I have a city in the desert

Chapter 508: Here comes a five thousand mu plum blossoms

Give yourself whatever system you lack. This system really wants to make money for him.

But Jiang Chen thought for a while, if plum blossoms can be really planted, is he still afraid that there will be no one in his scenic spot?

"Very well, then I will build a desert plum blossom ocean! But I have to look at the price first. This year I have less money. If this thing is as expensive as an apricot tree, I will honestly plant a few in the scenic area. Let everyone smell the fragrance here."

So far, Jiang Chen’s largest investment is Xinghua Sea View Area, where Jiang Chen has invested hundreds of billions in capital.Of course, Jiang Chen has also recovered his money in the past two years.

But because of the winter storm, the apricot tree died more than half, Jiang Chen was almost distressed to death.

[Price reminder]: 200 yuan a desert plum.

"200 trees are okay. If these plum trees have more varieties, it would be even better!"

Jiang Chen was very excited. He had planted two hundred and one, and it seemed that it was time for large-scale planting!

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen opened his bank account and took a look.

Now, he has more than 4 billion in his bank account, and he has enough money to build the Meihua Scenic Area.

But now Jiangshan has a problem, that is, where he wants to build these plum blossom scenic spots.

Sitting in the car, Jiang Chen took out the map of the entire scenic spot and began to think.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Chen decided to build the Plum Blossom Sea in the Bermuda Oasis Scenic Area.

In terms of making money, Jiang Chen's most profitable scenic spot is the Bermuda Oasis scenic spot.

After all, this scenic spot is his eldest son, so if you want to build it, you still have to give priority to the oasis scenic spot.

"The southern and western sides of the Bermuda Oasis Scenic Area are already fully planted. It seems that the plum garden scenic area can only be built on the flat land in the northeast."

After Jiang Chen was talking, he drove towards the Bermuda Oasis Scenic Spot.

After arriving at the Bermuda Oasis Scenic Area, Jiang Chen did not rush to plant the land. Although there are not many scenic spots in the Bermuda Scenic Area today, there are still many people staying here.

So after Jiang Chen finished exploring the terrain, he decided to wait for the night curfew before starting to build the desert plum blossom scenic spot.

The evening passed quickly, and when the truck that harvested the grass seeds pulled a cart of Bermuda grass seeds away from the green space of the lavender manor, the whole scenic spot fell into a peaceful state.

Jiang Chen sat on the roof of the car like this, he took out a cigar, lit it, and then watched the setting sun fall from the sky little by little.

The sunset in the distance hangs on the branches of the giant pillar fairy in the desert, the red sunset is like a red fruit growing on a cactus.

Jiang Chen smiled to himself, he no longer remembers how long it has been since such a person silently felt the silence of nature.

This kind of quietness is something that the city cannot give, and this kind of quietness is also the exclusive enjoyment of people's emptiness and search for nature.

When the sun went down, Jiang Chen started his own planting plan.

He has already calculated that there are nearly 5,000 acres of land left in the northwest corner of the Bermuda Oasis Scenic Area.

These lands can’t just grow desert plum blossoms. After all, the purpose of growing desert plum blossoms is to make money. Oh no, it’s not so straightforward.

The purpose of growing desert plum blossoms is to allow more people to appreciate the beauty of desert plum blossoms, so they not only need to see the plum blossoms, but also need to live in such scenic spots to smell the plum blossoms.

Only by living in the plum garden can you truly experience the spirit of the ancients.

So Jiang Chen planned to divide the 5000 mu of land into two pieces, 3,000 acres for planting desert plum blossoms, and 2,000 acres for building houses.

The 3,000 acres of desert plum blossoms are enough for tourists to appreciate, so the remaining 2,000 acres will be used to build the plum blossom town!

Jiang Chen took the plan and strolled under the moonlight. His plan was to build a small desert plum blossom town here.

So Jiang Chen first bought two cross-shaped concrete roads and planted them in the entire oval desert plum blossom manor.

The intersection of the two roads is where the town is. After Jiang Chen vacated the town, he began to build a plum blossom garden.

"The area of ​​plum blossoms is a bit big, so let's have a few more roads."

As Jiang Chen spoke, he planted five or six roads around Meihua Town.These five or six roads divide Meihua Manor into more than a dozen scenic spots.

The next task was very simple. Jiang Chen directly clicked a button to plant and planted all the desert plum blossoms on the dozens of open spaces.

After the desert plum blossoms were planted, a golden light fell to the ground, and soon plum trees with thick thighs emerged from the ground.

The plum tree is very distinctive. It is not as straight as a poplar or as curved as a peach tree.

Each plum tree has a different posture, but looking at the plum blossom trees that seem to be artificially carved in a patchwork pattern is indeed exquisite.

After the plum tree grew out, Jiang Chen could smell wisps of fragrance under the silver moonlight.

The scent of plum blossom is similar to that of osmanthus, but it is different from osmanthus. The scent of plum has a delicate fragrance, which is very charming in the air.

"Wow! It smells so good."

After all the plum blossoms have grown, the blooming scene of more than 3,000 acres of plum blossoms is indeed delightful.

Especially looking at the patches of pink, light yellow, and other plum blossoms under the silver moonlight, Jiang Chen felt that these were simply winter elves.

"It's amazing, I thought these plums were all the same color!"

Sniffing the elegant scent of plum blossoms, Jiang Chen walked in the plum blossom world that was taller than one person. He was excited when he saw that plum blossoms of different varieties and huge flowers.

"What the scenic spot is afraid of is monotony, and you can finally rest assured now!"

After Jiang Chen had planted desert plum blossoms in the night, he began to build the desert plum blossom town.

As the supporting facilities of the Meihua Scenic Area, the desert Meihua Town is also important for its construction.

Regarding the construction of Meihua Town, Jiang Chen decided to build a shopping street about ten miles long in the center of the town.

In the future, this street will be a comprehensive avenue integrating shopping, cinema, and shopping mall accommodation!In other words, this is the tourist shopping financial center of the Desert Plum Blossom Scenic Area.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen directly opened the seed pavilion of the house. He chose a set of Hui-style commercial buildings in the seed pavilion and planted them on both sides of the street.

This will be the first time an Hui-style building has been used as a commercial street, and then Jiang Chen has also built a similar shopping street on another cross route of the commercial street.

After planting the two shopping streets, Jiang Chen planted all the homestay rooms in other spare places in the town.

These homestay rooms can be sold for everyone to live in, or they can be rented out by the housing management group as a homestay.

Of course, these Hui-style buildings can also be promoted as scenic spots. After all, Hui-style buildings are an art in themselves!

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