I have a city in the desert

Chapter 496: What should I do

"Okay, everyone is here. Call everyone for a meeting today. Everyone knows what it is."

Chen Jianzhou presided over the meeting. After Chen Jianzhou finished speaking, a group of executives nodded.

"It's all my fault. I'm not strict in discipline, which led to the appearance of Lu Zhimin in my group.

I have nothing to say today. Although I did not participate in this incident, this incident happened in our seed group and caused our seed group to discredit, so I now take the blame and resign."

Liang Junwei, chairman of the Seed Group, finished speaking, Guan Zuo looked at him and said: "Now the meeting is not about who should be dealt with. Of course, we will deal with people. The more important thing we have to do now is how to make our group Stabilize."

Guan Zuo is right. They investigated who was involved in the seed sales this week, and they also investigated who had been to the Dream Grassland and violated discipline.

This makes many employees, executives and ordinary leaders of the Saha Group feel scared.

I have to say that with the growth of personnel and the rapid development of the company, the company has recruited many people.

Although these people are of high quality and strong business ability, they are human after all, so under the temptation of money or beauty, they will inevitably do something that violates Jiang Chen's regulations.

Moreover, the two years since the establishment of the Saha Group itself is not perfect. Jiang Chen's management company is based entirely on favor and self-consciousness.

There is no supervision department in his company, so various things that lead to corruption, bribery, or getting projects based on relationships emerge in an endless stream.

So when Guan Xu went through this investigation, he was also shocked.

He wants to give Jiang Chen the list of all criminals in his hand, but he is afraid that if the list is handed over, the Jiang Chen group will lose a lot of talents, and the Saha group may enter a backlash. period.

"Liang Junwei, you must be responsible for this matter. However, Jiang Chen, I have one thing to say, you didn't do this matter, so you are not responsible.

But after all, you are the leader of the seed group. I hope you can give me a long memory today. Okay, all your year-end bonuses for this year have been deducted. Go and sit there."

Regarding the things that he worried about, why not worry Jiang Chen?

All he recruited were top domestic and even international talents. The reason why they were willing to stay in the frontier to help him was because they took a fancy to Jiang Chen's benefits and future.

If Jiang Chen dealt with all the nearly 300 people who made mistakes from top to bottom this time, there will be a shortage of talents in the Saha Group companies.

He also thought about this, and you won't be able to recruit these talents in the country for a while.

When Jiang Chen finished speaking, Yang Junwei blushed and lowered his head to walk to his seat and sit down.

To be honest, he had already thought about the dismissal. After all, as the first person in charge of the seed group, his subordinates actually sold the seeds, he didn't know.

And these seeds are not one of the most valuable things in Jiang Chen Group.

But after all, he is an executive from a domestic multinational company. If he left like this, who would dare to ask him in China?

So when Jiang Chen gave him a step down, Liang Junwei could only blush and return to his seat.

"I don't want to hide anything from you. Since the establishment of the Saha Group, we have grown from an obscure frontier small company to now become a large company that can be ranked in the entire China. There are also the results of everyone's hard work.

But after I organized a visit this time, I did find a lot of problems, such as corruption, taking bribes, going to casinos, gambling, and going to Happy Valley to do things like that. Are these things still done by a senior intellectual? ?"

Regardless of what he said, the more angry he got, he slapped a list on the table.

Looking at the list, almost half of the leaders bowed their heads.That's right, although people like them have no major problems, they are inevitable for small mistakes.

"Brother Jiang, I don't show favor to anyone. I also have an unshirkable responsibility for this matter today.

I only saw the company's forward development speed, but forgot to care about employees' lives.

Therefore, I self-punished the bonus for two years, and half of the shares in the Saha Group I own were also donated to the Desert Construction Foundation."

After Guan Cu put out his attitude, everyone was shocked.You must know that Guanzuo's year-end awards are very high. His two-year year-end awards add up to at least several hundred million.

There are also his shares. As the founder of the Saha Group, Guan Cuo has to donate half of the shares to at least tens of billions of dollars.

"I'm sorry! I have also been to that dream grassland, but I have never done anything that I am sorry for our Saha Group. I know that going to this kind of place is not right in itself, so I donated this year's bonus to do some desert governance. contribution."

After Guan Cuo finished speaking, an executive not far from him also stood up.

Soon a group of executives who had made mistakes also learned one after another, and Guanxi began to donate money.

It is true that they have made mistakes, but these are not unforgivable mistakes.

And more importantly, they are reluctant to work in the Saha Group.

No matter if it is salary, bonus, medical treatment or environment, working in the Saha Group has completely crushed those well-known international companies in all aspects.

"Okay, I will leave the blame for this matter. I hope that you will think twice about this matter in the future.

I don't ask you to think about yourself three times a day, but I also want you to think about what I want to do every day after you get up.Is this thing I did useful to the scenic spot, to myself, to the nation, and to the country?"

They are all willing to come out with money, what else can Jiang Chen do?So, take money to redeem it!

After all, Jiang Chen couldn't do without them for a while, and they were willing to cherish the work in front of them. That was enough.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the group of people nodded. Jiang Chen reached out and took the list of names from the table, then tore him to pieces and threw it into the trash can.

"President Guan, you can destroy the backup in your computer. Let's forget the blame this time, and I will give you a chance.

I believe that after this incident, you should not let me down.

If you let us down again, next time I believe you will not be able to ask me for forgiveness again."

"Well, everything depends on Brother Jiang. I'll give you another chance this time, but don't have another one!"

After solving the mistakes made by the executives, Guan Xu announced the establishment of the Saha Disciplinary Supervision Committee at the meeting.

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