I have a city in the desert

Chapter 204 Please take it seriously

At the press conference, after the public office announced the results, the leaders of the foundation took to the stage.When Zhu Chang and others were pulled to the center of the stage by the staff, all the cameras were aimed at them. At this moment, their expressions were uglier than eating shit.

"Thank you, thank you for your concern about rural education!"

People from the foundation shook hands with them one by one. Meng Chaoyang saw that the host had not let them speak, he hurriedly shouted: "We also donated money, why don't we let us speak?"

After Meng Chaoyang finished speaking, a group of people were a little embarrassed. Yes, the host really wanted to remind them that if you all lost so badly, don't stand up ashamed, okay?


"Okay, you also donated money, you can also speak, if you have anything you want to say, let's say one by one!"

After Governor Li finished speaking, Meng Chaoyang took the lead to walk towards the speaking platform. He just walked to the speaking platform and heard a touch. The door of the venue opened. A dozen policemen walked in outside the door. After taking the stage, he asked the crowd: "Who is the person in charge of the Desert Film and Television Base in Teng County?"

After a leading policeman finished speaking, he saw Governor Li on the stage. He hurriedly saluted, and Governor Li asked, "What's wrong?"

After Governor Li finished speaking, the Guozilian police officer headed said: “Report to Governor Li that we have received complaints from the Provincial Tourism Bureau and students from Shangjing that the Tengxian Desert Film and Television Base is suspected of deceiving and beating tourists. The evidence is conclusive. They must be arrested in accordance with the law!"

After the sheriff finished speaking, Governor Li nodded. Yes, he absolutely does not allow anyone to beat tourists on his site, so he nodded and said: "If the evidence is conclusive, please deal with it seriously!"

"Yes! Governor Li!"

After the sheriff finished speaking, a dozen policemen behind him had already walked to the stage, and several shareholders of the Tengxian Desert Tourism Base on the stage also sat down on the ground with a plop.

"Take them away!"

The police chief took out the photos and compared them and arrested Zhu Chang, Ning Shao, Meng Hui and others. After several people were arrested, Meng Hui looked at Zhu Chang and cursed: "Zhu Chang, it's all your business. I said that you can't hit tourists, you're a big hit, you killed us, our money is gone, and people are breaking the law. I'm never ending with you!"

Meng Hui burst into tears as he spoke. At the moment, in the speech box, Meng Chaoyang also thumped and sat on the ground. He knew it, everything was over, and the cause of his life was over!

"Daddy! I told you not to invest in the scenic spot of Tengxian County. You didn't listen. Now it's fine. The more than one billion invested is gone, and another five billion loan is taken in. How do you let me live!"

Meng Chaoyang cried and scolded. As soon as he finished scolding, a policeman went up and took him away.

When a few people were taken away, a group of media still didn't forget to interview them with their microphones, and the cameramen deliberately gave them a big close-up of their faces.

It was already evening after the venue became quiet again. After Jiang Chen signed the donation agreement with the foundation, he took the nearest flight back to Mojiang.

After arriving at Mojiang, the sky was already dark. Jiang Chen drove the car on Highway 1. At this moment, his heart was refreshing. If it weren't for the car windows, Jiang Chen would have flown into the sky long ago. Up!

Before the car arrived at the Bermuda scenic area, Jiang Chen's cell phone suddenly rang. Jiang Chen wondered for a while that Zhu Chang was arrested. Who sent him a message this night?

Jiang Chen stopped the car. He took out his phone and opened it to see the message sent to him by the Farming App. Jiang Chen thought: "Yes, why patronize and go happy? Why did I forget that I was done. The task of five hundred tourists is now!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen hurriedly opened the app in the desert. The moment he opened the app, a reminder quickly popped out.

[System Tip]: Congratulations to the player for completing the task of 500 tourists, the player will get a brand new seed, please go to the building materials store to check!

After the system reminded him, Jiang Chen jumped up happily in an instant. Yes, it was the seed of the building materials mall. You know, building materials malls are all good things!

"Look at what good things are!"

Jiang Chen opened the building materials mall as he spoke, and after clicking the seed grid, a brand new seed appeared in the seed grid!The seed was strange, like a standing mung bean sprout. After Jiang Chen was busy opening the seed, the system jumped out of the seed introduction.

[Seed introduction]: Desert rechargeable street light seeds are magical street lights that absorb light to convert electricity.The street lamp can be charged continuously, and it only takes half an hour to keep the street lamp on for 24 hours.

After being fully charged, the street light can be on for one year.In addition, this rechargeable street light seed can also provide charging services. A street light can charge three new energy vehicles at the same time, can charge 20 mobile phones at the same time, and can also provide electricity for electric vehicles and other electrical tools.

Looking at the seeds of the desert charging street lamp, Jiang Chen was surprised and almost thought he was dreaming!

"This street light is so strong? It can last for a year on a single charge. What kind of battery technology is this? Wait a minute, if I can master this battery technology, then I will soon take control of the future of new energy vehicles?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen seemed to see his detached position in the field of new energy in the future!

"However, these products from future technology can be thoroughly studied by scientists now? Even if they can be thoroughly studied, is this kind of material available on earth?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he sighed, but turned his head and thought, I sighed with wool, now that there are street lights, wouldn't it solve a lot of problems?At least when building roads in the desert in the future, you no longer have to worry about not being able to buy street lights!

And there is one more point. This time tourists came to the desert. The problem they reported the most was that the desert could not charge their mobile phones, which caused them to miss a lot of beautiful scenery. Now that the desert charging street lights come out, the mobile phone charging problem is not perfectly solved?

"It's a good thing, but I don't know if it's expensive."

Jiang Chen clicked on the price profile as he spoke, and soon the system began to prompt.

[System reminder]: This street lamp design involves a number of patented technologies, so the cost is high, and the price of each street lamp is 1,000 yuan.

After the system prompts, Jiang Chen has a black line. Why is it expensive to buy such a street lamp that can charge the car for 1,000 yuan?What kind of joke are you opening!

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he was ecstatic in his heart. It happened that his street lights in scenic spots such as Xinghualing and Sunflower were not installed. Now they can all be changed to desert charging street lights!

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen took advantage of the fact that several scenic spots were not open, so Jiang Chen drove toward Xinghua Seascape with a kick.

It was ten o'clock in the night after arriving at the Xinghua Scenic Area. The ten o'clock in the desert had just been dark. Tourists gathered in the Bermuda Oasis Scenic Area to enjoy the peaceful night of grassy grasses. The Xinghua Scenic Area was empty.

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