I have a city in the desert

Chapter 535: Confrontation

"Okay, take him down first."

"You can't kill me, you have promised me, and I have said everything you want to ask."

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. I'll still use you later. Go out and wait."

After getting Jiang Chen's assurance, Huang Lian followed the soldier out with a look of excitement.

The room continued to quiet down, Jiang Chen looked at Guan Zu, and looked at Jiang Chen. The two of them didn't know what to do for a while.

"What are you afraid of? If they dare to come, we dare to fight him!"

Head Zhang finished speaking, Guan Cu shook his head.

"When it's not in vain, this group of al-Qaeda organizations are inherently inhumane, and they also have special ethnic beliefs.

If you come hard, even if you defeat him, they will be scattered throughout the desert like mice. When they do some damage in our scenic spot, their influence will be far greater than their lives."

Indeed, this is what Jiang Chen worries about.Jiang Chen still remembers the 811 incident in the United States that year, so when dealing with this group of extremists, he must think of a special way.

"They dared to compete with the United States back then. They must have received a lot of advanced equipment from the Rakshasa country behind them. I am now worried about whether they will have missiles that can hit our scenic spot from Sark City all the way."

"Yes, I am also worried about this issue. There are also many countries in Central Asia that have perished, but there must be many people alive before they perish.

Will these people have gathered all the aircraft and tanks before the country's demise?"

People with yellow faces on the level of firepower of these militants certainly don't know.

"Can our interception system keep up now?"

When talking about the interception system, Chief Zhang shook his head: "Our air defense system has only just been purchased, and the specific deployment has not yet been completed."

In the past two years, the development of the Sahara Army has also been very rapid, but it is impossible for one to eat a fat man at once.

The same is true for the Sahara Army. Today, the Sahara Army already has an air base, a tank army, an armored army, and an artillery base.

But in the area of ​​air defense, they are really nothing.

"I think we might as well go and talk to General Morris. After all, this matter is his fault first. If it can be resolved peacefully, then it is better for us to consider peace."

After Guan Zuo finished speaking, Jiang Chen nodded.

Of course, he also wants to consider peace as the most important thing, after all, these people in Sark City are indeed a group of people who are very troublesome.

Even if you defeat these people, but their nationalism is so strong and their beliefs are different from those of Jiangshan, they will inevitably turn the world into hell again.

After the two people agreed, Jiang Chen called the yellow face in again.

After Huang Lian was handed in, Jiang Chen gave him a way to survive and let him go back and tell General Morris that the Dreamland Grassland and the Kani Valley had been occupied by him.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Huang Lian shook his head straight after hearing this. If General Morris knew that Jiang Chen had occupied his God of Wealth, it would be strange if General Morris didn't come to avenge him.

"No, I will go back and tell General Morris that General Morris will definitely send someone to attack you."

"You don't need to worry about the others, just go back."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, in order to express his sincerity, Jiang Chen asked Huang Lian to take the prisoners back together.

After the yellow-faced man left, Jiang Chen quickly began to dispatch troops.

Today's Sahara Army has a total of nearly 10,000 people, and nearly 5,000 of these 10,000 people are all scattered in various scenic spots and are responsible for missions.

Of the remaining 5,000 people, nearly 1,000 are stationed in areas where various groups are concentrated, such as small wooden houses.

Therefore, the remaining people are their conventional warfare combat forces. Jiang Chen plans to mobilize at least 2,000 people to station at the military base in Dream Town.

At the same time, at least 1,000 people must be mobilized to the military base in the Kani Valley.

Regiment Chief Zhang went to transfer troops and leave it alone. After Regiment Zhang left, Jiang Chen started to plant again.

Since he wants to build this place into his own defensive position, then he must solve the problems of food, accommodation and drinking.

Originally, Jiang Chen planned to place only more than 100 soldiers here, so he only prepared 200 houses for his accommodation.

But now that he wants to arrange a team of close to 1,000 people here, he has to build another residential area along the hillside.

At noon, Jiang Chen directly circled another piece of land on both sides of the hillside, then planted a house and planted a green area.

Then he washed up a water source in a depression on the hillside.

After all the water sources were planted, Jiang Chen built a small signal tower here.

There is no need for a base station in this place, because after all, Dream Grassland already has a base station, so only one signal tower needs to be built here.

As long as this place can be connected to the Internet like Fantasy Grassland, then the entire Fantasy Grassland Base can communicate with the Saha Group and the Special Zone.

After the base station was built, soldiers outside had used the desert cement Jiang Chen gave them, as well as bulldozers and excavators to dig a dozen trenches in the south of the valley.

There were even some engineers who used explosives to blast a dozen holes in the mountains on both sides of the valley, and then camouflaged them inside.

When everything is ready, it's night time,

After the night came, the entire Kani Valley did not relax. Yang Sheng brought people to repair the network, and people from the power group also rushed over to carry out power construction. Everyone was working against time.

Wordless overnight, it was said that when the yellow-faced man drove his jeep back to Sark, he told his leader that the Kani Valley and Dreamland had been captured.

When his leader heard the angry beard straightened up, the yellow-faced man persuaded his leader to report it to General Morris.But how could his leader be willing to report to General Morris?

After all, Dream Prairie, that is his project!

If once reported to General Morris, then General Morris would think he is incompetent.

After all, everything in Sacco City speaks with strength. If he is marked as incompetent, then how can General Morris reuse him in the future?

So thinking of this, Barbora, the little leader of the yellow-faced man, directly brought a team of nearly 500 people to attack the Kani Valley.

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