I have a city in the desert

Chapter 251: Apricot has miraculous effects

Mu Yue: Hey, you can commit suicide in the Shang Daily. The Xinghua Scenic Area is indeed in the desert.Not to mention feeding an apricot there, even feeding a grass is not something that can be done by tens of thousands!So this apricot is 100 yuan, I think it is very reasonable!

Yimihua: Of course, it's a bit more expensive, but have you really eaten desert golden life apricots?I was curious to buy one yesterday, um, I still have apricot fragrance in my mouth!

Where is the boss: I just received the apricot card I bought, I went, I took a bite, and boiled!It's so delicious!Very fragrant!And it tastes so refreshing to explode!

Ordinary world: It is delicious, I have never eaten something so delicious in my life.I also bought the apricot card. Really, listen to me. One hundred. You can buy one and try it yourself. If you say it's not worth it, I will give you my head!

A group of fans who had eaten apricots began to give Jiang Chen good reviews. They were talking when suddenly several discordant voices appeared.

Xiaoyi fan: How delicious is a broken apricot?I think you are the trust!

Zhu Zhu Zhu: This support is too obvious. As far as I know, the apricots in the Saha shop in our city cannot be sold at all!Also, even if it is delicious, it is not worth a hundred, so don't be fooled!

Zhu Zhuzhu was in the midst of speaking, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang, it was a text message, which was prompted by Guan.

"Brother Jiang, the test results of apricots have come out. Brother Jiang is right. Our apricot medicines are worth nearly fifty higher than other apricots! And a study by Saha Hospital found that our apricots are cancer-specific. Special genes! They are researching, if not surprisingly, once the research results come out, it will definitely make a sensation in the world!"

Jiang Chen felt happy after reading the text message, and as expected, Desert Jinshouxing did not disappoint him.Since his apricot can increase the efficacy of the medicine more than fifty times, its other functions will definitely be strengthened!

"Pigs and pigs are right. Apricots are delicious and far less worth a hundred dollars. However, my apricots are a century-old apricots, and they grow in the desert of death, so their medicinal value is greater!"

When it comes to medicinal value, a group of netizens soon questioned it.

Yiren is on the left: A broken apricot can have a woolen yarn medical value!

Zhu Zhu Zhu: That is, what a broken apricot has been described by you, and it has medical value. Why don't you say that it can cure cancer!

Xiao Qingnian: Let alone, apricots contain amygdalin, which is considered the most effective anti-cancer substance.

King of Vegetables and Fruits: Apricot can also nourish the lungs, reduce phlegm, relieve asthma, promote body fluids, and quench thirst.

"Yes, my desert Jinshou apricot also contains flavonoids, which are beneficial to the health of the human heart. It has a certain preventive effect on heart disease. Flavonoids can also reduce the risk of myocardial infarction, so buy one An apricot is absolutely worth one hundred yuan!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a group of people laughed. In their eyes, apricots were nothing but fruits, but they hadn't thought so much.

Zhu's Pharmaceutical: Can your apricot cure cancer?Why can you blow so much?If you can treat cancer, what do you need to do with Zhu's Pharmaceuticals?

Capital of the North: Wow, Zhu's Pharmaceutical is here!Zhu's Pharmaceutical is the most well-known manufacturer of anticancer drugs in China!

Three people's second elementary school: Yes, the cancer patients around me are taking their home medicine, and they are going to bankrupt their families.

Capital of the North: Their medicine is indeed expensive. Who makes them a monopoly industry?If you have cancer, you can only die early without taking their medicine, so you can only spend your life!

Maoya's loyal fan: Don't brag about the anchor!In order not to get out of the live broadcast world, you really dare to blow anything!

Caterpillars love to sleep: Yes, don't brag, just prove it yourself, or we don't believe it!

Today's News: Prove it!


After a group of people shouted, Jiang Chen nodded, yes, wouldn't it be easy to prove that his apricots have medical value?

"Okay, the proof will prove. But if the cancer is not good, it will take effect immediately. Everyone knows that apricots have special effects on reducing phlegm and relieving asthma, so let's try this directly. There must be people with excessive phlegm or wheezing who watch the live broadcast. Take my live broadcast and go to the nearest Saha’s fruit store to get an apricot for free.”

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the people who signed up instantly swept over the screen. However, Jiang Chen selected three people from these people. These people are all located in big cities and they are also the closest to the branch of Saha.

Time passed by, the setting sun in the desert cleared, night fell, and Jiang Chen went under the street light and continued to broadcast live.

At eight o’clock, due to various reports from the media and everyone’s curiosity about apricot’s healing properties, Jiang Chen’s live broadcast room began to flood in a large number of viewers. Before 8:30, the popularity of Jiang Chen’s live broadcast room was broken. thirty million.

"Let me ask, did the two fans who went to Beijing get Kyoko?"

Jiang Chen checked the time, and it was about half an hour before the winner was determined, so he became a little anxious.

Song Chuchu: Yeah, it's been an hour, haven't you reached the place yet?

Yiren fans: I won’t be poisoned to death!

Zhu Zhu Zhu: It is definitely possible!Everyone pays attention, don't buy his apricot, it will poison people!

Chinese Commercial Daily: Heavy news, Saha apricots were eaten to death, and the patient's family demanded huge compensation!

Sea Urchin: Your uncle!

Turnip: Come back, come back!Don't say it, someone like me who ate apricots instantly relieved a lot, just like eating elixir, it's amazing!

Iron Hat: I am back too!I also ate it, and the phlegm in my lungs is really reduced!Just now the doctor heard from the lungs and said that he had never seen a good medicine so fast!

Daniu Baoma: Really?My baby has pneumonia and has sputum in his lungs. He stays in the hospital and hangs water every day. The sputum just can't come out. Does it really work?

Fluffy group: Then you can buy one for your children to try. The Saha shop hasn't closed yet!

Zhu Zhu Zhu: Don't buy it, they must be a trust!

Da Niu Bao Mom: The baby is just over one year old, and it is not good to go to the hospital every day. I feel very distressed.I went out and bought one for a try. It was only one hundred yuan anyway. We stayed here for five or six hundred a day.

After Daniu Baoma went offline, Jiang Chen saw that his apricot really had a miraculous effect. He knew that the time had come to catch up with the beauty of the cold wave country!

"Everyone has seen the miraculous effect of apricots, so those friends who have phlegm and panting may wish to try. Also, let me tell you, everyone has seen my apricot tree. A century-old apricot tree only bears seven. Eighty, so the number is limited. Buy now as soon as possible!"

Chinese Commercial Daily: I thought you were doing it for the glory of China. It turned out to be to advertise for your own apricots. What a shame!

Today's highlights: You are determined to lose, and there are still 20 minutes. Although the popularity of the live broadcast of cold wave countries has declined, but now there are more than 70 million, you only have 30 million, you must lose!

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