I have a city in the desert

Chapter 458 Fire at me

"Fatty Wang, go down and save him."

When Jiang Chen saw Brother Lang being chased by the big monster, he hurriedly followed the pole and wanted to slip down.When Jiang Chen just slipped down, Fatty Wang reached out and grabbed him.

"Brother Chen, don't go down, you will definitely die if you go down."

"We must save Brother Wolf."

"You can't save him by going down, you will take his own life. He ran down to lead away the monster, just to keep you alive. Okay, you wait on it, I'll save him."

Fatty Wang wanted to go down after speaking, but he heard a bang.I don't know when a monster has broken the foundation of the wood at Jiang Chen's feet.

Once the foundation was broken, the entire wooden building fell over to the ground.

As soon as the wooden building fell to the ground, a long mound rose from the ground in the distance.Jiang Chen knew this was the monster and ran towards him again.

"This is really the end, Fatty Wang, run to the wooden house."

After Jiang Chen shouted, he ran towards the wooden house.

Fatty Wang followed closely. The two of them were still some distance from the wooden house. Seeing that the thing was about to catch up with them, Jiang Chen pointed at Fatty Wang and shouted: "Fatty Wang, you run over there, I Run here."

After Jiang Chen shouted Fatty Wang and turned around, he ran towards another wooden house..

The monster suddenly felt two different sounds on the ground. After a while, it chose to chase Jiang Chen.

"Let me go, you stupid, Fatty Wang is so fat, he has a lot of meat!"

Jiang Chen jumped into the window of a wooden building as soon as he finished speaking. As soon as he jumped into the wooden building, he heard a bang and the monster also hit the wooden house foundation.


Jiang Chen felt that the entire wooden house was knocked over by a giant, and his entire body hit the ceiling instantly from the floor.

Click, click, click.

As soon as the wooden house stopped, Jiang Chen saw the monster's open mouth, and its mouth was still dripping with disgusting saliva.

The saliva kept dripping to the ground, and it snapped its mouth and snapped the pillars of the wooden house in an instant.

"Fuck, how can you fight him with this thing?"

Jiang Chen cursed and stabilised his body and jumped out of the window.

After running out of the collapsed wooden building, Jiang Chen got into another wooden building.

As soon as Jiang Chen got into the wooden building, he wiped his mouth and bit him.Seeing the opportunity, Jiang Chen took out the grenade from his pocket, pulled the bracelet and threw it directly into the pile.

When the grenade was thrown into the wooden pile, the wooden pile was instantly bitten into the mouth by the big monster.


After a loud noise came, the wooden house where Jiang Chen was shook.

Jiang Chen just wanted to escape, the big monster standing high in the distance was already motionless.

Plopped, the big monster slammed heavily on the wooden building next to it, and the pillar of the wooden building was instantly broken.

"Dead, it was a false alarm for me to go!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Fatty Wang in the distance rushed towards him.Brothers deserve to be brothers. They will never have their own safety in front of him, and they will always think of each other.

"Brother Chen, don't be afraid, I, Fatty King, will fight it! The future of mankind is up to you, remember to bury me on the hillside of my hometown!"

When Fatty Wang finished speaking, he held the submachine gun at the fallen monster, and hit it.

"The hills of my hometown can't accommodate a big fat pig like you, so let him live honestly!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he rushed towards the distant brother Lang.

The wolf brother at this moment is really terrible.

The big monster didn't know what was going on, and went crazy trying to kill Brother Wolf.This wolf brother also ran desperately, isn't it? If he didn't run desperately, he would really die there!


Brother Lang had just got into the wooden building, and the monster knocked the wooden building to the ground instantly.

After knocking down a few wooden buildings in a row, Brother Wolf also learned to be smart. He didn't go into the wooden house at all. He ran directly beside the wooden building, and the monster still knocked the wooden building to the ground.

After all the 11 wooden buildings built by Jiang Chen were knocked over, Brother Lang had nowhere to run.

"Brother Wolf ran here."

After Jiang Chen yelled, Brother Lang saw that Jiang Chen and Fatty Wang were both on the ground, and he shouted angrily: "What are you doing down here?"

"You think we want to come down, the wooden tower was broken by the fucking monster!"

After Fatty Wang finished shouting, the monsters in the distance rushed towards them. Jiang Chen looked around, and it happened that there was a big hole in front of Brother Wolf. Jiang Chen had an idea in an instant.

"Brother Wolf jumped directly from the pit."

Jiang Chen yelled Brother Lang and jumped from the big pit with a swish.As he jumped over, the monster hiding in the sand behind him also rushed over, but when the monster was about to rush into the big pit, Jiang Chen pulled two grenades and threw them directly into the pit.


The two grenades exploded in an instant, and the monster just jumped on top of the big pit. When the grenade exploded, it exploded from the soil to the sky in an instant.

The monster had just been blown up into the sky, and a missile from a distant helicopter flew over in an instant.

"Fall down!"

Seeing the missile from a distance flying over, Jiang Chen and Fatty Wang jumped into a large pit next to them in an instant. Then they heard a loud rumbling, and the monster that was bombed into the sky was directly shattered by the missile. .

After the helicopter killed one monster, at this moment, there were only two monsters left beside the entire locust farm.

These two monsters are walking around the tank, and they bite into the tank from time to time.

However, this tank and that were all made of steel plates, so these two monsters bitten more than a dozen times without tearing up the tank.

"Fire at me, fire at me!"

The tank was knocked over to the ground, and the two monsters would not be able to bite them for a while, but the people in the tank knew that Jiang Chen had jumped from the wooden building at this moment.

If the missiles on the plane didn't kill them, these two things might bite Jiang Chen, so the soldiers on the tank shouted at the helicopter.

As soldiers, they were ready to sacrifice for Saha at any time.

"Brother Jiang, this is Falcon 1. Falcon 1 requested missiles to attack the monster."

They have found out that ordinary bombs can't kill this thing at all, unless the bomb can hit these things with incomparable precision.


All the people who came to Saha were Jiang Chen's brothers, and Jiang Chen would not abandon them if they were brothers.

"Fire at me, fire at me!"

After the soldiers in the tank shouted, there was still no movement in the sky. The two monsters besieging the tank this time seemed to smell a different smell in the sand. They began to leave the tank and head towards Jiang Chen.

"No, this thing can feel the smell of blood in the air."

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