I have a city in the desert

Chapter 246 The first storm in the desert

According to Grandpa Jiang Chen’s diary, the first sandstorm in the desert will end in mid-August. As long as Jiang Chen stays for a week or so, when the sand blows away, his scenic spot will be opened again, and he will be able to Sell ​​all the apricots in stock!

But when it comes to apricot cards, Guan Cu sighed again and said: "The apricot cards have been mailed to them. Now that all the apricot cards have been cleared, there are nearly 600 kilograms left. These apricots are stored in the newly built warehouse in the bonded area. In addition, I have invested in the construction of a canning factory, and the almond factory is also under construction. I hope they can solve some apricot problems after they are built."

After Guan Zuo finished speaking, Jiang Chen couldn't help giving him a compliment. He really deserved to be the best doctoral student of New South University. When these two factories were built, he would not worry about selling apricots.

"Isn't this solved!"

"The cannery starts day and night, and it takes at least half a month to be put into use, as is the almond factory. After half a month, our 600 kilograms of apricots will definitely be rotten! And, I tried to let Same Day Express distribute the apricots to the whole country. In the Hapuzi store, various stores called, but they couldn't sell it!"

After Guan Zuo finished speaking, Jiang Chen patted him on the shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, leave these apricots to me. Go to the cannery first! By the way, the melon seed factory will also hurry up to build. Our sunflowers are blooming. Yes, it is estimated to be picked at the end of the month."

"It's already under construction!"

Leaving the Saha shop, Jiang Chen wondered how he could sell the six hundred kilograms of apricots. Of course, he still had to consider paying back the system money, otherwise this cheating system would suck blood without blinking!

"Ting Ling Ling! The boundless horizon..."

"Tianya, your sister, I'm annoying!"

Jiang Chen was thinking hard, and instantly his cell phone rang.

"I'm going, Mr. Car's call! Mr. Car is back from Europa?"

The caller was Che Wenfei from Narada Group. He flew to Europa last time to find an engineer to design hotel drawings. After a few days, he brought a dozen designers to the scenic area. The designers were in the scenic area. After staying for three days, he returned to Europa with Che Wenfei. After careful calculation, he should be back.

"Hey, Brother Jiang, I'm back with the design drawings! I have arrived in Mojiang County now, where are you? Can we meet and talk?"

"Yes, I will wait for you at Laoqin Noodle Shop!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he went straight to the Lao Qin restaurant.

It was time for lunch. There were a lot of people in Lao Qin Restaurant. Today, Lao Qin Restaurant is opened in a building in the development zone. The bottom three floors of the building are all Lao Qin's stores.

"Auntie is here!"

When Jiang Chen had just entered the noodle restaurant, an apprentice hurriedly greeted him. Jiang Chen nodded and asked him to arrange a private room.

After the private room was arranged, a Hummer stopped at the entrance of the noodle restaurant.

"Brother Jiang! I have to show you the masterpieces of other designers from Europa!"

At the entrance of the noodle restaurant, Che Wenfei got off the car and hugged a pile of design drawings. Jiang Chen asked him to talk to the private room. Only then did the junior apprentice walk towards the Pear Blossom Room with the design drawings.

In the private room, Lao Qin Noodle Shop specially copied some good dishes for them, but when Che Wenfei was in the mood to eat, he turned on his portable tablet and showed Jiang Chen the design drawings.

"Brother Jiang, take a look. This is the first hotel I am going to build. It is located by Crescent Bay. It is a hotel designed according to Arabian characteristics. There are six hotels with more than 1,000 rooms, all located by the lake. The hotels are connected together, absolutely the treatment of the Arab royal family!"

Jiang Chen looked at the design drawings of the hotel, and the combination with Crescent Bay and the desert really had the feeling of the Middle-Arab world.

"Very good! When there are more tourists, it will definitely be full!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Che Wenfei opened the mobile 3D hotel model and said, "Look at this building. I plan to build this hotel in the rose garden. This is the design of the medieval Europa Castle. When the time comes, the roses will bloom. Paired with a medieval castle, it is simply a fairy tale world!"

Jiang Chen looked at the castle. The design of the castle was large and simple. Jiang Chen was very satisfied.

Immediately afterwards, Che Wenfei and Jiang Chen showed three hotels built on the grassland and the hotel built in the poppy flower world. Not only that, he also designed an extraordinarily beautiful Huaguo rural scenery with pear blossoms. Hotels, these hotels have their own characteristics, but all of them are five-star hotels!

After Che Wenfei showed Jiang Chen all the hotels, the dishes on the table were cold.The spring is deep, and the pear flowers near the window are full of afternoon sunshine.

After Che Wenfei introduced happily, he found that Jiang Chen was not very happy. He seemed to be worried, so Che Wenfei took the tablet and asked, "Brother Jiang, what's wrong? Have you encountered any problems?"

After Che Wenfei finished speaking, Jiang Chen was worried that no one would help him make suggestions, so he told Che Wenfei about Xingzi's poor sales.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Che Wenfei slapped his thigh and said, "I still wonder why this is happening! Can Brother Jiang worry about this hour? I want all of your six hundred kilograms of apricots!"

Six hundred kilograms of apricots is not a small amount. Jiang Chen knew that Che Wenfei wanted to help himself, but he couldn't make people lose money for no reason!

"Brother Che, these apricots are not cheap. There are about 3,600 apricots in 600 kilograms. One apricot costs 100 yuan, which is more than 360,000. You can't make money if you buy it."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Che Wenfei would cost one hundred yuan for an apricot. He frowned, but immediately stretched it out again.

"It's okay, it's okay, the big deal is that I don’t make money. When I look back, I let the hotel process them, one plate an apricot, and mix it with other fruits to form a fruit bowl. A fruit plate sells for two hundred yuan in my hotel. Money is fine!"

After Che Wenfei finished speaking, Jiang Chen agreed.In fact, what Jiang Chen didn't know was that even though Che Wenfei's hotel was a five-star hotel with rich people living in it, you only cost 200 yuan for an apricot platter, and the local tyrants are not taken advantage of!Therefore, Che Wenfei didn't say it on the surface, but in fact, he knew he had to match the money with other precious fruits.

"By the way, Brother Jiang, you can just ask Sameday Express to mail me the apricots to Shangjing. Now the new and Gansu provinces are buried by sandstorms, no one is going out, and the hotel has no business. It means that several places like Shangjing can barely open the door."

"Okay, then I'll call Guan Zuo!"

Jiang Chen called Guan Cuo while he was talking. After the call was made, Che Wenfei gave Guan Cu an address, and Guan Cu happily ran to mail apricots.

After hanging up the phone, Che Wenfei took the drawing and asked when Jiang Chen could start work?Jiang Chen looked at the blue sky outside the window and said, "You can start construction tomorrow. By the way, when you come to Mu Cheng, I will let him give him cement and sand first. Also, I think some of your hotels also need wood. , I built a timber base, turn back, you can pull the wood directly from me!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, when Che Wenfei heard that Jiang Chen had the most difficult cement and wood to make, he immediately became happy: "Okay, okay, I'm worried about these things! Jiang Brother, you don't know, we are new Mountains around the province are not allowed to open, cement and stones are very difficult to get! And now it is forbidden to cut trees, and wood is also difficult to obtain. If you have it here, our hotel will be built soon!"

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