I have a city in the desert

Chapter 196: The Arrival of the Big Star

Jiang Chen was very curious about what these people were doing here. Knowing that they live in the desert, they would definitely not spend money to visit the desert.

"Auntie, are you a local!"

Jiang Chen looked at the peasant woman with calluses next to her and asked. The aunt looked back at Jiang Chen and said with a smile: "Yes, we are all locals, you are babies from other places! Look at you from other places. It’s really hard for my baby to come to such a hot desert to chase stars."

After the aunt finished speaking, Jiang Chen gave a wry smile. We are not a star chaser!

"You live in the desert, why do you still pay to see the desert? Is the scenic spot really that beautiful?"

"What a good thing, we are here to get the roses. We bought the tickets and gave them to the village head after we walked in. The village head gave me three thousand yuan."

After the aunt finished speaking, Jiang Chen looked at a group of lovely people in the team. He couldn't help but smile. No wonder there are so many people in Zhuchang Scenic Area, who originally came to receive roses!

"Okay, Zhu Chang, you are really not afraid of losing your life!"

A smile leaked from Jiang Chen's face. He looked at the endless crowd in front of him. He roughly estimated that at least a thousand people would have to pay at least ten million to start at the scenic spot. Thinking of this, Jiang Chen couldn't help being Zhu Chang's IQ praised.

When Jiang Chen lined up to the entrance of the scenic spot, there was a quarrel at the entrance of the scenic spot. After a few moments, there was a fighting phenomenon. The fighting sounded and the crowd in front of him instantly dispersed.

"Why don't you give me roses?"

"It's said that people in the new province don't have roses, you don't know how to read!"

"You are a bunch of scammers! How many people do I know who are farming? All of my hard-earned money was cheated by you!"

When an old lady finished speaking, the security pointed at the old lady and cursed: "Hey, old man, be careful when you speak! You said we have no conscience? Do you have a conscience? You brought us a ticket for two hundred yuan Ten thousand roses, what do you want you?"

After the security guard finished speaking, a group of tourists heard that they would not give roses, and they scolded: "Don't give roses, let me tell you! Lao Tzu came by car, and I was wasting my gas money!"

"That's right, it's such a hot day, you are sick!"

"Forget it, I want to be able to come next time, I will cut all my head for you!"

"Hey, let's go, don't read it, let's go to Jiang Chen's scenic spot, and the scenic spot will give you 15 thousand rose petals!"

"Go, don't watch!"

A group of young people walked towards the parking lot after they had finished speaking. As soon as these people left, a group of ordinary people also shouted and cursed and went home. This is a hot day, where it is not good to be cool, who wants to see some shit desert here.

After the nearby people left, the lively scenic spot instantly became deserted. There were only dozens of students left at the entrance of the scenic spot. These students seemed to be in their teens. When a group of students saw the tourists all left, they stared at each other.

"Hey, security, you have agreed to see Cai Kun, can you see them?"

Under the scorching sun, a little girl holding a pink umbrella looked at the security guard and questioned him. When the security guard saw the Mandarin they spoke, he guessed that these students must have come from other provinces, so he looked at a group of students and shouted: " Don't worry, they have already gone in just now, and they will be filming in there later, so buy tickets and go in!"

After the security guard finished speaking, a group of people walked out of a tent. They set up a shooting booth next to the golden sand dunes. Seeing this, the star chasers hurriedly bought tickets and entered the scenic spot.Jiang Chen bought tickets into the scenic spot with the students. He was only 19 years old, and he was not found among the students.

The studio was set up very quickly, and it was built in a short time. After half an hour, Cai Kun walked out with a basketball. Five or six assistants around him were holding an umbrella and blowing in the wind, while shouting that he wanted to take a photo. Fans of, a group of female fans saw Cai Kun coming out, they screamed in an instant, and even a little girl fell to the ground because she was screaming too hard and lacked her brain support.

"Kunkun, Kunkun, I love you!"

"Kunkun, Kunkun, you are the best, I want to marry you!"

"Kunkun is great, great..."

A group of girls almost fainted with excitement when they saw Cai Kun, especially when they watched idol filming in the sun, they covered their mouths and started crying with distress.

Jiang Chen looked at a group of people, and his jaw dropped in surprise. This group of star chasers are too crazy!Also, what is so distressing about this?Didn't you see five or six assistants blowing the wind on him?Do you feel bad about yourself without a fan?

Cai Kun walked to the scenic spot accompanied by a group of assistants. Not too often, the big star Fan Jiabing also walked from the tent. The big star is the big star. As soon as Fan Jiabing appeared on the stage, a group of male fans yelled with a light sign. : "Goddess, goddess, I love you!"

"Ice is the best!"

"We'll support you forever!"


The fans on both sides screamed earth-shattering, Jiang Chenzhen's ears were almost deaf, he shook his head and looked forward, Fan Jiabing had already walked to the camera with Cai Kun, and the shooting had begun.

"Hey, these two people are so familiar!"

At this moment, Fan Jiabing and Cai Kun had changed their clothes and had a new hairstyle, but Jiang Chen recognized them at a glance. Yes, they were the people they met on the road. Jiang Chen hurriedly took them out of his pockets. The card, as expected, it read: Fan Jiabing.

"I'm going, I actually have a line of Huadan Fan Jiabing's business card!"

Jiang Chen was also taken aback, but the TV started shooting in the distance.

"Teacher Cai, can I trouble you to take off your umbrella? We are shooting a mini-film playing basketball in the desert. So, can the assistant teachers leave temporarily?"

After the director spoke politely, Cai Kun nodded to the assistant beside him. After all, in front of the fans, people can't jump!

The assistant took the umbrella and stood aside. As soon as the assistant walked away, the director shouted God Ike, and soon Cai Kun dribbled the ball in the desert.He hadn't transported twice yet, and his whole body was soaked. Cai Kun still wanted to endure it, but he threw himself to the ground.

After Cai Kun fell, a group of assistants hurriedly ran over and helped him up.

"Quick, quick, call the doctor!"

The director was also taken aback. After he yelled to the infirmary, the doctor arrived soon.The doctor opened Caikun's eyes and took a look, then looked at Caikun's face and hurriedly poured a bottle of Huoxiang Zhengqi water into Caikun.

After the medicine was poured, a group of assistants hurriedly asked: "Doctor, what's wrong with him?"

"Heat stroke."


When Cai Kun woke up, the back of his neck felt fierce and painful, and his whole body was dizzy.The doctor looked at him and said faintly behind his back: "Scald, the temperature of the sand is too high, it is not suitable for filming here."

Cai Kun heard that he was scalded, his face changed and pointed at the director angrily: "What did you eat? What scene did you choose? I don't care, I will not shoot today, and you must give me an explanation today! "

After Cai Kun turned his head and walked towards the tent.As soon as Cai Kun left, the crew was unable to film. The director wanted to film Fan Jiabing's scene, but the desert was so hot and the temperature reached almost fifty degrees. Fan Jiabing was reluctant to film in the open air. You must know that these stars rely on a face. , If her face gets sunburned here, how will they film the scene?

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