I have a city in the desert

Chapter 463 The Ultimate Art

These people have seen Director Sun more or less. Although Director Sun's appearance has the perseverance of a soldier, it can only be regarded as ordinary.

Therefore, their impressions of Director Sun’s relatives are also average.But they never expected that the relative of Director Sun actually looked so beautiful.

Of course, Sun Mi and the others were also stunned at this moment. They never expected that the senior leaders in charge of such a magical scenic spot would actually come to them in person.

"What's the matter? Why are you not talking now? Wasn't it still pretty thorny just now?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Chen Jianzhou and others laughed aloud.

"You little girl, Director Sun made so many calls to Brother Jiang specially for you, and Brother Jiang put down so much work in his hands and came to find you. You don't want to go to Brother Jiang to visit him first. It really is a little thorn."

After Chen Jianzhou finished speaking, in front of so many big people, a few young people instantly bowed their heads.

Yes, this is the posture of the superior.

"I, how can I have a thorn? You don't say that you were introduced by my cousin. You came up and asked who I am Sun Mi, how can I answer you? What if you are a bad guy? I have to Protect myself."

After Sun Mi had finished speaking, Jiang Chen just wanted to talk to Liu Xuan, and Dr. Fang Hua from the archeological team walked towards Jiang Chen.

The child is making trouble, and finally he has to be the captain to finish it off.

"Hello, I am the leader of the archaeological team, and my name is Fang Hua."

Dr. Fang Hua is more than 50 years old this year. Perhaps because of frequent meals and sleepers, he seems to be much older than himself.

But it is precisely because of this that he looks like a very knowledgeable person, this kind of temperament is far from those who sit in the office can compare.

"Hello, this is Jiang Chen."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he reached out and shook hands with Dr. Fang Hua.

"Our archaeological team is going to find the ancient city of the Salman dynasty buried in the desert. We passed by this place and stopped here by the way to supply supplies, so the children were offended just now."

After Fang Hua finished speaking, Jiang Chen could tell from his calm expression that this person was definitely someone who had seen big scenes.

He is by no means an ordinary person, after all, few people who meet his identity except Li still and Anna can talk to him so peacefully.

Of course, except for Fatty Wang, the second man still wants to beat himself every day.

"It's not when there are too many people here. In the evening, my good brother prepared a dinner for us by the Emerald Lake. Today I invite you to a dinner by the Emerald Lake."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he looked at the sky, and the blue sky had some red sunset clouds floating on it.

There was applause behind him, and the performance was over.

After the performance, the president of the Desert Eye Music World Scenic Area, who was waiting aside, hurriedly took a bunch of flowers and walked to the stage to present it to the conductor and the first guitarist.

After the president of Music World presented flowers, there was a warm applause around him soon.

It has to be said that the standard of Cactus World Autumn Concert is indeed very high. It has the best acoustics in the world, and it also has the most music-savvy tourists in the world.

Many tourists are students from major universities or musicians from major music institutions. In order to listen to this concert, they come from all over the motherland.

"Brother Jiang, it's time to give a speech on stage."

If Jiang Chen does not come today, then the final speech of the concert should be delivered by Chen Jianzhou of the Sahara Scenic Area Construction Management Group.

But now that Jiang Chen is here, it is time for Jiang Chen to give a speech to fully reflect Jiang Chen's respect for music colleagues.


After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he took everyone to the stage. Every inch of land and every piece of oasis under Jiang Chen's feet was his work, so he cherished it very much.

Now that he has the opportunity to carry forward this land, how could he miss this opportunity?

Jiang Chen just walked a few steps, he looked back at Sun Mi and Dr. Fang, and then he motioned to the two to eat.

Before Sun Mi and Fang Hua could refuse, Jiang Chen was already far away.

I don't know when, Jiang Chen actually had the sense of immediate sight of an overbearing president.

Jiang Chen walked to the stage and shook hands with Tan Songhua again.

"It's great. The sound effect here is definitely the best place I have traveled all over the world. If there is a chance, I hope my 30th anniversary concert will be held here."

Tan Songhua spoke very sincerely and did not feel hypocritical at all.

Indeed, in the open-air performance center of Music World, the speakers here are definitely the world's top speakers.

The design here also makes full use of the echo of the big hole in the Eye of the Desert, and he has made the sound to the extreme.

"No problem, you just tell us the time when the time comes."

After replying to Tan Songhua, the host handed the microphone to Jiang Chen.

Standing in front of the microphone, standing in front of tens of thousands of audiences, Jiang Chen didn't know what to say without the manuscript, but he quickly calmed down.

"Thank you for coming. When autumn comes, there will be autumn concerts in many places in the world. When I built the Sahara Eye Music World, many people questioned me. They asked me who would be in the desert. Come to the show, who will brave the wind and sand to listen?"

"But today I want to tell them that when you make a thing the ultimate, it is an art in itself.

Just like my desert eye music world, I made it to the extreme, I made every one of his voices uplifting, so I believe no one would reject such wonderful music.

In addition, I am announcing that the Eye of the Desert Music World will aim to do world-famous concerts. In the future, you can call it the City of Music."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, tens of thousands of people clapped instantly. The applause was overwhelming, and everyone was excited.

Sun Mi, who was in the audience at the moment, couldn't help but her eyes were gloomy.

It is true that Jiang Chen said it well, his determination is very impressive.

People who refuse to admit defeat will always have a moving side, and the person Sun Mi likes is such a great hero.

When Jiang Chen stepped down from the stage, the president of the Music World Scenic Spot introduced to everyone the plans for the future Music World.

This plan includes that they will hold four seasons concerts, they will hold weekend music salons, pop music festivals and other music events.

In the future, everyone who comes to the world of Cactus Forest will be able to see unparalleled concerts.

When the last ray of sunlight disappeared in the sky, night fell a little bit.

It was another full moon night, and it was quiet by the emerald lake.A round moon reflected in the water, watching countless tourists.

The Emerald Lake Hotel, which stretches into the lake by the lake, is also very quiet. In an open-air pavilion in the lake, it is full of people.

The people sitting here to eat are no one else, but Jiang Chen, Guan Zuo and Dr. Fang Hua's expedition team.

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