I have a city in the desert

Chapter 249 We are not ashamed

Jiang Chen didn't know what these elders were watching. Anyway, he saw that the gifts in Yisuwan's live broadcast room hadn't stopped. In only two hours, her rewards probably exceeded 100,000.

Ha Chao: I teach you, call brother!Call brother to give you a reward of 10,000 yuan!

The Jiangbei family: Get rid of your sister, I want Xiaoyi to call my brother for 10,000 yuan, and how many!

She lowered her head and smiled beautifully: Didn't I say thank you for 50,000 Xiaoyi?


"Hello everyone, I can only say this, everyone wants it, be considerate..."

This Yi Su Wan's voice is very sweet, the person who is talking about it is crisp, and she is really beautiful, so no wonder so many people come to see it.

"Forget it, I'll go back to my live broadcast room, anyway, there are now 20,000 loyal fans!"

Jiang Chen wanted to leave while he was talking, but when he closed the video, suddenly Yi Suwan called him.

"I heard, Jiang Chen, is Jiang Chen here?"

Yisuwan's Mandarin is very substandard, but after she speaks it, it feels very cute.

A group of fans heard that Jiang Chen was coming, and soon their barrage exploded!

Yi Su Wan Fan Club: I'm going, Jiang Chen, you still have the face to peep!You killed Brother Dong in the past, now you want to hurt Wanwan again?

Yelling: Get out!What's the matter, you still want to come to catch the heat?

Xiaoyi's lover: I didn't expect him to be so shameless. No one watched his live broadcast room. Now he is running a live broadcast!

Today's news: I will truthfully report that Jiang Chen, the first brother of pepper, ran to his opponent's house to support the first beauty of the cold wave country.


Jiang Chen wondered, how did Yi Suwan know the news he came?You must know that you did not speak!

"It must be the Maoya executive who found his ID, forget it, it's all here, say hello before leaving!"

Thinking of this, in line with the principle of hospitality, Jiang Chen sent a bullet screen.

Jiang Chen, who loves farming: Welcome to China, your live broadcast is very successful, congratulations.

Jiang Chen had just finished speaking, and soon a group of media brought the rhythm.

The old Wang next door talked about feelings: Jiang Chen acknowledged in front of hundreds of millions of fans, and lost the face of the Chinese!

The entertainment has long known: The first brother Pepper has handed over the position of the first brother in the live broadcast, which is normal. Since Xinghua fell, he has nothing to live broadcast.

"I know you, you are number one, I want to compare with you, I am number one in the cold wave country, you are half of my popularity, you win!"

Yi Suwan wanted to express her words clearly, but her Chinese was so bad that she couldn't figure out how to make her words clear for a long time, but her intermittent words made Jiang Chen understand.

"I'm not here to compete. If you like to be number one, let you. I just start a live broadcast to give my fans some benefits."

Jiang Chen had already passed the age of being competitive, even though he was only 19.

"No, I'm here just to defeat you. I often hear people say you in the cold wave country. I am the number one. Do you dare to compare?"

When Yi Suwan saw Jiang Chen's misfortune, she was a little anxious, and she hurried to speak.

Cat Big Head: Coward, even a woman dare not want to be a live broadcaster, so hurry up and go!

Xiao Yi is the most beautiful: He certainly dare not compare, Xiao Yi's popularity is almost over 80 million, and his live broadcast room is only 20,000, which is simply incomparable!

Clear Sky Thunderbolt: Compare with her!Don't lose the face of our Chinese people!What's so proud of a singer, knowing the greatness of our brother Chen?

Xiaoyi fan: Great your sister!Isn’t it just farming in the desert?What is Guan Rong about the farmer?

Little Wolfdog: The shame of farming. We are all things in the city circle. Who are you throwing here when you farm?

Balcony: Farmers don't pay attention to hygiene. Last time I met one on the bus, he smelled bad!

Fragrant: That is, we have no culture yet, and we are still poor, which will lower our GDP!


A group of people didn't know what to do and aimed their finger at the farmer. They could insult Jiang Chen, but if they insulted the farmers who feed them billions, Jiang Chen would not agree!

"Bibibi! You people insult us for farming, and we farmer eat with our hands, we are not ashamed!"

Jiang Chen finished speaking, and soon fell into a scuffle in the live broadcast room.

Cuckoo Chicken: They are dirty, they are still thieves!

Ha ha smile: Dirty your sister!You people can only eat shit without us, you know?

Don't let go: Farmers are poor, they only look at beautiful women secretly, and are not willing to give a reward!

The head said: Compare with her!Brother Jiang is bloody, we support you!Let’s go, it’s a Chinese, come with me to Jiang’s live broadcast room!

History expert: Who was not a farmer in the last three generations?What qualifications does a person who sits here by selling cuteness have to say about Jiang Chen?Without Jiang Chen, can you puppies sit here and watch the live broadcast?

A bowl of noodles: What does his farmer have to do with us?Had it not been for us to buy his things, he would have starved to death, and I wouldn't know to be grateful to us!

"The fans are not noisy, we bet, the popularity is half, you win!"

After Yi Suwan finished speaking, Jiang Chen replied: "If you don't need half, let's compare normally. We will compare the fans before nine o'clock tonight. If I lose, I will leave it to you."

After Jiang Chen finished the fight, Yi Suwan nodded and said, "If I lose, I will leave. If you lose, you will leave."

The reason why Yi Suwan came to China was to defeat Jiang Chen. She didn't want to stay in China more, so she wanted to cut the mess quickly.As long as she drives away Jiang Chen, Maoya will give her two million, and then she can return to the cold wave country to start a live broadcast.


Jiang Chen left Yisuwan's live broadcast room after speaking. When Jiang Chen left, many fans in Yisuwan's live broadcast room also left Maoya live broadcast.

Unrestrained love: In front of the righteousness of the nation, I have supported Jiang Chen. After all, the dancers can watch it at any time. Jiang Chen's live broadcast is not something to be seen casually.

Young Youth: I went to watch Jiang Chen's live broadcast. Just now he said that there are benefits. This time, let's see what else is good!

A group of people left the Yisuwan studio after posting the bulletin. At the same time, the popularity of Jiang Chen’s studio rose sharply. In less than ten minutes, the popularity of Jiang Chen’s studio exceeded one million, and His popularity has also increased in units of 10,000.

"Thank you for your support. I bet with Yisuwan today that her popularity will surpass her before nine o'clock, or she will withdraw from the live broadcast industry. I hope all fans can help me promote it. By the way, after the popularity breaks 10 million, I Will put a big benefit!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, his fans became busy. Not only Jiang Chen’s fans, at this moment, the news that Jiang Chen bet with the beauty of the cold wave country was quickly reported by the media. In less than an hour, Jiang Chen The topic of VS Yisuwan rushed to the top of the thousands of search rankings.

As more and more people followed, those who had finished their dinner soon took out their phones and started watching the excitement.

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