I have a city in the desert

Chapter 506 Uneven Distribution of Spoils

On Highway 1, watching the bus go away, Fatty Wang, Brother Lang and others did not leave.In less than half an hour, Fatty Wang's cell phone rang.

"Has anyone caught it?"

"The suspects have been caught by us. We will interrogate them soon. You can go back. Go back and thank Brother Jiang for our help and thank him for his contribution to the public security of our country!"

"Don't thank you, remember to interrogate them well, these are old foxes, they are very oily."

After hanging up the phone, a Mercedes-Benz drove in the distance. This was a very familiar Mercedes-Benz. Yes, it was the car of Jiang Chen, the boss of the Saha Group.

When the car stopped beside Fatty Wang and Brother Lang, the door slammed and Jiang Chen walked out of the car with a smile on his face.


"Hahaha, Brother Jiang really guessed right, there really is money in this bastard's pocket."

Fatty Wang finished with a smile, and Brother Lang took out his cell phone and said to Jiang Chen: "We cheated him 1 billion just now, and the bastards of Uncle Qi, we also cheated them a lot of money."

"One billion, that's okay! The two old foxes still want to trick me to send them to the scenic spot, haha, what do you think, Fatty Wang won't be fooled, will Jiang Chen be there?"

"Brother Chen, what do you mean by this? Isn't my Fatty Wang not smart anymore?"

"I wiped it out and said what I wanted to say."

"No, you Fatty Wang is so smart, you are not only smart, you are also shameless. What everyone in our group knows, um, it's OK, let's not say it, now we will start to divide the money."

After Jiang Chen finished talking about Fatty Wang, he just wanted to go crazy with Jiang Chen, but when it came to dividing money, Fatty Wang instantly put up his anger. After all, there is no money in this world that can't be done. If there is, then Just the money is less...

"There is a total of 1.012 million here. First of all, I have to state how to divide the money. Let's say it from the beginning. The bulk of it will be used for the construction and development of our city, so this bulk must be given to Lu Zhimin."

"Okay, let him buy bulldozers, excavators, etc., to level our urban land. We have no problem, Brother Wolf, let's transfer money now."

After Fatty Wang finished speaking, Brother Lang didn’t have any opinions. After all, they were illegal in doing these things. They needed Jiang Chen to help them carry the responsibilities. Therefore, they gave Lu Zhimin the right to push the sand dunes. Contribute.

"Okay, let's make money."

Soon the two people transferred 1 billion to the account of the Desert Construction Group.

After the money got better, Jiang Chen also made a special call to Lu Zhimin. Now Lu Zhimin is lying in the hospital to rest. This guy was directly broken two ribs by Uncle Qi. It was very miserable.

After Jiang Chen told Lu Zhimin that the money had arrived, Lu Zhimin almost jumped out of the hospital bed with excitement. If it weren't for the medical staff to press him, he would have liked to run to Jiang Chen to thank him on the spot.

He originally thought that Jiang Chen got him into the Desert Construction Group, just to save him face, he really did not expect Jiang Chen to actually invest money in it, and the first fund was 1 billion, how can he Not excited yet.

"It's right to be the third brother who has made some contribution to the desert. God, when the third brother is reborn in the next life, he will have to look at his ethics. Don't let him be reborn as a rat or something, let him be reborn as a dog. , Don’t let him live too badly."

Jiang Chen said while praying for a while.His prayers were empty, a group of people were staring at him, after all, they still had 12 million waiting to share the spoils.

The Sahara Group is now on the right track. Jiang Chen does not hold a position in the Sahara Group, so he does not receive a salary.Jiang Chen spent two main items in building the desert.

The first is that the Saha Group will convert a certain income into a percentage to Jiang Chen’s Desert Construction Foundation. The other is that after Jiang Chen builds a new scenic spot, it will then be packaged and sold to the Saha Group at a low price.

Of course the selling price is very low.To put it bluntly, this system of management and promotion is to allow everyone to work for the Saha Group, including Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen is also working for the Saha Group, but he is the most senior employee.

"Brother Chen, just let the kind of person go to hell and don't come out. Don't pray for him. Hurry up and divide the money. Brothers are waiting."

After all, this is a piece of money that can't see the sun, so this money is worth seeing.

"Okay, now we will start to divide the money. I am the master planner behind this matter and I am still the person who bears the responsibility. Do you have any comments on my 4 million?"

It just so happened that Li still’s birthday was approaching, and Jiang Chen was going to buy a sports car for Li still. This car purchase was not enough for just one person, so Jiang Chen simply bought one for Li still and Anna each.

No, no, Sun Mi is a master who can make trouble. If she doesn't give her anything later, she will definitely make trouble for the entire Saha group.

So 1.3 million per person, I will go to Shenghai Group to pick up the car this afternoon, and I will send it to them tomorrow.Li still asked her to buy the car directly in the United States.

"No object, no objection, you should have taken the big head. But if something goes wrong in the future, Brother Chen, you just said you did it yourself, don't push it on both of us. I heard that the monkeys are going to do it now. Disciplinary committees must act in accordance with the law in everything they say. Don’t look back and catch us again.”

"All right, Fatty Wang, when can you not be afraid of the president! Forget it, you two are natural enemies."

"Brother Chen, look at what you said. You don’t want to inquire in Wanjiang Village. Whom did Fatty Wang have been afraid of since I was young? It was the village chief. I stole a chicken from him and was hung on a tree to beat me. I gave in. Ever?"

"Do you fucking call submission? You are all tied to a tree, and you can't give up if you want to give in! Okay, hurry up and shut up early. You can still say such a shameful thing. Wang. Fatty, you two will each get 3 million. The other 2 million will be given to the next two brothers."

"Middle, now I'm transferring money, Brother Chen, if there are any good things like this in the future, remember to notify me as soon as possible."

After Jiang Chen divided the remaining money, everyone was happy, and Jiang Chen was even more happy.The only unhappy people are the third brother and seventh uncle who were caught in the black house.

The trial of the third brother and the seventh uncle proceeded very quickly.Now that the SAR has just been established, the trial of such cases that affect the image of the SAR is generally very fast.

Within a week, Lao Ma called Jiang Chen. He briefly introduced the identity of the third brother to Jiang Chen. This so-called third brother is actually the third oldest of the Zhu family.

No wonder this person knows Jiang Chen's name, he turns out to be from the Zhu family.

Specifically, this person is Zhu Chang’s third uncle. Zhu Chang’s father is called Zhu Dajiang. They are three brothers. When the three of them were separated, the boss Zhu Dajiang was given a share of minerals, several entertainment companies and several domestic companies. He established Dajiang Group for companies such as scenic spots.

The second child was awarded a number of companies such as the pharmaceutical company, and he established the Zhu Group.This youngest is the only one who is idle all day long, gambling and taking drugs.

So the third child didn't have any company assigned, but his father left him a sum of money. He used their Zhu family's contacts and the money to set up an underground casino, and he was mixed in the underworld.

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