I have a city in the desert

Chapter 189 Please start your performance

With the advent of the night, those who went out to socialize gradually returned home.They subconsciously turned on their mobile phones. Almost everyone’s mobile phones are pushing news about Jiang Chen’s debate with the We Media, so more and more people are starting to enter Jiang Chen’s live broadcast room. After all, this sensational rumor incident in China can be described as It affects the hearts of the whole country.

Before nine o'clock in the evening, the number of people in Jiang Chen’s live broadcast room exceeded the 200 million mark. With so many people coming in, the entire Chili Live app became sluggish. Fortunately, Chili Live was all fighting, and soon they The server was upgraded to solve the problem of lag.

In the live broadcast room, Da Qin's appearance really surprised Tiantian Entertainment. Not only him, but Jiang Chen was also a little surprised.

Live every day: Daqin, they clearly beat you, why don't you dare to admit it?Don't be afraid of them, we can't stop catching people from the media!

Pig with dreams: Really?Severe punishment for beating!

I don't want to mess up: Is the anchor holding a whitewashing conference?

Love between the Fingers: Hahaha, I want to see how the anchor whitewashes, just came here, I didn't miss anything!

Master of exquisite products: I have already washed two white, everyone cut the watermelon and continue to watch!

Xiaoyao anchor Daqin: Entertain every day, listen to my advice and stop hacking him.Jiang Chen is really a great person, and his greatness cannot be contemplated by people like you and me with a gloomy heart.By the way, when you come to his scenic spot, you will suddenly find that he is really a hero, he is like an eagle in the sky, we are like a group of chicks tightly blocked by him, we There was no reason to stabb him in the back.Besides, he is not afraid of you, do you see that he fights with you 300 million people alone and he shrinks?However, hey, he is really tired. When I came back today, I saw him sitting on the grass alone. That kind of helplessness and loneliness was really sad.

After Xiaoyao anchor Daqin finished speaking, the live broadcast room was suddenly quiet for a while, but soon the silence was broken by Tiantian Entertainment.

Tiantian Entertainment: We media people are not to be insulted. He let us media people sit on the ground and beat us. This is right...

Xiaoyao anchor Daqin: Well, since you want to say that, then I'll tell you all, Tiantian Entertainment, why did those We-media go to Jiang Chen's scenic spot to make trouble?Can you tell everyone?

Tiantian Entertainment: What are you talking nonsense?Are you dying, know?

Peerless Master: Wait a minute, how do I think there is a story in this?

Mr. Huda: Please start your performance!

Xiaoyao anchor Daqin: I will surrender after I say this, so I am not afraid of your revenge!Now I just want to tell you the truth, nothing more!

Song Chuchu: Tell the truth, we will protect you!

Tiantian Entertainment: Think clearly!

Xiaoyao anchor Daqin: After thinking about it clearly, I'm still young, and I can come out after going in and squatting for a few years. After I come out, I will go to Jiang Chen first!Okay, it's time for everyone to know the truth. The reason why we media people go to Jiang Chen's scenic spot is not because we want to report anything, we just took the money to make trouble.Of course, Tiantian Entertainment is the same as us. I am very responsible to tell everyone that we report fake news, and Tiantian Entertainment is responsible for forwarding and creating momentum.Tiantian Entertainment, I'm right, and the one hundred thousand dollars in your card should have arrived!

After Xiaoyao anchor Daqin finished speaking, the screen suddenly exploded in the live broadcast room!

Peerless Master: What?Let me wipe it, this story flips so fast!

Panda: Then can you tell me why you want to make trouble?

Tiantian Entertainment: All you tell lies, I never took any money!

Xiaoyao anchor Daqin: Oh, I almost forgot. It seems that you really didn't take the money. Xu Wen was arrested when he sent you money. The account hasn't been transferred to you yet!By the way, you asked us why we went to Hei Jiangchen. This is very obvious. Jiang Chen and Zhu Shao made a 5 billion bet. Whoever loses will donate 5 billion to rural primary schools. do you know?

Champion Glory: What?Five billion bet?When did this happen?

Nanqiu: This, seems to have never heard of...

Daily Entertainment: He is a lunatic, don't believe him!

Xiaoyao anchor Daqin: Ha ha, am I a lunatic?I can guarantee you will be taken away in ten minutes!Tiantian Entertainment, I didn’t expect it. When I signed the agreement, I secretly recorded the video. Originally, I was afraid that they would not give me the money. I didn’t expect this to catch all of you who slipped through the net.

After Xiaoyao anchor Daqin finished speaking, Jiang Chen was also stunned on the grassland. That’s right, he never expected that Daqin, who had been rubbed heavily on the ground by himself, would stand up to help him at a critical moment. I also regretted treating him like yesterday.

"Daqin, I'm sorry."

Jiang Chen finished speaking to the screen with tears in his eyes. At this moment, at the moment when he was pointed out by thousands of men, he did not expect that the person who rescued him would be his enemy!

Xiaoyao anchor Daqin: There is nothing sorry, we are sorry for you, yes, your scenic spot is great, you have to continue to cheer, whether we can see the blue sky and white clouds, it depends on you!Okay, let’s not talk about such a sad topic. I still have ten minutes. Maybe someone will come and take me away in less than ten minutes. Let me tell you about the stakes!

Nanqiu: Hurry up and say, we are very interested!

Panda: Yes, let's talk about the stakes!

Xiaoyao anchor Daqin: If you want to talk about this bet, you have to talk about it a few days ago. Jiang Chen and Zhu Shao both built a desert scenic spot in Yicheng, and they made a bet in front of the new provincial media. The first five hundred tourists in the scenic spot will win, and whoever reaches five hundred will lose.Whoever loses will have to donate 5 billion yuan to build rural primary schools.So Shao Zhu secretly sought out our self-media to disrupt Jiang Chen’s opening ceremony. As long as we stinks Jiang Chen’s reputation, each of us can get one hundred thousand yuan, entertainment every day, I’m right!

After Xiaoyao anchor Daqin finished speaking, a group of viewers and the self-media were stunned. They never expected Daqin to tell all the behind-the-scenes news!

Daily Entertainment: You are in Hu...

Panda: Hu what?Everyday Entertainment is finished!

Suzhou Creek: That's right, you can tell the truth quickly!

Xiaoyao anchor Daqin: It's useless, don't call him. His home is next to the police station. He must be controlled now. Okay, I won't say anything. I should pack up and prepare to be a new person.

Xiaoyao anchor Daqin lost his voice after speaking. For a while, the Internet became quiet, and people began to think more. Yes, sometimes they often think that the right thing is really right?

Encyclopedia-like me: Well, it seems that we were really deceived. Can these people report really ignorant of their conscience?Will their conscience hurt?

Three people and the second element: In order to click, where is the conscience of these people...

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