I have a city in the desert

Chapter 216: Do some side business

It was late at night, after planting the street lights, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang, and Jiang Chen knew that his task of 10,000 tourists was completed!

Ding Dong!

[System Tip]: Congratulations to the player for completing the task of 10,000 tourists, and the player will get a new seed!

Sure enough, Jiang Chen was right!The system sends itself new seeds again!

Jiang Chen opened the seed column, and what appeared in front of him was a strangely long seed, which looked like a large rectangular tank with several small pools divided into it.

"What is this?"

Jiang Chen was surprised, could it be a pool?I want a woolen thread for the pool...

[System introduction]: Congratulations on obtaining the seeds of the Super Waste Treatment Plant. The Super Waste Treatment Plant can perfectly solve all kinds of waste treatment problems in life. Any waste will be turned into treasure as long as it passes through the waste treatment pool.

"Wow, garbage disposal plant! This system is too powerful!"

You should know that after Jiang Chen opened the tourist attractions, the most troublesome thing for him was the problem of garbage disposal.Now the garbage is different from the previous garbage. Many garbage can't be decomposed by nature, and it will take decades and hundreds of years to decompose.

The Jiangchen scenic spot is just so big. The garbage thrown by tens of thousands of tourists every day is either directly buried in the desert or transported to Mojiang for disposal.Buried in the desert will cause desert pollution. Deserts are inherently difficult to control. If this is secondary pollution, the deserts will not be saved.

And even if it is transported to Mojiang for treatment, Mojiang does not have advanced equipment to dispose of a lot of chemical and hazardous waste. Their disposal method is also to bury. This burying destroys the environment. Once the environment is destroyed, deserts will follow. Vicious cycle.

But now it's alright, Jiang Chen has a garbage disposal plant!As long as he builds this garbage treatment plant, he will not be afraid of the desert being polluted by garbage in the future!

"Such a powerful garbage treatment plant must be very expensive!"

Jiang Chen clicked on the seed price as soon as he spoke, and soon the price profile was jumped out under the seed profile.

[System Tips]: Garbage treatment plants need to use the most cutting-edge technology on the planet, and every part and equipment of the garbage treatment plants are extremely expensive, so the desert super garbage treatment plants are very expensive.

"Just talk about the price! What are you doing with so much nonsense?"

Jiang Chen jumped out of the price after talking about the system.

[Price reminder]: This super waste treatment plant sets a price according to its size. The waste treatment plant covering an area of ​​5 acres can process 10,000 tons of waste per day at a price of one million yuan.The garbage treatment plant covering an area of ​​100 acres can process one million tons of garbage per day, and the price is one million yuan.

"I'll go! Say it's so cheap for a long time! I thought a waste treatment plant would cost 10 billion!"

It is expensive in China’s waste treatment plants, especially those in big cities, which are all measured in 100 million yuan. Even so, those waste treatment plants in China cannot solve the white pollution of plastic bags.

Jiang Chen resisted the ecstasy in his heart. He couldn't help but want to build one to experiment with, but he looked like...

"Go to the management and promote the turnover of 100 million!"

Although Jiang Chen has no money, he knows that there are at least 8,000 tourists in his scenic spot today. Although these tourists did not buy tickets, they all bought roses. 8,000 people is an income of 240 million. Borrow 100 million to confirm a problem!

After arriving in Mojiang, Guan Cu was still not asleep. In the meeting room of the Saha shop, Guan Cu was discussing matters with the executives of several companies.

"The money for the rose sale will have to be paid to us tomorrow. We rented it for travel and social networking, at least 5 million!"

"We have to pay the transportation company's money. We have been running hundreds of cars these days, and the gas stations are all cash!"

"Our packaging factory has to pay wages too, so we settle it first."

"Our rose petal factory has just built a factory building. This requires more than four million..."

"General Manager, the tender for our Saha Shop Building has been completed, and now we have to pay the deposit!"

A group of people chased Guanxi for money, Guanxi was sitting on the sofa drinking a cup of coffee, and he was thinking about things.

"Boss Jiang is here!"

Manager Hua at the door finished shouting, and soon a group of managers got up to greet Jiang Chen.

At night, when the room was quiet, the cry of the crickets outside the door became thicker. Jiang Chen had slept in the desert for so long and had never heard the sound of insects. At this moment, he was a little nostalgic.

"Manager, I'll withdraw some money."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he walked to the middle of the office and sat down. Manager Cai of the Rose's Online Shop brought Jiang Chen a bowl of hot noodles. The noodles were very fragrant. Jiang Chen knew that it must be Laoqin Noodle House. Noodles.

"Boss Jiang, how much do you want?"

After Guan Cuo finished speaking, his stomach groaned. Jiang Chen motioned him to eat noodles. Several managers sat on the sofa and started eating noodles. Jiang Chen picked up a piece of mutton. The mutton was delicious, and it was indeed Mojiang noodles. The face of the king.

"how much money you have?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, even though he wiped the sweat from his forehead, he already vaguely knew that Jiang Chen might kill him.

"The number of tourists has been pretty good these days. I sold roses and tickets a few days ago to earn money. In addition, today there are more tourists, more than 9,000 tourists, so there are almost 600 million in total now!"

"Transfer to me 500 million, and you will divide the rest equally. By the way, there will be many tourists tomorrow. If you don't have enough points, you will continue to divide it tomorrow."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Guan Zuo felt a little bit in his heart. Yes, he expected that Jiang Chen would slaughter him a lot of money, but this is too much, you know he is in charge of the Saha shop now. , He has to spend tens of millions in salary every month!Moreover, he has to divide it into travel agencies, transportation companies, packaging companies, rose picking workers, and scenic operating group companies. This will only give him 100 million. How can he be enough!

"Boss Jiang, this, it’s the beginning of the month. We are going to pay last month’s wages. You let me take care of the scenic spots, transportation companies and other units. Now the travel companies also need to divide money from me and only give me I'm afraid it's not enough to keep one hundred million..."

After Guan Xu finished speaking, Jiang Chen sniffed a piece of noodles and took a sip of the soup with some satisfaction and said: "Manager Guan, you have to believe me, there may be tens of thousands of tourists tomorrow, and tens of thousands of tourists would be 300 million, you are sure It can be done. Just say Ang, I'll go out and get busy first, and then I will hit my card, the card number has not changed."

Jiang Chen quickly finished eating the noodles and walked out of the meeting room of the Saha shop.

After leaving the meeting room of the Saha shop, Jiang Chen received Guan Cu's transfer a little while later, and at the same time, Guan Cu's phone was also called.

Jiang Chen answered the phone, and Guan Xu said anxiously on the phone: "Boss Jiang, I have to tell you something. Selling roses alone is not a long-term solution. We have to do some side business!"

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