I have a city in the desert

Chapter 231: Convene melon-eating crowds to help out

Open the Migu News, everything is really true.

Daily Highlights: After the "Flowers Today", the dark horse in the flower industry, received a second round of tens of billions of financing from capital tycoons such as Sequoia, today they started a decisive battle with Saha Rose.

Lekan Chaowen: Today's Rose will be announced on the Valentine's Day on the Chinese Valentine's Day. Before the launch, the price of Today's Rose will be reduced to 1,000 yuan.

What's new: Is the price cut or the original price maintained?Faced with the fall and fall of today's flowers, how will Saha Rose choose?Look at the follow-up report!

At the same time, in the Shangjing Shengyuan Building, today's Flower Headquarters, a group of big men sat in the spacious and bright office, drinking coffee and chatting, looking at the screen in the lobby and teasing.

The first speaker was Mao Tianlong, the general manager of Sequoia Capital. He saw the sharp increase in flower sales today. He smiled and said: "It is commendable that a mud-legged subsidiary wants to break the wrist with us capitals of Beijing."

"Courage is commendable, it's just a dead end, any company will not end well with our capital!"

After the other big guy finished speaking, the boss of Northern Capital also said with a smile: "This is not a mud-leg subsidiary. They have the support of the new provincial governor. They are tough. Up to now, there are still 30,000 roses without bargaining!"

After Northern Capital finished speaking, the general manager of Sequoia said with a smile: "What can the new province support? You can't protect yourself in the new province. It's ridiculous that you want to protect others."

Several people said that the sales volume of roses today has exceeded 5,000, and at the moment Jiang Chen’s sales of Sakha rose only 3,000, Zhu Chang was happy when he saw it.

"Fight with me, I have the Zhu family behind me, this time you will kill you! As long as you win, who would dare to look down on me? The Zhu family owes me, I will take it all back from here!"

After Zhu Chang finished speaking, the deputy flower manager over there hurriedly said today: "Mr. Zhu, we can't supply flowers anymore. We have sold all the roses cultivated in France, and the warehouse is out of stock."

After the deputy manager finished speaking, Zhu Chang patted the table and said, "Do you still need to report to me about this trivial matter? If the warehouse is out of stock, please contact Flange for delivery!"

"Well, all the roses that the country of France left for us have arrived. I called them today and they said they can't give us temporarily..."

"Give him more money, one extra one hundred!"

After the Sequoia Manager finished talking, he lit a cigar. He had been in the market for decades, and he still knew this carefully about the Rose Factory in France.

The deputy manager called the French Rose Sales Company on the spot. Sure enough, they agreed to transfer the roses sold to other countries to Zhu Chang. Before hanging up the phone, the people over there still used French to scold the people here for being stupid. A rose sells so expensively and so much, but the people who go to Beijing Rose don’t take it seriously. After all, what they see is a rose, and the capital they see, as long as the rose goes public, they can roll a large sum of money to leave. The difference between capital bosses and ordinary traders.

At noon, a little after the Saha Rose launched the spree, the sales of Saha Rose was still not optimistic. Jiang Chen knew that this was because the advertising was not strong enough, so he opened the live broadcast at the right time.

When Jiang Chen started the live broadcast, Hua Guo was eating at noon, so many people watched the live broadcast, and Song Jiaqi gave him a homepage recommendation, so Jiang Chen's popularity reached 20 million in less than half an hour.

Jiang Chen did not choose to broadcast the scenery this time. A group of people watched Jiang Chen sitting in the living room, and they asked curiously.

Cat is simple: won’t the anchor broadcast live Xinghuahai today?

The sea is blue: Yes, why did Huahai come to the office without live broadcasting today?


Jiang Chen saw that the popularity was almost over, and these were all his old fans, so he raised his phone and started the live broadcast.

"Hello everyone, I won't live broadcast the scenery today. I will live it today even more exciting. Everyone is watching the news online!"

Ha ha smile: What news?Is the flowers running on your news of the Sahara roses today?

Great: I read the news, but they can’t help it if they have money. Although your gift packs are cheap to make, the total price is very expensive, 30,000 yuan, which is still too expensive for many people.

Thunderbolt: Yes, for example, your scenic spot is bound to Saha Hospital. You can get a 30% discount at Saha Hospital for roses. This policy is really good.Some serious illnesses that require surgery are hundreds of thousands, which can save tens of thousands of dollars if this is a 70% discount. However, those with such serious illnesses have all gone to Shanghai and Beijing. Who went to the border to see a doctor?

Dagua: That's right, and you bind the tickets. Now that the wind and sand are so big, everyone is afraid to go out. Who wants to travel in the desert? Isn't this looking for death?

The sun is shining: There are also those apricots and melon seeds, the prices are so high, they have not eaten them, they would rather buy them on the side of the road than go to the border.And your scenic spot is indeed not well-known, but it may be because you just opened and you are located on the edge of the desert.But don't be discouraged. When the scenic spot is completed, it will be rated as a five-A scenic spot in the future.

A group of people gave Jiang Chen good suggestions. These suggestions are good, but what Jiang Chen needs now is to sell roses!

"Everyone's suggestions are very good, I will work harder to build the scenic spot, but today flowers want to ruin me through the price war, I will not sit and wait like this, today I will live broadcast the struggle with today's flowers!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a group of melon-eating people saw the excitement, and they quickly became active. After all, wouldn't they lose money if they didn't eat melons at noon?

Therefore, many fans notified each other, and the popularity of Jiang Chen's live broadcast room also rose sharply.

As the popularity of Jiang Chen's live broadcast room increased, Pepper Live invited various naval forces to build momentum on the Internet. Soon the entire Internet was full of news about Jiang Chen's live broadcast and today's flowers. Those who like to watch the lively food The masses of melons and a group of self-media who are worried about the hot spot rushed to Jiang Chen's live broadcast like a dog who had heard of shit.

In one hour, the number of people eating melons in Jiang Chen's live broadcast room had reached more than 70 million, which was the peak that could be reached at noon.

Guayou Zhang Shantou: Did the anchor tear his face with Huahua today?How to fight them?Hurry up, I can't help but want to support you for ten dollars!

Yesterday you gave it: the anchor, don’t break your wrist with today’s flowers, you can’t break, they are all big capitalists behind them, you can’t play with them!

The boss is forgiving: Yes, not to mention that the flowers are backed by Jingzhu's family today, and they took another ten billion round of financing, you can't play with them!

Poor bug: People are going to go public and cut leeks. The anchor wants to be clear, but the anchor has such a good credit rating. If your Sahara rose goes on the market, I guess it will blow them up!

Extreme sports is death: the anchor said that his company will not be listed, it is a pity, I am still going to buy your stock!

"Wait, you seem to be far away! I called you together to let you see how I abused Zhu Chang, not how I was abused by others!"

Jiang Chen was speechless for a while.

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