I have a city in the desert

Chapter 518: Super milk powder that helps sleep

This is a crisis of trust, even adults, but children are the future of the motherland.Jiang Chen and Fatty Wang didn't dare to make fun of them.

Fenghua Zhengmao: I think their products should be trusted.After all, everyone has seen desert grasslands, and everyone knows the special effects of desert grasslands.And just now everyone has seen their workshop, and Qingbei University is an intermediate researcher, can't you still trust it?

Yo-Yo: I recommend it to everyone, you might as well give it a try.Think about it, since the birth of the Saha Group, which of the plum blossoms, almonds, and peaches they sell is not a premium product?Moreover, their almonds can also cure cancer. Anyway, I think I can believe the reputation and character of the Saha Group.

A group of people began to move around, and Jiang Chen also knew that if you want them to trust their milk powder, this is indeed not something they can believe in a few words.

So Jiang Chen looked at his live broadcast room and introduced him to everyone.

"Regarding milk powder, if you are willing to try it, you can go to the Saha shop to buy it. Let me tell you this, sometimes it is not our domestic products that are definitely worse than foreign imports.

Do you have any relatives or friends living abroad?If you inquire carefully, you will find many so-called imported milk powder, they are all unknown brands abroad.

They just hang a sheep’s head there. The final producer is still Chinese, and the seller is still Chinese. I have also heard that some milk powder is only 10 tons when sold from foreign countries, but after arriving in China, It becomes 100 tons. Think about whether he added anything to it."

The milk powder industry’s water is still very deep, and now everyone has a psychology of admiring foreigners, so many profiteers take this opportunity to register a trademark in a foreign country, and then advertise in China.

Finally, the milk powder was sold from foreign countries to China, and their intermediate prices increased. Not to mention that the quality of the milk powder has not improved much.

"Well, yes, we could have not produced milk powder. You know that as long as our fresh milk is launched, there will be countless people snatching it. But why do we make milk powder? We want more Chinese children It’s our goal to be stronger and use the best milk powder for the least amount of money."

Fatty Wang also leaned in front of the camera and said that he would not miss the one minute and one second advertising time.

My Neighbor Totoro: You said let us spend the least money to eat the best milk powder. Are you not a lie?Herbs in your scenic area are expensive, and cattle in your scenic area are also expensive.The milk in your scenic area is not cheap. If you put these things together, your milk powder will definitely be too expensive.

Mama Bear: Yes, I also feel that your milk powder will definitely not be so cheap.

Dafengche: I believe your milk powder must be good milk powder.But if you can really do it so that every family can afford it, then this is a good company.

A group of people talked about the price. Jiang Chen looked at Fatty Wang, and Fatty Wang hurriedly introduced it to everyone.

"Don't worry, everyone. Our goal is to let everyone have peace of mind to eat milk powder. Of course, we will certainly not be too expensive in terms of price.

If you buy a bucket of milk powder from foreign brands, it may cost one to two thousand. Even for domestic brands, it will be no less than three to four hundred.But the price of our milk powder is cheaper. We only sell 500 yuan for such a milk powder."

Fatty Wang's milk powder is indeed much cheaper than foreign milk powder, but the price is indeed higher than that of ordinary domestic milk powder.However, even if it is high, it is not much higher. After all, the quality of small domestic brands of milk powder is indeed worrying.

After Jiang Chen finished talking about the price, a group of mothers soon became excited.

Zixuan's mother: 500 yuan a barrel is indeed cheap. This is the same price as some big domestic brands of milk powder. I will buy two cans and try it later to see if the child likes it.

Haohao's mother: My child eats pure imported milk powder. A can of milk powder costs more than 2,000, but the child doesn't like it very much. After eating it, he often spit up milk. I will give it a try later.

Bazahe: Prairie milk helps sleep. Cows eat grass from the prairie. The milk it produces is made into powdered milk. Does it also help children sleep?As far as I know, when a child is very young, the better the sleep, the faster the body grows and the better the quality of sleep, the less the child will cry.

"Comrade Bazahei is right. After research, the children in our scenic area have a very good sleep after eating milk powder, and their bodies grow very fast. Regarding things like your children being picky about milk powder, anyway, we None of the children who eat grassland milk powder in the scenic area don't like it."

Fatty Wang's milk powder has been tested in the grassland, and the results of the experiment are still very satisfactory to the experts.Its milk powder is not only full of nutrients, but also in terms of taste and in improving children's sleep, there are indeed many effects that other milk powders cannot achieve.

Descendants of Long: You said it helps sleep. By the way, let me ask if you sell milk powder for the elderly?My mother's sleep is particularly bad, and I also want to buy her some milk powder.

"Sell, our Prairie Milk Powder Group sells milk powder from newborn babies to middle-aged and elderly people. We sell all milk powder, and all formulas are prepared by the Institute of Nutrition of Qingbei University. By the way, my student People who ate milk powder and middle-aged and elderly milk powder also responded. After eating milk powder, their sleep has indeed improved a lot."

Once a person has enough sleep and a good quality sleep, then the whole person will have energy.

More importantly, the red fat milk powder not only allows them to sleep well, but is also beneficial to their bodies without any harm. This is incomparable to other milk powders.

Owl: If you say that, then I will also buy some drinks for my children who are preparing for the college entrance examination.He sleeps very little every day, and sometimes suffers from insomnia due to stress.

Dong Dongqiang: My child slept very late every day and was very energetic all day long. I bought milk powder for him to drink later in the evening.

A group of fans saw that Jiang Chen’s milk powder had a sleeping effect, and they instantly became interested, so more and more people began to want to try grassland milk powder.

After all, the reputation of today's Saha Group is really good. Okay, they don't want to doubt the quality of Saha's milk powder.

A little bit of time passed, and after Fatty Wang answered many questions raised by fans, the time came a little bit in the evening.In the evening, there were basically no people with problems, and Jiang Chen should also broadcast it.

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