I have a city in the desert

Chapter 455: Strange Blood

At the beginning of September, the archaeological team had not yet come to the Saha Scenic Area, and another strange incident occurred in the Saha Scenic Area.When Guan Xu gave Jiang Chen information on this matter, Jiang Chen was blindfolded.

"Brother Jiang, something happened to the grassland scenic spot! The grassland scenic spot has significantly reduced the number of locusts in the past few days. Not only that, many lawns near the border have been destroyed."

Guan Zuo finished Jiang Chen's first reaction that someone was poaching desert locusts.Today, the price of desert locusts has skyrocketed, and it has become a must-eat for everyone who comes to the scenic spot.

Therefore, the idea of ​​someone hitting the desert locusts is not exaggerated, but Jiang Qing is a little depressed. These people actually destroy his lawn, which is unforgivable.

"Send patrols to keep an eye on the border, as long as they catch the poaching of desert locusts and trample on the lawn, they will be punished."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Guan Xu nodded.Just as Guansu was about to let the patrol team go to patrol the grassland scenic spot, Guansu's cell phone rang again.

Guan Zhijian was a call from Chen Jianzhou, and he hurriedly answered it.

"President, the big thing is not good, there has been a murder in the grassland scenic spot, you can go and see!"

Upon hearing that a murder case had occurred in the grassland scenic spot, Jiang Chen's head went big instantly.

We must know that it is the hot summer. The grassland scenic area is the busiest time of the year. At this time, the grassland scenic area receives an average of five to six hundred thousand tourists a day. If there is a problem with the grassland scenic area, he can lose a day. It's big.

"Brother Jiang, what shall we do now?"

"Don't worry! Let's go and see first!"

When Jiang Chen and Guan Cu drove to the desert grassland scenic spot, Chen Jianzhou, general manager of Saha Construction Group, and manager Lou, general manager of the Grassland Group, had already arrived at the grassland scenic spot.

Not only that, but Jiang Shan was a little surprised that even Fatty Wang from Wanjia Food Group rushed back.You know when Jiang Chen called him last time, Fatty Wang was still buying cattle in Qi Province.

"What's the matter? Where did the murder happen?"

Jiang Chen looked at a group of people and finished speaking. Everyone looked at the manager of the grassland scenic spot management group. The manager shook his head in a hurry and said: "It's not my scenic spot that committed the murder, it's the Wanjia Food Group. ."

After Manager Liu finished speaking, a group of people looked at Fatty Wang. At this moment, Fatty Wang had also rushed over from Qi Sheng.

"I don't understand either, I haven't put down my bag yet! Zhang, what's going on?"

After finishing talking, Fatty Wang looked at Lao Zhang, the deputy general manager of Wanjiang Food Group.

"Brother Jiang, weird, weird! The locust farm we manage has a problem.

A manager said that a monster he encountered, that thing is not the same, living underground, it can get out of the sand to eat those locusts.

It also eats livestock, and the person who was killed was a farmer from a locust farm outside the farm.According to his companion's description, he was suddenly dragged into the sand by something, and when everyone rescued him, he had only one head left."

The horror is really horrible. If monsters that can live under the yellow sand appear in the desert, it will be the biggest threat to the desert scenic spot.

The monster can now move outside the desert scenic spot, but what if it runs inside the desert scenic spot?

Now that there are so many tourists in the scenic spot, if their safety cannot be guaranteed, Jiang Chen can't really bear this responsibility if something happens.

"Don't say anything about this. Let's see if we can catch this monster. It's better to catch it. If you can't catch it, it's good to drive it away."

After Guan Zuo finished speaking, Jiang Chen and others also nodded at the same time to express their approval.After all, this thing only appears outside the scenic spot, and it hasn't really reached the scenic spot yet.

"When will they all appear? Just take care, transfer the killers over, I don't believe there are any monsters that can withstand the attack of the Sahara Army!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Manager Zhang looked at everyone and said, "The farmer was killed at night, and the locusts on the farm were also eaten by monsters at night."

Looking up at the sky early in the morning, it is still noon, and there is still some time before night.So he decided to stay on the grassland tonight and fight with the monsters!

In the afternoon, Jiang Chen and Fatty Wang drove to the locust farm outside the grassland scenic spot.

Outside the locust farm at this moment, a Saharan Army squad of nearly 100 people has arrived.

The locust farm is neither big nor small, it occupies nearly 300 acres of land.There are sparse lawns everywhere on the farm, and the lawn is full of yellow worm cubs.

The locust cubs grow up on the lawn. When they grow up and are as long as fingers, the farm managers will grab them all and put them in cages for feeding.

So on the northernmost side of the farm, there are dozens of rows of 4 to 5 stories high breeding houses.

Because of Jiang Chen's arrival, Song Yi, the head of the locust farm, personally came to receive Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen asked Song Yi to take a look at the place where the farmer died. Speaking of where the farmer died, Song Yi took Jiang Chen directly to the western border of the farm.

On the western border, Jiang Chen saw a dozen people in white coats studying the scene.

"Brother Jiang, Xiao Liu was dragged underground by the monster here. You see there are blood stains everywhere."

After Song Yi finished speaking, Jiang Chen walked to the place where the employees sacrificed next to the scene.There is a sand dune. There is a deep hole on the oblique side of the sand dune, and there are still some uncleaned blood stains on the deep groove.

"Director Xia, do you know what this is?"

In front of the deep pit where the employees of the farm died, Director Xia of the laboratory of Sahaha Hospital is busy.

He collected several bloody places nearby and tested the blood on the spot.

"Brother Jiang, these bloodstains belonged to the sacrificed employees, but you can take a closer look at this piece of blood. After we conducted research on this piece of blood, we found that it is not our human blood."

Jiang Chen followed Director Xia's hand and looked at it. There was a light blue blood deep in the sandpit.

"What kind of animal's blood is this?"

"We don’t know too well. Just now we sent its sample to an animal expert in China. After analyzing it, he told us that there is no such animal gene on earth. We sent it to the Sahar Institute of Botany. , They also made it clear that this is not plant blood."

After Director Xia finished speaking, he himself became a little confused.At this time, Jiang Chen frowned. He knew that things might not be that simple, and it was even possible that this animal was an animal brought by the system from outer space.

If this is the case, then the situation is really not optimistic.

Of course, what makes Jiang Chen feel more terrifying is that if this is really an alien creature, it really proves that the system not only brought locusts, but also may have brought animals that exterminated their planet. This would be very scary. of.

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