"Insult? Okay, then you can take a look at your previous reports. I want to see what positive things you have reported!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the media person snorted and said, "You have no right to control what I have reported. However, if you insult me, you insult our media people. I..."

"The boss got married, I gave the boss five hundred red envelopes, I got married, but the boss... I was angry on the spot."

"The rural teachers protested against the low wages, two thousand a month, which is less than migrant workers and more money than migrant workers. We migrant workers are not satisfied!"

"Fan Jiabing has a short skirt to his thigh, do you dare to squat down?"

"Our company recruited a little bit and turned it into another word. The doctoral students did not make it, the elementary school students did it miraculously, the experts, the elementary school students were admitted..."

"Because my daughter is too beautiful, my mother will not allow her to go out for a year! After seeing her daughter, Tu Sanshi cried excitedly..."

"Because the sister-in-law is too beautiful, my sister will not let her brother marry her! After seeing the sister-in-law, Tu Sanshi was stunned for three seconds..."

Just when the media was angrily trying to report Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen looked at his We Media account, and then immediately read his article on Baidu and read it. Jiang Chen was thinking about a group of people and couldn't bear it.

"Damn, is your company a brain teaser company? Admission of elementary school students every day, is this the reason your company closed down?"

"Why do rural workers compare their wages with agricultural teachers? Also, when do we migrant workers disagree? Higher wages of rural teachers will attract more outstanding teachers to teach our children. Why should we disagree?"

"We are courteous with the boss, and the boss always doubles for us. You and the others provoke discord every day. Are you afraid that the world will not be chaotic?"

Originally, a few tourists from Iraq were going to watch the excitement. After they heard Jiang Chen finished reading, they instantly became excited. Someone in the crowd yelled, and a group of tourists suddenly dragged the guy to the ground and rubbed. When they got up, other self-media organizations hid behind the security guard and dared not speak.

After a group of people beat up the self-media who reported spam that day, Jiang Chen was afraid that they had killed someone at his opening ceremony. He hurriedly pointed to several security guards and said, "Get them away."

After a few big and small security guards pulled away a group of tourists, the excrement and urine of the self-media person lying on the ground came out. There was an uproar at the scene. Several self-media members hurriedly took photos and sent them to the official account.

Xiao Wang watched the news: The heavy news, Chili outdoor live broadcast one brother beat Daqin because his fans are not as angry as Maoya.

Gossip: Oh my god, the person in charge of Mojiang Scenic Area actually fought against those who remembered their conscience, just because they remembered...

Xiaoming watch entertainment: murdered, important news, the first person to kill the reporter of justice in the outdoor live broadcast of pepper!

Xiaopeng Qihua said: Why was the reporter beaten?It's time to ask the person in charge of Mojiang Scenic Area for an explanation!


A few self-media articles were reposted by tens of thousands of self-media accounts. These out-of-context news spread all over the Internet instantly, but Jiang Chen didn’t know that he was still doing his opening ceremony. The final preparation.

When Mojiang is busy, the desert film and television tourism base in Teng County is also busy at the moment.Teng County is not too far away from Mojiang. They are under the jurisdiction of Yi City. The difference is that Teng County is far more remote than Mojiang. There is no direct train yet, and road repairs are muddy and uneven.

At this moment, the tailoring ceremony at the entrance of the scenic spot started early. There were many leaders who participated in this tailoring, and the leaders of the entire Teng County went. Not only that, even the deputy mayor of the city personally participated in the tailoring ceremony.

After the tailoring ceremony was completed, the scenic area was officially opened, but there were not many tourists at the moment, so Zhu Chang, a good deed, drove towards the Mojiang scenic area with a few attendants. They were going to Mojiang to see Jiang Chen's jokes.

When approaching the Mojiang Scenic Area, Shao Meng saw the overwhelming news on the Internet cursing Jiang Chen, and he shouted with excitement: "Zhu Shao, Zhu Shao, the self-media hired by us has succeeded! Look!"

Meng Shao handed the phone to Zhu Chang while he was talking. Zhu Chang took the phone and took a look. He saw that the top ten of the thousand degrees search were all occupied by Jiang Chen, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

"Okay! Well done! Jiang Chen, let me see how you stand up this time!"

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