I have a city in the desert

Chapter 563: Super Mall Seeds

Speaking of the benefits of poppies, Guan Xu introduced Jiang Chen.

After being refined, poppy can treat very stubborn diseases, for example, it can relieve cough and pain and hypnosis.

It is very helpful for the treatment of chronic cough and chronic diarrhea, chronic dysentery and prolapse of the anus, heart and stomach muscles and bones pain.

According to Guan Zuo and Song Weiping's plan, they plan to turn this valley into a poppy base, and they can do tourism in this place when the flowers bloom.

After the flowers bloomed, they built a pharmaceutical factory in this place, then processed all of these into medicines, and then sold them all over the world.

In this way, those children or the elderly who cannot work in the Saha group can stay in Sark and continue to grow poppy crops.

Then they can go to the pharmaceutical factory to work, which will not only arrange employment for the people but also make them rich.

The more important point is that pharmaceutical factories and tourism can also be launched, and then the entire Sark city can support itself.

After Guan Cu explained the matter to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen nodded after hearing it.

Since it would be a good thing if poppies can be used in medicines instead of in drug development.

Moreover, employment in Sark and all aspects of the city's finances are a problem, and the pharmaceutical factory can solve this problem, so why not?

So after some discussion, Jiang Chen agreed to this idea.

So after the arrival of autumn, Jiang Chen began a major renovation of the tourism construction of Sark City.

Speaking of tourism construction in Sark, the first thing is to move all the people in Sark from the dilapidated old city.

Then transform the dilapidated old city into a scenic area.

But want to move 70,000 people from the old city, this is still a big problem.

In order to solve the problem of relocation, Jiang Chen decided to build a new city of Sark directly north of Sark.

Sac New Town will be built in accordance with modern community standards. In the future, it will be connected to the Internet and electricity, and all modern facilities will be available here.

After making up his mind, Jiang Chen began to build.

The first step of construction is site selection.

The address has been determined, just ten miles away from Sark City, on both sides of the Kani Valley Avenue.

The second part, push the dunes.

Jiang Chen used the super bulldozers, excavators and road rollers he planted in Sark to form the Sark Construction Company.

After the establishment of the Sark City Construction Company, they were sent to Sark New City for bulldozing activities.

In the autumn, after hundreds of large bulldozers and excavators raged on a piece of yellow sand for a month, all the land in the new city was levelled.

Seeing that late autumn is approaching, Jiang Chen dare not waste time at will.

You must know that the winter in the desert was very cold. This was the first winter after he unified Sark. He didn't want to freeze to death.

Therefore, in late autumn, after Jiang Chen withdrew the Sac City Construction Company, he built a house in Sac City.

The plan of the new city of Sark is not just as simple as the people of Sark who live in the city of 60,000 to 70 thousand. You must know that this is after all the southern satellite city of the Saha Group. In the future, he will share a lot of pressure for the big city of Sakha.

Furthermore, this is the first city of the Saks, and it is also a place to express their views to all other desert nations, so it must be big and luxurious.

Therefore, the entire Sark city has a construction area of ​​1,000 square kilometers, which is completely the area of ​​a small city.

"Plant the giant saguaro cacti in the surrounding desert first, so that you are not afraid even if the winter wind comes."

Jiang Chen directly planted a circle of desert saguaro cacti around the new city of Sark while talking. Just after the cactus was planted, there was a ding dong, and Jiang Chen's cell phone rang.

Jiang Chen was a little surprised, because he hadn't come to the system to remind him for a long time. Jiang Chen wondered whether this cheating system no longer used the number of tourists to send his seeds.

"Click to see!"

I clicked on the desert farming system, and the system sent a text message reminder.

[System Tips]: Congratulations to the player's registered population exceeding 60,000. The player will get a new seed. Please check it carefully.

"I'm going! Is it really necessary to give new seeds by population?"

This is not a good omen!

[Seed introduction]: Desert super mall seeds, this seed can grow shopping mall buildings.

"Super mall building? Yes! If you plant a building directly, it will save yourself a lot of construction time!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he clicked on the price profile.

[Price introduction]: The super mall building is 110 meters high and worth 700 million yuan.

The cost of 700 million is already very high, but considering that this is a desert and transportation is inconvenient, it is enough to buy a super mall for 700 million.

"Since I will rely on the permanent population to send seeds in the future, I must build Sark City into my first super city!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he re-planned. Originally, he planned to build a Sark city, but now he decided to build a twin city centered on Kani Valley Avenue.

In addition to the Twin Cities, he also reserved two other plots.

Four cities will also be built with Carney Valley Avenue as the center, but this is a future plan.

The construction of the Twin Cities should pay attention to the characteristics. This feature is to take the road as the point, and pull out two diamond-shaped cities directly on both sides. The diamond points of the two cities meet on the Carney Valley Avenue.

After planning, Jiang Chen started planting again.

The first is the road. Jiang Chen directly built a wide central avenue from east to west in the direction perpendicular to Lingdian and Kani Valley Avenue.

After the avenue was built, Jiang Chen built a cross road in the middle of the diamond-shaped avenue. This was the commercial street of the Twin Cities.

After the Shizijie Street was built, Jiang Chen implemented four super shopping malls in the Shizi Street Center. After the construction of the super shopping tower, it was completed and directly planted other shopping streets on the two cross streets.

After the construction of the shopping avenue of Cross Street is completed, the houses for the common people will be planted immediately.

Common people live in two types of houses, one is a single-family villa built for rich people, and the other is a small high-rise for ordinary people.

After some thinking, Jiang Chen decided to plant villas in the best locations. These villas are mainly two-story and three-story villas, and of course there are some six-story townhouses.

After the villa area was built, Jiang Chen directly planted 7-story residential areas on the periphery.

After two full days of busy work, the eastern part of the Twin Cities has been built.

After the construction of the East City, Jiang Chen copied a city in the West City of the Twin Cities.

After the two cities are built, at this moment if you stand on the sky and look at them.

Kani Valley Avenue is like a mirror. One of the east and west cities is in the mirror and the other is outside the mirror.

All this looks so mysterious.

"Well, the construction of the Sac Twin Cities is complete!

These two identical twin cities are exactly one attraction!

Moreover, these two cities can live at least 800,000 people, not only can solve the housing problem of the people of Sark, but in the future, no matter how many foreigners come, they can also live!"

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