I have a city in the desert

Chapter 209: Overbearing President Sees More

Speaking of the acquisition of shares in Xinmei Travel Agency, Jiang Chen thought for a while, it was indeed not a loss.Xinmei Travel Agency has more than 50 travel agencies across the country. Although they have closed down, this resource is here. Moreover, Jiang Chen is a tourist base, so if you have your own travel agency, in case a ray of sunshine travel agency is blind Now, he might have a way out.

Therefore, when a group of people laughed at Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen said to Jiang Huai: "Okay, just listen to Brother Xiong, but if the contract is signed, no one can go back!"

Seeing that Jiang Chen agreed, Jiang Huai hurried to change the contract. While changing the contract, he smiled and said, "Brother Xiong, you have made a profit this time. This kid has no money. He just borrowed 10 billion. I donated it, and now I can’t get 10,000 in my pocket!"

Jiang Huai knew Jiang Chen thoroughly. Jiang Huai printed the revised contract as he spoke. After the printing was completed, he handed it to Brother Hu and Jiang Chen and said, "Sign it, we will be your witness. !"

Jiang Chen looked at the contract and nodded and said: "Yes, you can sign it, but you have to transfer your shares to Brother Tiger first. I can only sign it after Brother Tiger gets your travel agency."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Brother Tiger saw that this kid Jiang Chen was really aware of the law. He looked at Jiang Huai and said, "Your kid is sure he has no money?"

"I'm sure, 100% sure! Moreover, he still owes the Mojiang government more than 60 billion yuan. Where can he get the money now!"

After Jiang Huai finished speaking, Brother Hu thought for a while. Indeed, this kid was afraid of deliberately scaring him when he saw that he couldn’t go out. So Brother Hu was not verbose. He directly signed the transfer contract with Jiang Huai and transferred a thousand to Jiang Huai. Million.

Jiang Huai got the money and worked harder. After he laid out the contract for the two people, in order to prevent Jiang Chen from cheating, he even went to the notary company to do the notarization.

After the notary arrived, Brother Hu pointed to Jiang Chen and said, "Sign it! If you can't pay the money later, your shares will stay here!"

Brother Tiger said me, a group of managers started talking again.

"If the shares are left, people have to stay. Such a person will let us educate him."

"That is, he must be educated and educated, otherwise his life will be rough!"

Looking at a group of good managers, Jiang Chen really wants to say that I am rugged and you are paralyzed!You guys, don't blame me if Brother Xiong fights people up later!

"Sign, sign!"

Jiang Chen signed his name as he spoke, and Brother Tiger also signed his name over there. Several notary offices also recorded images. After recording the evidence, they took a photo of the contract and saved it. Copies.

"Okay, the agreement is signed, let's pay! Tell you, you only have one hour!"

After Brother Xiong finished speaking, he reached out to a group of onlookers and gestured. Not only that, a manager even flattered and said, "Brother Xiong, let me be the manager of your company later!"

"Okay, you will be the manager! I will give you 20,000 yuan a month!"

"Brother Xiong is mighty! He can't pay the money later, let him go out on his knees!"

"Yes, let him go out on his knees, it's better to kneel more in front of me!"

"Hahaha, Lao Liu, you are too much! However, this outsider should really teach him a long lesson."

"Yes, let him know the cost of acting!"


A group of people wanted to pretend to be forced in front of a bunch of beautiful women. Brother Xiong touched the yellow hair on his head and instantly caused a retching of the beautiful employee on the opposite side, although he thought he was very handsome.

"I'll make a call."

Jiang Chen took out his cell phone while he was talking. Brother Xiong motioned everyone to be quiet, but he wanted to see what Jiang Chen could do to reach the sky.

"Hey, Manager Mu, how much liquidity does the company have now, can you transfer me 5 million?"

The manager Mu that Jiang Chen said was Mu Cheng from the Saha Cement Plant. After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Mu Cheng shook his head and went back: "Brother Jiang, I just sold the cement, and they didn't settle the project money, so I I don’t have any money now. I’m just about to apply for employee travel subsidies with you.”

"Well, then you can borrow it from the Saha shop first, and then return it when you have money."

After Jiang Chen finished talking and hung up the phone, Jiang Huai saw that Jiang Chen hadn’t borrowed money. He smiled and said to Brother Xiong: “How about Brother Xiong? I’ll just say he has no money. I will let you cheat him. Pit to money!"

Jiang Huai smiled and asked for credit. Brother Xiong was very happy. He patted Jiang Huai on the shoulder and said, "Okay, if your kid helps me get his shares, I will hire you to continue to be the manager at that time!"

"Thank you, Brother Xiong!" After all, although Jiang Huai's company sold the money, it was not enough to repay the bank loan. If he could have a job of 20,000 a month, at least his pressure would be much less.

Jiang Huai said with a flat face, and Brother Xiong sat down on a table and continued to watch Jiang Chen borrow money.

"Where else can I get the money? The Saha shop has no money, by the way, my live broadcast money!"

Jiang Chen took the cell phone and thought for a moment. He dialed Song Jiaqi's phone. After the call was made, Song Jiaqi's cold voice came through. She was habitually not enthusiastic about anything.

"You guys hurry up and report your recommendations, and, next time you sign up for the anchor, can you find some high-quality anchors?"

"Hello, President Song?"

"It's me, are you?"

"Jiang Chen!"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't read the name just now. By the way, why haven't you started the live broadcast these days? Your live broadcast is very effective, and more live broadcasts will retain more fans."

Song Jiaqi's voice is also very nice, clear and sweet, giving people a very intellectual feeling. She and Fan Jiabing are completely two types of voice.

"Well, it's open at night. By the way, I want to borrow some money first..."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, when Brother Tiger heard that Jiang Chen had borrowed money from a woman, he couldn't help but slapped the table and cursed, "It's shameless! It's shameful to find a woman to borrow money! What a shame of a man!"

After Brother Tiger finished speaking, a group of female employees at the door also poked at Jiang Chen.

"This man, did God give him a good skin to let him eat soft rice?"

"That's really shameless, the more handsome you are, the more you have to work hard to be the domineering president!"

"Made, you see too much domineering president! Brother Hu is the domineering president, do you think he is handsome?"

"Grass, you talk too much, but you talk too much!"

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts, Brother Tiger forgive me, Brother Tiger forgive me!"


Jiang Chen wondered, if the handsome man doesn't eat soft rice, is it left for the ugly man?

Besides, I am legal to ask for the money I deserve, OK?

"Well, yes, how much to borrow?"

"Five million, can you transfer it to me now?"

Jiang Chen knew that his rewards were at least 50 million in the past month, but it was not yet time to pay his salary, so he couldn't make Song Jiaqi too embarrassed.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Song Jiaqi on the other end of the phone was quite calm. After thinking about it, she would say: "Okay, now I can give you an advance of 5 million, but I have a condition."

When Jiang Chen heard that Song Jiaqi was willing to advance five million for himself, his heart suddenly became happy.

That's right, Jiang Huai still wants to cheat on his own money. He borrowed the money today. It would be strange if Brother Xiong didn't beat him!

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