I have a city in the desert

Chapter 207 Money can make ghosts push

At the entrance of Rose's Online Shop, Huang Mao turned on his phone. What he opened in his phone was the homepage of the "Flowers Today" online shop. Jiang Chen walked to the phone and looked at it, and his brows instantly frowned.

"Today's flower roses are all reduced in price, each for only five thousand yuan!"

Just after Jiang Chen finished reading it, Huang Mao's cell phone rang.Huang Mao reached out and connected the phone. Jiang Chen saw Zhu Chang sitting in the coffee shop. At this moment, Zhu Chang was drinking coffee while humming with Erlang's legs.

"You! Haven't you been arrested?"

Jiang Chen looked at Zhu Chang in the video with some surprises. Zhu Chang sneered and said, "I didn't break the law. Why are they arresting me? By the way, Jiang Chen, my roses have dropped in price. How about yours? I heard you I owe Guaqi Bank 10 billion yuan. After a year, will the interest be expensive?"

"none of your business!"

Zhu Chang didn't finish talking, Brother Tiger spat at him, and the saliva flew up, even though he was behind the screen, Zhu Chang subconsciously dodged.When Zhu Chang realized that he couldn't spit out his saliva, he pointed to the screen angrily and shouted: "You kid wait for me!"

After Jiang Chen waved his hand to let Brother Tiger retreat, he looked at Zhu Chang and said, "What do you want to do?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Zhu Chang drank a bitter coffee and coughed several times. It seemed that he rarely drank coffee.

"Ahem, what do I want to do? I'm not doing anything, I just help you analyze, you owe Guaqi Bank principal plus interest 11.2 billion, now there are still seven months to the New Year, which means you have one month You must earn 1.6 billion to repay the bill.

In addition, I heard that you have to invest Sun Yu 10 billion to build a laboratory by the end of the year, right? This month, you will need another 1.4 billion.

Also, I heard that you bought a house in the whole new district, more than 60 billion yuan, right? You will pay it back after the year. This month is 8.5 billion yuan. If you add up these things, you can make less than one month. Ten billion to 1.5 billion, you don't want to be able to complete the task."

After Zhu Chang finished speaking, Jiang Chen was shocked. He didn't know how Zhu Chang knew about this. What's more, what was his plan to study these?

"Then what's wrong, if I dare to borrow, I can pay it back."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Zhu Chang burst into laughter. He ordered the people around him to buy him a bottle of Lei Bi and then looked at Jiang Chen sinisterly and said: "Don't think I don't know what you want to pay back. You are the only one now. Isn’t the income from selling tickets and roses?

The sandstorm in June is coming soon, and the whole new province will be swallowed by the desert at that time, and then the fool will go to your scenic spot.Of course, you can still sell roses, but it is a dream to sell roses for trillions of dollars!"

After Zhu Chang finished speaking, Huang Mao and the others also looked at Jiang Chen and mocked: "Selling roses, selling roses, selling your mother’s roses, our boss sells five thousand one, you sell thirty thousand, I see ghosts Buy your roses!"

"Yes! When June is over, wait for the roses to rot in the ground! When your roses rot, you have no money to pay back, I see how arrogant you are!"

"Scar monkey, you say it again!"

"Let me say it again, what can you do? Fat Tiger, you are no longer my boss, please recognize your position, watchdog!"


Brother Tiger was about to beat the monkey when he went up. A group of reporters looked at Brother Tiger and reported: "The person in charge of the Mojiang Scenic Area asked the security guards to beat the tourists because they did not want to buy roses. Now everyone, please read the detailed report!"

After a group of media people finished speaking, Guan Su hurriedly stopped Brother Tiger.After Brother Hu was dragged by a few people, he kept struggling, but Jiang Chen stopped him.

"Brother Tiger, pay attention to the image. There is nothing for you here. Go back first. When you turn back, you come to my office to find me."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he patted Brother Tiger on the shoulder meaningfully. Brother Tiger knew that Jiang Chen had a deep meaning, so he looked at Scar Monkey and left with a cold snort.

After Brother Tiger left, Zhu Chang looked at Jiang Chen and said, “Although the Scar Monkey speaks badly, it’s a fact. By the way, my dad said that after you mortgage your scenic spot to the bank, my dad will give it to I bought it. I will be the person in charge of the scenic spot when that happens. You can come and be a dog for me!

When the time comes, I will help you pay off the debt. By the way, I will still bring Li with you. I will open the biggest nightclub for her and let her sell it every day. After a few decades, I can help you pay off, hehe Don't say that my brother doesn't help you, I will take care of her business for you when that happens!Hahaha!"

After Zhu Chang finished speaking, Jiang Chen clenched his fists. Since you dare to provoke me like this, okay, don't blame me for consuming you to the end!

"Zhu Chang, do you think that only you dare to lower the price? You have five thousand roses, right? Yes, I don't need money for roses. If there are seeds, just follow me to sell them!"

Jiang Chen sneered, and Zhu Chang also laughed over there: "No money? All right! I don't believe that your roses don't cost! Okay, I played with two big Yanmares yesterday. I'm sleepy, goodbye, let me see Door dog!

By the way, I really want to know why I am okay, now open the news!"

Zhu Chang hung up the phone after speaking, Jiang Chen turned on the phone, and Migu News just recommended him a news about the listing of the Meng Group.

Everyday Stock Market: Today, the Mengshi Group in the new province was successfully listed. At the beginning of the listing, there was a lot of noise about Mengshi Group’s young boss assaulting tourists. However, Meng Chaoyang, chairman of Mengshi Group, said that he would not tolerate Meng Hui’s beating of tourists. Conduct remorse education in the detention center.Not only that, the Mengshi Group received 2 billion investment from Dajiang Ventures as soon as it went public. At present, the Mengshi Group's stock has soared.

"How did the listing succeed? Shouldn't they cancel the listing plan and declare bankruptcy?"

Looking at the news on the phone, Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

"Hmph, you want to harm our boss, what a dream! Unexpectedly, our boss has bought out Meng Hui and covered all the black pots. Our boss and Ningying Group helped his family keep the company, and they also helped him get on the market. Right!"

After Huang Mao finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Chen smugly. Jiang Chen scolded him shamelessly, but Meng Hui was in trouble, what else could he do?In this incident, Jiang Chen had seen the true strength of the Zhu family in Shangjing, but Jiang Chen would not concede defeat casually.

"Are you finished? You can go now!"

Guan Cu saw Zhu Chang hung up the phone, he questioned Huang Mao, Huang Mao nodded, he waved his hand and led a dozen younger brothers and a group of media people away.

After Huang Mao left, Jiang Chen hurriedly drove towards the rose factory.Now is the time when the roses are in full bloom, and it is also the time when the roses are most likely to wither. Therefore, his rose processing plant can't make a mistake!

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