I have a city in the desert

Chapter 201 High Interest

When it comes to borrowing money, is there anything more real than a bank?So when Jiang Chen saw that Gan Youwei called himself, he was not welcome.

"Hey, President Gan, I'm about to call you! I need money, 10 billion, can you lend me?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Gan Youwei on the other end of the phone laughed. Yes, he made this call to lend Jiang Chen money.

The whole group knew about Jiang Chen's bet with Zhu Chang, and Zhu Chang was the first to complete the task. Zhu Chang had already been blown up in Beijing, so Gan Youwei was the first to think that Jiang Chen needed money, and he just wanted to...

"There is a problem, ten billion is a trivial thing. However, Xiao Jiang, such a large loan, it is not easy to approve, you know, I am only a minority shareholder..."

"I know, I will mortgage my scenic spot to you, and I will return you 10 billion before the end of the year. If you can't pay back, my scenic spot will be yours!"

Jiang Chen knew that most of this guy's idea of ​​calling himself was to use his own scenic spot, so he didn't bother to make a mistake with Gan Youwei.After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Gan Youwei also said boldly: "Okay, I like someone as bold as you. You go to the Xinsheng branch to go through the procedures!"

Gan Youwei hung up the phone after he finished speaking. After the phone was hung up, Gan Youwei sat on the leather transfer and hummed happily. The last 2 billion loan didn't catch Jiang Chen. This time 10 billion loan, he didn't believe it. Jiang Chen won't be trapped.

After Jiang Chen hung up the phone, although he knew that Gan Youwei wanted to cheat him, he now had to take a loan. After all, he had to solve the problem before he could say anything else.

Jiang Chen drove directly to Guaqi Bank. After he rushed to Guaqi Bank, the head of the new province branch of Guaqi Bank ran to the door to pick him up.After Jiang Chen filled out the formalities at the Xinshui branch, the branch president raised the question of interest when repaying the loan at the end of next year. The interest of the ten billion loan at the end of the year was 1.2 billion, 1.2 billion, which is enough to buy a few. Company!

"1.2 billion is 1.2 billion. I don't care about this money when all my companies are put into operation!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he asked the Xinsheng branch to make a payment and he rushed to the Urumqi International Hotel.

After Jiang Chen arrived at the Urumqi International Hotel, the conference room on the fourth floor of the hotel was full of media, not only media, but also several notarization companies from Shanghai.

At two o'clock, Jiang Chen walked into the meeting place. The meeting place was a bit noisy. Governor Li hadn't come, but Zhu Chang and others arrived early.

At this time, Zhu Chang, with his head upright, put a band-aid on his nose, and his hands were also swollen, but this did not affect his good mood.When Jiang Chen looked at him, he was still whistling at the beauty on the notary stand.

"Zhu Shao, you are so clever. We can win against Jiang Chen this time, but it's all up to you!"

"That's right, Shao Zhu, this time we won Jiang Chen, his scenic spot must have collapsed, and then we will acquire him."

"Acquisition of your sister, tell you, my dad is interested in that piece of land. As long as I win Jiang Chen this time, my dad will give me 5 billion to play with Jiang Chen, and I will kill him!"

After Zhu Chang finished speaking, Jiang Chen had already walked to the rostrum. After Jiang Chen found his seat and sat down, Zhu Chang hurriedly walked over. At the same time, a group of reporters also turned on the video recorder and started filming.

"Good afternoon, friends and viewers, I’m SJTV’s reporter Wang Jing. I’m currently broadcasting to everyone at the donation ceremony of the Urumqi International Hotel. Now you can see that both parties of the donation have arrived at the scene. Let's go up for an interview."

After Wang Jing finished speaking, she walked quickly to Jiang Chen and Zhu Chang. She took the microphone and asked Jiang Chen, "Boss Jiang, can I interview you? May I ask if you win the Tengxian Desert Film and Television Base. will not……"

"Wait, this reporter, is it me who wins?"

Before the reporter finished speaking, Zhu Chang interrupted her. When the reporter heard, she was a little embarrassed to say: "I'm sorry, how did you achieve the victory?"

"It's very simple, with strength, right Jiang Chen, is 10 billion ready? Everyone has to watch him closely, don't let him run away."

After Zhu Chang finished speaking, a group of media burst into laughter. They also pointed the camera at Jiang Chen and gave Jiang Chen a capital letter.Now they are basically broadcasting live broadcasts. On the live videos, the barrage has been swiped everywhere.

"Wow, Jiang Chen failed. It's so cool to see his bitter face!"

"Shuang, your mother's cool, Jiang Chen is low-key, right?"

"Low-key your sister, Jiang Chen can't win. As far as I know, there are more than 600 fans of Zhu Dashao's scenic spot, and Jiang Chen's scenic spot seems to be few people!"

"I'm really looking forward to it, no matter who loses or wins, this is a win-win situation!"

"The old man is right. No matter who wins or loses, it is a win-win situation. Even if Zhu Shao loses, donating 5 billion yuan to rural primary schools in front of the national media, this advertisement will definitely make their families. Stocks have a direct daily limit."

"Yes, but if Jiang Chen loses, he will have nothing but miserable words. After all, he does not have a listed company."


At the scene, Zhu Chang had finished humiliating Jiang Chen. A reporter looked at Zhu Chang and asked: "Zhu Shao, do you have enough money? Also, I think the head of the Meng Group has also come this time. Are you here to advertise the listing of the Meng Group?"

After the reporter finished speaking, Zhu Changgang's face changed in an instant. Just as Zhu Chang wanted to have an attack, the staff in the distance shouted to this side: "Please come back to your seats, friends from the media, and our press conference will begin!"

After the host finished speaking, Governor Li and other leaders also walked straight from the backstage to the center of the rostrum.After everyone sat down, the host shouted: "Girls and gentlemen, welcome to the Urumqi charity donation press conference. First of all, thank you all the media friends who came to the scene and those who are waiting in front of the TV. Hello guys!"

There was applause at the scene. After the applause was over, the host calmly said: "Before the start of this donation event, let's announce one thing. We all know that the main donor of this donation will be the Mojiang Bermuda Scenic Spot or the Teng County Desert Tourism Base, then which one is the donor? Below, the head of the Beijing Fangyuan Notary Office will be here!"

After the host finished speaking, amid everyone’s applause, a bald, forty-year-old man walked to the center of the stage with a microphone. After he stood firm, he said to the crowded media friends: “Hello everyone, I am The chief notary of the Bermuda Scenic Area and the Desert Film and Television Base Scenic Area donated this time, let me announce the total number of visitors to the scenic spots of both sides as of 10 o’clock this morning. First of all, I want to announce the Teng County Desert Film and Television Tourism Base. Their number of guests is 547."

After Chief Wang finished speaking, Meng Hui and the others let out a sigh of relief. That's right, 547 people, they have won!

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