I have a city in the desert

Chapter 540: What are a few millions?

General Morris dared to bomb himself. He wanted to fight him to the end, so Jiang Chen would definitely satisfy him.

After Jiang Chen gave the order, all the Kani Valley had entered a combat state.Soon the two fighter jets in the valley took off from the airport in the valley.The three fighter jets that followed the Dream Prairie Air Force Base quickly took off from the Dream Prairie Air Force Base.

The fighter Jiang Chen bought is a fourth-generation fighter produced by China. His fighters have achieved full intelligence and modernization.

After all, the sky above the area controlled by Jiang Chen is covered by signals from the Saha Communications Company. These fighters are also using these signals to communicate with the base’s communication towers, which has modernized the war.

"There are two fighter jets and one bomber above the Carney Valley, so get rid of the bombers first."

After Wang Liming in the command room finished speaking, the Sakha fighter jets soon launched a missile at the bomber in the sky.

This missile is a missile with positioning capability, so as long as it is launched, you can't escape if you want to run.

The enemy plane seemed to have also spotted the fighters in the valley, so the two fighters immediately fired at the fighters in the valley.

The fighters of the Carney Valley Air Force stopped and rushed directly into the sky. The fighters on the opposite side took up a lot of people, and they followed suit.


A huge spark appeared in the sky, which was like a firework show.

After the bomber exploded, that huge firework instantly ignited the entire sky of Kani Valley.

After the bomber was shot down by the missile, the pilot on the bomber had already parachuted.They were arrested by soldiers on the ground as soon as they parachuted to the ground.

Three more fighters flew in the sky in the distance, and two bombers followed them.

These four planes are very backward planes. Jiang Chen estimated that these four planes may be products after World War II. They are not even the third-generation fighter planes.

This kind of aircraft may be better than nothing.

Three fighters covered the bombers and bombed the valley again.At this moment, the fighter planes from the Dream Grassland had not rushed over, so the valley became a sea of ​​flames.

After bombing the valley, the bomber headed towards the dream grassland.

Their plan is to bomb the Kani Valley in the first wave, and then bomb the Dream Grassland, and finally their follow-up troops will be able to rush over and take over the Dream Grassland and Kani Valley.

The battle continued. At this moment, Wang Liming scratched his head anxiously. Because the valley’s missile defense system had not been built and the missiles had not yet been delivered, they could only watch the enemy fighter jets raging on their territory. No way.

The only two fighters in the valley have led the other two fighters to the sky.Several other helicopter fighters in the valley had already taken off to hide in the dream grassland.

Each of these combat helicopters is close to tens of millions, if they were bombed by them.This is what Wang Liping has lost.

At this moment, Wang Limin could only let all the soldiers hide in the house and not come out. Anyway, let them bomb the house, and it would be impossible for them to be bombed down for a while.

Time went by like this, and when General Morris's fighter group flew past, clusters of armored vehicles soon appeared on a silver desert.

Jiang Chen could feel the trembling of the earth as soon as he climbed out of the house.Jiang Chen was also wondering in his heart, he was just coming out to plant something, did you call him suddenly?

But wondering, concluding, Jiang Chen knew that the only thing he had to do was to quickly save his life.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen got directly out of the roof on the second floor, and then ran straight towards the Kani Valley in the distance.

From the defensive pile set up by Jiang Chen to the first line of defense in the Kani Valley, there was a distance close to ten miles in between.Shili Road is not a big deal to the plains, but there are many sand dunes in front of you. It's a long way from one sand dune to another.

Not long after Jiang Chen ran, he saw the tank group appearing behind him in the moonlight.There must be at least a dozen tanks under the moonlight.In addition to tanks, there are also some armored vehicles.

Although these gadgets don't seem to be advanced, they can't stand the number of them.If this were to fight, it was really hard to deal with for a while.

"No way, if you run like this, you will definitely not be able to run this group of armored vehicles."

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen knew that it was time for him to spend money again.But in order to save one's own life, what are the mere millions?

Thinking of taking the car out of the phone, I planted a big truck directly.After the big truck was planted, Jiang Chen opened the door and stepped onto the console, and then ran on the sand dunes with maximum horsepower.

In the night, the air force of Mouris had already rushed towards the dream grassland, so at this moment, the Kani Valley also had rare breathing time.

However, after the tanks on the sand dunes spotted the big trucks running under the moonlight, the tanks hurriedly adjusted the turret and fired at Jiang Chen.

The tank's range was limited, and because Jiang Chen had to climb the sand dunes for a long time, the tank was not far away from him.

With a loud bang in the moonlight, a bomb exploded behind Jiang Chen's car.Jiang Chen took a sharp turn and another bomb exploded on his flank.

"Fuck, I became their living target."

I have to say that Jiang Chen is really unlucky. He thought that General Morris would negotiate directly, but he didn't expect that General Morris would come to this hand.

"Brother Jiang, where are you? Is the person on the truck you? Do you need support?"

Jiang Chen's cell phone rang. This was a call from the headquarters.

Originally, when the air force of Sark city bombed the Kani Valley, they prepared artillery fire to counter the attacking tank troops.But from the monitoring room, they saw a running truck in front of the opposite tank. The truck was very familiar, so they didn't dare to move rashly.

"need help!"

After Jiang Chen yelled, he drove the truck quickly into a valley. When he drove into the valley, the group of tanks on the opposite side was suddenly blocked by a pillar in front.

Those pillars made of cement happened to be stuck on every flat road. If these tank cars wanted to move forward, they would either slide down the sand dunes and then climb up again, or they would blow up all the pillars. Just work.

Just after the front tank unit was jammed, General Mouris's follow-up units were also blocked behind the stone pillar.

The fighters on the battlefield are fleeting, if they do not quickly solve the problem of these stone pillars, then the Kani Valley Sahara Army may reorganize the defensive force.

Therefore, there is no room for delay, so the engineers behind the tank unit hurriedly brought in explosives to blow up the stone pillars.

The grenades were tied to the stone pillars in this way, and a loud bang was heard. The fragments of the grenades collapsed everywhere, but the stone pillars were just broken.

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