I have a city in the desert

Chapter 466: I am God in the Desert

Jiang Chen had only walked ten miles after seeing them, and Fatty Wang was about to rest.He looked at Fatty Wang and said, "How far is this? If you want to rest, you just go home."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Fatty Wang said in embarrassment, "It's not that I want to rest. I think our camels need to rest."

While the two were talking, Uncle Barku pointed to the small pile of sand that was gradually swelling in the distance and shouted: "Look at what is there? There are patches of small mushrooms. Is it a steel-toothed beast?"

Several people followed his hands and looked over, and as expected, a dense patch of soil appeared on a sand dune backed by the sun.

The bag was not very big, it was the size of a fist, and the bag was still shaking.

"Go and see what's going on."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he rode a camel to the bottom of the sand dune. When he reached the bottom of the sand dune, he was completely stunned.

At this moment, in front of Jiang Chen, the entire area of ​​the huge sand dune mountain was densely packed with small dirt.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen does not have intensive phobia, otherwise, he would have to get goose bumps.

"What is this? This must not be the Desert Steeltooth."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Long Ge jumped off the camel, he took a dagger and pierced into the dirt bag on the sand dune.


Brother Long pierced in with this knife and felt it stabbed on the meaty stuff. He pulled the knife out of the sandbag and directly pulled out a desert locust.

Seeing that it was a desert locust, a group of people was relieved.

"It's a desert locust. It seems that we are going in the right direction. I said how these guys can survive such a hot temperature in the desert. They were hidden in the sand."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a group of people continued to drive toward the depths of the desert in the direction of the locusts.

When Jiang Chen walked until noon, the surrounding temperature had reached more than 60 degrees.

Rao Shi Jiang Chen and the others wore sunscreen clothes.But still some can't handle the high temperature of the desert, so a group of people had to find a place to make the desert yurt bigger.

After the yurt was built, it was much cooler for a group of people to hide in the desert yurt that can adjust the temperature.

Sitting in the yurt, Jiang Chen looked at the hot desert outside. He was a little worried about Fanghua's archaeological team.

The archaeological team does not have a desert tent. How can they resist the heat in the desert and the cold at night?

But these things are not something he can worry about.When the weather gradually became cooler, Jiang Chen and the others set off again.

Every mile in the desert is very difficult. After dark, Jiang Chen and the others only drove more than 30 miles.

At night, the cold wind hits in the desert.The cold wind blew on people, bitingly cold.

After Jiang Chen and the others walked for several hours in the night, they set up a tent next to a sand dune.

When Jiang Chen had just tied the tent, under the crescent crescent, he suddenly heard people calling.

The voice was a little faint, but the desert at night was too quiet, so now they heard clearly.

"Fatty Wang, have you heard someone calling for help?"

"No, I can't hear it at all! Brother Chen hurry up and go to bed, let's not be nosy. There are many demons in this desert, they will lure you over in the desert, and then trap you with quicksand and eat you. ."

After Fatty Wang finished speaking, Jiang Chen was even more convinced that someone must be shouting in the desert.So Jiang Chen kicked the fat man to wake up, then grabbed him and walked outside the tent.

"Brother Chen, there is nothing outside at all. The sound you hear may be the sound of some kind of animal, even the sound of locusts is normal."

Fatty Wang yelled while struggling. Indeed, this is a desert of death. Who would be so idle that he would come here to play.

Jiang Chen didn't believe Fatty Wang's nonsense. He quietly listened to the voice, then looked for it, and dragged Fatty Wang to the yelling with him.

Jiang Chen had just walked a mile or two, their guide Uncle Barku hurriedly ran from the tent and called them.

"Don't go there, it's very dangerous here. This is a quicksand area, there are quicksand everywhere, if you accidentally enter it, you will die."

After Uncle Barku finished speaking, Fatty Wang over there let out a scream, and his whole body became nervous.

"Brother Chen save me, Brother Chen save me."

Fatty Wang felt as if he had fallen into something. As soon as he struggled, he sank into the sand. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get out.

"What's wrong with Fatty Wang?"

"Quicksand is quicksand, shit, I just wanted to come here to use the toilet."

Fatty Wang was terrified in the quicksand, after all, he had also heard of the horror of the quicksand.

"Don't struggle, don't move, moving there will only sink deeper. So don't move, wait for us to save you."

After Jiang Chen shouted, he looked at Barku, and Barku pointed to Jiang Chen and shouted: "I'm going to lead the camel, you go get the rope."

Somehow there was wind and sand again at night. When Barku, Jiang Chen, and Brother Lang took the camel and returned to the desert with a rope, the wind and sand had already covered their footsteps, and they couldn't even find the place where Fatty Wang went.

"Damn it, Fatty Wang, where are you fucking? Hurry up and give me a call!"

Jiang Chen yelled towards the desert, but in this endless desert, every sand dune looked so much like another sand dune. Where would they go to find someone?

Fatty Wang waited in the quicksand for a long time without seeing Jiang Chen and the others coming. He also became puzzled.

But as soon as the sand blows, Fatty Wang's heart is instantly cold, because he saw that their footsteps were covered by the sand.

"Brother Chen, Brother Chen, save me! You guys have somehow left someone here!"

Fatty Wang shouted for a long time, and his body sank a lot back because of his struggle. Now the quicksand has reached his stomach. If he moves again, he might wait for Jiang Chen to come and not look for him.

Is my Fatty Wang going to die here?What a wasteful death!

Fatty Wang finished speaking in a desperate manner. There was nothing else around him except the crooked moon.

"Fatty Wang, Fatty Wang, you can't die in the desert. If you die here, where can I dig you?"

Jiang Chen yelled at the desert, and started crying in grief.Fatty Wang is the only relative in his hometown.

He walked forward in the direction of the moonlight, and Barku shouted to Jiang Chen: "You can't go forward. The front is full of quicksand areas. It is possible that you can't find him, and your life will be taken."

"No, I must find him. Fatty Wang is still waiting for me to rescue him."

"All of this is God's will. We can't keep anyone who God wants to leave."

After Barku finished speaking, Jiang Chen pointed at him and screamed: "I don't care what gods are or are not gods, I am a god in the desert, and everything in the desert must listen to me."

"No, no, don't say such things in the desert, the god of the desert will blame it."

After Barku finished speaking, he knelt on the ground in a panic and prayed to the desert god for forgiveness.

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