I have a city in the desert

Chapter 479: No culture is terrible

In front of Gold, Jiang Chen was most afraid that everyone would lose his heart.So he quickly let Fatty Wang close the golden treasure box.

As soon as Fatty Wang closed the golden treasure box, he saw the rows of large boxes piled up in the huge treasury of the House of Internal Affairs.If he guessed right, it wasn't gold or silver, and there were even boxes full of jewelry.

"Brother Jiang, don't you believe in the character of my Fatty Wang? Do I care about this mere gold? Back then, my warehouse was full of banknotes. When did you see me tempted?"

After Wang Fatty finished talking, Jiang Chen sneered. You fucking didn't feel tempted. You just moved to the banknotes. Are you tempted?

"It's not that I don't believe you, Fatty Wang, this matter is still waiting for the president to come, and they will let the president decide when they come."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he motioned to Fatty Wang and told him that there was Professor Fang Hua beside him. They couldn't let Fang Hua's heart become cold now!

"Fine, I can open two more boxes to see what's inside. Don't worry, Brother Jiang, if anyone here dares to snatch this thing, my Fatty Wang will kill him first."

After Fatty Wang finished speaking, Brother Wolf also hurriedly said to the side: "Even if Fatty Wang doesn't kill him, my old Brother Wolf will definitely kill him. Brother Jiang will open two more boxes for me to see. I have never seen him in my life. These things."

"Okay, just open it. And let me emphasize again, no one is allowed to steal things here, including me, I will not take things here. These things belong to the people, they belong to The deserts, of course, they also belong to the scenic spots and belong to the Saha Group."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Sun Mi couldn't help but sighed. Is there any difference between belonging to the Saha Group and belonging to you?

It's just that due to Jiang Chen's strength, she couldn't tell.

After obtaining Jiang Chen's permission, Fatty Wang and Brother Lang rushed to the two huge boxes like happy children and were about to unlock them.

"Old wolf, let's open one, this big box can't be opened alone."

"Fuck, if you didn't say it earlier, I didn't open it for a long time."

Brother Lang walked to Fatty Wang after he finished speaking. Because they didn't have the key, the two of them could only use a blunt tool to break the lock open.

After breaking the lock and opening the treasure chest, the treasure chest in front of them really surprised them.There is no gold or silver jewelry in this box, but a box of paintings and calligraphy.

"Fuck, I thought there was gold in it, so why did you get a bunch of torn paper? Forget it, go and open other boxes."

After Fatty Wang finished speaking, Jiang Chen couldn't help but scolded, "Can you two bastards stop being ashamed here? What is torn paper? Do you know how much these paintings and calligraphy are worth?"

Jiang Chen's face was lost by the two of them. As expected, he hadn't read a book, so his eyesight was not good.

Professor Fang Hua walked to the box, and he reached out and picked up a scroll. After opening it, it was a picture of beautiful women in the mountains.The beauties in the picture are lifelike, the country is picturesque, and some people are excited.

"A good painting is the color of the paintbrush. This must be passed down from our country. If this painting is taken to the auction house, it will cost at least several hundred million."

The most important thing is that these words are kept quite complete, so its price must be very high.Not only that, but he is also a collection of the royal family, which has increased its price a lot.

"Several hundred million? Let me see what is worth so much?"

When Fatty Wang looked back and wanted to take the box, Professor Fang Hua hurriedly grabbed him.

"No, you don't have leather gloves. You can't touch the things inside."

"If you don't touch it, you won't touch it, any rare thing, wipe my butt, I don't think it's hard. Old wolf will go and open other boxes."

"That's right, the torn paper is all yellow, and you regard him as a treasure. There is no real gold in this thing."

When Fatty Wang finished speaking, he plopped open a box with Brother Lang. After opening the box, he bought the box's jade and the two people cheered.

"Brother Jiang, come and see that this whole box is all jade. Look at how beautiful this jade pill is, and this jade belt is also good."

Jiang Chen walked to the box, and he was surprised by the neatly arranged various jade articles in the box.

The treasury is huge, and there are a lot of things in it. If you let them see it like this, it would be weird if they were not crazy.

So after thinking for a while, Jiang Chen looked at Fatty Wang and Brother Lang who were about to open the box again and shouted, "Okay, you two don't break the lock for me anymore. The stuff here will be transferred to President Guan immediately."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Brother Lang and Fatty Wang stopped their hands.

After stopping, Fatty Wang looked at Jiang Chen and laughed blackly: "Brother Chen, do we leave all these things to the monkey? The man who manages the monkey is very stingy. Once you hand it over to him, you will Don't want to come back from him again."

After Fatty Wang finished speaking, Jiang Chen looked at the dumbfounded people around him. He knew that these people came here at the risk of their lives. If they didn't benefit them, it would seem that he was too ruthless.

In that case, who else will sell his life in the future?

"Okay, everyone puts down the things in their hands."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Dr. Fang Hua and the others also put down what they were holding. They wanted to see what Jiang Chen had to say.

After half a day, Jiang Chen looked at everyone and said, "You have all come here for a lifetime. Don't say that Jiang Chen doesn't talk about loyalty. From now on, I will give you one minute, and you will pick something from here and take it away.

The things you take will not be included in the ancient capital protection list. In addition, I will issue a certificate to you to prove that this thing was legally obtained by you."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Professor Fang Hua, Sun Mi and others became excited.

As long as the things here are well taken, they will eat and drink forever!

But the literati is a literati after all. After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Professor Fang Hua looked at the picture of Jiangshan's beauty in his hand, nodded and said: "Since Boss Jiang has spoken, if we refuse, we won't give Boss Jiang's face. Everyone should get one. I want this painting for my old man."

After Professor Fang Hua finished speaking, Fatty Wang stretched out his hand and took out a piece of gold from the box and said to the old wolf: "This silly thing, there are so many valuable things, what kind of painting? Let's not say that brother does not cover you. , The biggest piece of gold here belongs to you."

Brother Wolf took the heavy gold and he was very satisfied with it.

Immediately afterwards, Fatty Wang rummaged through the box and turned over again and found a large piece of gold and picked it up.

Looking at Fatty Wang and Brother Lang, Jiang Chen really wanted to kick these two idiots to death here.How much money can these two pieces of gold sell?If you don't take those priceless paintings, you just make a gem that is worth more than gold.

"Then I want this gem."

After Sun Mi went to the gem shelf and took a sky blue gem.

This gem is very similar to the heart of the desert that was auctioned at the auction house, except that it is a little smaller than the desert star, but even so this gem is worth at least four billion.

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