I have a city in the desert

Chapter 527 This is a big event

The Mei Garden scenic spot in spring is the most beautiful. Although it is still early spring, the plum blossoms have just grown buds and haven't really opened yet.But those red buds are equally attractive.

Jingle Bell.

As soon as Jiang Chen walked to the Meihua Scenic Area, his cell phone rang again. Jiang Chen took out his cell phone and called the strange number again. Jiang Chen immediately hung up the cell phone.

"What's the matter? If you have something to do, you can do it first. Xue Qin is broadcasting live in the Bermuda scenic area today and I will go directly to play with her later."

"It's not busy, now the affairs of the group are handed over to Chen Jianzhou, and other things are also managed, and I am fine."

Jiang Chen was right, and all its scenic spots are now developing towards the best.

Saha Group has successfully become the largest group in the Northwest.

The mechanical town has been built under the management of Guanxi.

There is also the construction of the city. Now Lu Zhimin has driven thousands of excavators and bulldozers, large trucks, and road rollers into the city.

A few days ago, Jiang Chen deliberately went to see it, not to mention that the construction scene was really spectacular.

The super-giant bulldozer directly pushed a big mountain into the valley with a bang.

Those extremely huge sand dunes were dug by super excavators and put them in trucks, and then the trucks pulled them into the valley to fill the valley.

After the ground was dug out, the road roller became busy again at this time, and the Super Galaxy Invincible road roller was pressed down one by one, and the sand was very compact.

Nowadays, the construction speed of the Desert Construction Group is very fast. They can flatten a small town in a day, so that in less than a year, they can push the entire city out.

So with the help of these people, Jiang Chen really has nothing to worry about.

"That's good! By the way, Sun Mi came to me a few days ago, and he has already told me about your affairs."

Jiang Chen heard that Sun Mi had told Anna about their affairs. His whole person was bad in an instant. Sure enough, Sun Mi's carefree character, she would never be able to keep any secrets for him.


"It doesn't matter, I know everything, and I can understand. As long as she really wants to be with you, I don't care.

It’s just that I suddenly miss Sister Xia. Although she has gone to the cold wave country, she often calls me. She still cares about you very much."

"Does Shay call you often?"

After Anna finished speaking, Jiang Chen suddenly thought of Xia who was looking for a girl next door.

"Yes, you are also working hard to take care of us now. If you can, let Sister Xia come back!

After all, she was the first one to accompany you to the desert, but because of my arrival, she left. Every time I think about this, I feel bad.

If I were Sister Xia, I must be sad too."

Anna always felt that she had snatched Jiang Chen from Xia Yi, and then forced Xia Yi to leave the scenic spot.

Anna is a kind person, she would rather wrong herself than be the one who destroys the happiness of others.

"Everyone has her own dream, and when she completes her dream, she will come back by herself."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, suddenly his cell phone rang again, but this time he changed a number, which was the number of the Saha Communications Company.

"Hello, are you?"

"It's me, don't hang up in a hurry. Tell you, I know that the desert area you are in is also in a non-control area, so can we talk about it now?"

"I said, I won't talk to you, even if I am in the jurisdiction, what can I do?"

"Hehe, you know, you are in the area where you are in charge, even if anything happens in your scenic spot, Hua Guo has no right to manage it.

I think you are a smart person. A smart person will never choose to do stupid things. Just listen to me and make an appointment to sit in the special zone together. It will do you no harm."

The man on the other end of the phone laughed coldly, his laughter made people shudder.

"What's wrong? Whose phone number is this?"

If you make a wrong call, Anna can still believe it, but is it not like a wrong call at all?

"Nothing, by the way, where does Xue Qin live?"

"We came to the rose garden together. The roses in her rose garden did not bloom, so she went to the Crescent Spring Scenic Spot to broadcast live.

When Anna finished speaking, she raised her hand and looked at the small watch on her pure white wrist. Suddenly she patted her forehead and said, "Oh, I made an appointment to go to the Crescent Bay Scenic Area to find her. She showed her face in the live broadcast room and added some popularity to her, and I forgot about it."

After Anna finished speaking, she said to the assistant next to her, "Now take me to the Crescent Bay Scenic Area. Jiang Chen, then I will go to Xue Qin first. At night, if you have nothing else, you can go home directly. Come and eat, it just happens that my dad wants us to discuss something."

After Anna finished speaking, Jiang Chen nodded. Indeed, it has been a long time since he went to the Laoqin noodle restaurant to eat noodles.

"Okay, then you can go to Xue Qin first, and I will go to the special zone to find you in the evening."

Jiang Chen spoke a few words to Anna's assistants and bodyguards, and then the bodyguards escorted Anna towards the Yuewan Scenic Area.

Today, both Anna and Xue Qin have become the first sisters of Xia Haidong's live broadcast company.

The live broadcast of the two people with different styles, coupled with the appearance of the two angels, soon became the pillar of the live broadcast company, so no matter where the two of them go, Xia Haidong equipped them with assistants and drivers.

After Anna left, Jiang Chen hung up the phone and drove directly to the mechanical town to find a manager.

He has to discuss this matter with Guanxu, Guanxu is their company's Zhiduoxing, he must have a way.

Arriving to the mechanical town, the mechanical town at the moment is still a big desert, but the mechanical town has been levelled by bulldozers.

Today's management is supervising the construction team to conduct a comprehensive survey of the mechanical town.

Nowadays, the management and promotion are also very busy. Now he is not only planning to organize the leadership of the town, but also recruiting high-end talents in the automobile manufacturing and excavator manufacturing industries.

At the same time, he is also responsible for discussing matters related to college filing and enrollment with Shangjing.

"Brother Jiang, why are you free to come here?"

After Jiang Chen found Guanxun, Guanxun was discussing the land plan of the mechanical town with a group of workers.

"President Guan, you first stop working, I have something to discuss with you."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Guan Cu pointed to the map in his hand and talked to the planners next to him for a while. After the staff understood, Guan Cu said to Jiang Chen: "Okay, let's go over there and talk, Jiang Brother, what happened to come in person?"

"President Guan, the people from Fantasy Grassland called me!"

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