I have a city in the desert

Chapter 225: A Deceptive Fake Scenic Spot

Pepper live broadcasts Hangzhou headquarters, content director Song Jia expects the popularity of Feng Mushroom recommended on the homepage to plummet, and a smile on her face seems to be what she expected.

However, Zhang Wei and Li Zong looked very ugly at this time. Zong Li watched the popularity of Feng Mushroom’s live broadcast rise from zero to 20 million. He suddenly felt that another mountain of Chili pepper was about to rise, but when he saw Feng Mushroom's popularity was about to drop from 20 million to zero again, and his heart was so cold, and when he thought about the matter that he would rather offend Jiang Chen to dig someone two days ago, he bowed his head in shame.

At the moment during Jiang Chen's live broadcast, the evening glow was thick, and the wind and sand of the desert were still struggling in the sand prevention forest a hundred miles away. Jiang Chen strolled into the valley.

The evening breeze hit, and the valley was quiet. Everyone could only hear the sound of Jiang Chen's foot on the petals and the whistling of the wind over the branches.

Jiang Chen walked under a crooked branch of apricot blossoms. He raised his hand and the falling flowers fell like rain.With jet-black branches and snow-white petals, each frame of Xinghualing is a beautiful painting.

Jiang Chen's live broadcast room was very quiet. Everyone just took care of the crazy screenshots and didn't even have time to post the barrage.

Caterpillar: Ha ha, if there is a thatched house, it would be a blessing to be left here.

Pai Daxing: It's so beautiful!No wonder the anchor dared to show her in Feng Mushroom's debut, just like this scenery, let alone show Feng Mushroom, even if Yi Su Wan came, she definitely showed her!

Piggy: Haha, what's the show?This look is fake!

Brother Chang is really domineering: That is, you exposed Brother Maoya's live broadcast and ruined Dong Brother. Now that you are famous, don't you still cheat?

Today's flowers: That is, I really don't believe it if it's true. Who doesn't know that the desert can't grow anything at all?You apricot trees are at least a hundred years old. You said that there are tens of thousands of acres of apricot trees in the Mojiang Desert. Is this possible?

I love mushrooms: Hey, what you said is true!Isn’t this nonsense that 10,000 mu of century-old apricot forest appears in the desert?I think you are just trying to deal with the fake scenic spots made by our mushrooms!

Mushroom Support Group: At first glance, it is a fake scenic spot. No wonder it hasn't been broadcast for so long. I knew that I was going to be replaced by mushrooms and rushed to fake the scenic spot!

Fart Dabao: It's possible, Brother Chen, you won't go the old road of Dongge!

In Xinghualing, Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to quarrel with those black fans. He looked at his live broadcast room. At this time, his live broadcast room had more than 30 million popularity, which was far from what he expected. .

No one will waste their tongues in the evening, especially for busy people like Jiang Chen. His live broadcast today has only one purpose, and that is...

"Everyone will promote each other, and when the popularity reaches 50 million, I will take everyone to see something more magical than this."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, when I heard that Jiang Chen had something more magical than the sea of ​​apricot blossoms, fans soon began to promote it everywhere.

While waiting for popular places, in boredom, Jiang Chen turned on his mobile phone to read a wave of news.

Turning on Migu News, what made him unexpected is that the recommendations on Migu News were all news about him.

Daily News: Today's live broadcast giant Pepper Live has digged a lot of money for Xiaoyu Live's sister Feng Mushroom. Feng Mushroom made his debut, and his popularity is approaching 20 million!

What to watch: Xiaoyu first sister encounters Waterloo, and her popularity drops instantly. Feng Mushroom reports to Chili the Jiang Chen live scenic spot fraud.

Tiantian Entertainment has known: Maoya’s live broadcast of Yisuwan’s first show was forced to be cancelled, or because of a car crash with Jiang Chen, the reporter interviewed Yisuwan. Yisuwan expressed disappointment with the behavior of Maoya’s live broadcast. Fans: Just positive, can Just won!

What's new: Jiang Chen is suspected of taking the route of Dongge's fraud. Every well-known anchor is facing the dilemma that the old broadcast cannot keep fans. The reporter of this newspaper will continue to report.


Looking at the news, Jiang Chen really wanted to say that you are so idle!

After reviewing the news, it was half an hour after Jiang Chen returned to the live broadcast room. After half an hour passed, the popularity of his live broadcast room has exceeded 70 million. Seeing that people are almost coming, Jiang Chen is ready to do business.

"Hello everyone, new friends, let me introduce my location to you again. I am now in the Xinghualing Scenic Area of ​​the Bermuda Desert Oasis Scenic Area in Mojiang. You can come and enjoy another colorful apricot blossom!"

Jiang Chen pointed the camera at the Apricot Flower Valley as he spoke. The new audience looked at the apricot petals all over the valley and the floating rain of apricot flowers, and they were immediately bewildered.

General Tiger: I'm going, does the world really have this kind of scene in Dongying comics?

Pig blind: Cow, it's different if you have money. Dongge makes deserts. You directly make a hundred-year-old apricot and cow in a valley. They are really cows!

What's new: Can the anchor prove that your scenic spot is not artificial?

Shaying Base in Teng County: It must be fake. Our scenic spot is next to him. Now the wind and sand are coming. There are no things to see everywhere, and the door can't get out. How could there be so many apricot trees?


Looking at everyone's doubts, Jiang Chen seemed to have guessed it a long time ago. Yes, if there were no doubts, he would not have a hot spot. How could his live broadcast room become popular without a hot spot?

"Let me prove that the apricot tree is real. It's very simple, but after I prove it, you will all have to buy an apricot card from me!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a group of people boiled.

Pig blind: Look, I know he is advertising himself!

Owl: OK, as long as he can prove, what can we do to buy an apricot card?Prove it!

What's new: No problem buying ten of them!Prove it quickly!

Harbin Institute of Botany: Can apricot trees really grow in the desert?Sir, can you really prove it?

Two Ha: Wow, Ha Da is here again!It's six!Ha Da came to fight counterfeiting in person!

Mushroom Support Group: Anti-counterfeiting must be cracked down, which must be fake!If you win today, we will buy you one hundred apricot cards!

Yisuwan Support Group: We buy 1,000 copies, but if you are a fake scenic spot, you have to withdraw from the live broadcast industry!

Watch the entertainment early: the situation escalated, fans of Yisuwan and Feng Mushroom joined the melee, Jiang Chen lost, fear of being removed from Chili!

Song Chuchu: Let me go, watch the entertainment earlier, you have posted the report as a barrage!

Watch the entertainment early: I'm sorry, I sent it in the wrong place!


Jiang Chen couldn't help but sneered as he looked at the barrage. That's right, the harder the spray, the more popular it is!Let you burn the fire first, and wait for the popularity to be enough for me, just in time to play the big ads for free!

"The time to witness the miracle is coming, let me state again, as long as the popularity exceeds 100 million, I will prove it to you! Go and get fans!"

After Jiang Chen said, he decisively broadcasted his scenic beauty. He said nothing else in this live broadcast. At least he has beaten Xing Huahai's reputation. As long as his reputation goes out, his tourists will definitely not be less, and he The task of 10,000 tourists can also be completed soon.

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