I have a city in the desert

Chapter 568: God-like thinking

Buying a house is a big event after all, even for the rich, it is also a big event.

Besides, no one wants to live in a city with high prices and low income. After all, everyone is not a fool.

"Everyone can rest assured that since I dare to use the honor of my Saha Group to sell out houses, I will definitely consider everything.

First of all, let’s talk about going to school. At present, the schools in the Twin Cities are set up very reasonably. There are kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools and high schools.

After high school, everyone can choose to apply for Grassland College, Saha Tourism Academy, Saha Jiaotong University and University of Mechanical Engineering.

At present, these universities are the top universities. Of course, we will launch the Saha Pharmaceutical University and Saha Medical University within one year.

I can't guarantee anything else. What I can guarantee is that all universities launched by our Saha Group will hire first-class professors at home and abroad.

In addition, we practice an elite system of teaching. Everyone who comes to our Saha Group's university to study is an elite from home and abroad. I don't think I need to repeat this."

Unrestrained snail: Saha’s schools are all good schools, these are beyond doubt.I would like to ask, most of your schools only open to undergraduates, so what should students do after they finish their undergraduate studies?

"After you finish your undergraduate studies, you can go to our major research institutes to study for graduate students, doctors and post-doctors!

In our scenic area, there are the world's most advanced Institute of Botany, Electric Power, Renewable Energy, and Communications."

Indeed, at present, several universities in Jiangcheng only offer undergraduate majors and postgraduate majors, only the University of Mechanical Engineering and Jiaotong University.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, when everyone heard that the entire educational supporting facilities were so complete, there was definitely no cause for concern about education.

"I will tell you by the way that the universities in our scenic spots will have specific places.

In the future, as long as you study in a school within the Saha Group, your chances of getting admitted to a university will be far greater than in China."

How to turn this disadvantage into an advantage is what Jiang Chen wants to think about.

Jiang Chen had already prepared for these. Now that he is ready to focus on the development of the Twin Cities, he will definitely work hard in all aspects.

The north wind blows: As long as the children can study in the Twin Cities, will their college scores in the scenic spots be much lower than in China in the future?

The boss is not young: Is this still necessary?It must be easier than the domestic test!

Do you think about how many points a new examinee can get into a university in Beijing, and how many points can a student from the grassland get into the grassland college?

In the same way, how many students from the Twin Cities schools can have so many candidates?It must be better than the domestic test!

I'm honest: If you say that, if you buy a house in the desert with more than 10,000 yuan per square meter, you have the right to take the college entrance examination for your children.Then this one level of 1,000 is indeed too cheap!

Banana: I want to ask, is the school tuition expensive in Twin Cities?

Running bison: Yes, I also want to ask this question. The tuition fees of those private schools and international schools in China now cost hundreds of thousands a semester, which is really not affordable for ordinary people!

Speaking of tuition fees, Jiang Chen smiled. Jiang Chen's main purpose now is to sell all the nearly 700,000 houses in the Twin Cities.

As long as he sells these houses, then he will make a lot of money.

Not only that, he can revitalize the entire commercial streets of the Twin Cities, but he can also pay a large amount of taxes to the Twin Cities.

With this money, he can solve the many debts owed by the Twin Cities to the Saha Group, and at the same time make the aborigines of the Twin Cities truly rich.

Therefore, Jiang Chen had already discussed the tuition fees with Song Weiping and Guanxi.

"Don't worry about the tuition fee. The Twin Cities are the first central city built by our Shahe Group.

Education in the Twin Cities is also our reform experimental zone. I hereby announce to everyone that the Twin Cities from kindergarten to university are free of charge.

Not only that, but I can assure you that the kindergarten, elementary, middle and high schools in Twin Cities are all equipped with the best teachers in China.

Our education model is also different from the domestic education model, and our admission model is also different from the domestic admission model."

Regarding education, Jiang Chen gathered many experts' suggestions and decided to establish a unique education model for the Saha District Group.

This kind of education model is based on the standard of cultivating students' comprehensive ability, taking into account the characteristics of students.

Simply put, it is to cultivate students' hands-on ability, cultivate students' abilities in all aspects, and reduce their proportion of academic performance.

Mao Mao Niu: Do you really want money?If you don’t need money for school, how much money should this kid save?

Red bricks and green tiles: This does save a lot of money. I feel that buying a house here is particularly cost-effective for investment in education.

Xinxin's mother: I would like to ask what is your trading model?How is it different from China?

"Let's tell everyone, our education is more about teaching students how to behave.

In kindergarten, our main curriculum is to teach children how to be polite and how to dress themselves.

At the elementary level, what we teach more is to let the children know how to cherish our hard-won life, teach them better, such as getting along with students, and teach them some basic skills in life.

At the junior and senior high school level, they will learn a lot of comprehensive knowledge, and at the university level, they will learn the professional knowledge they are interested in."

In general, Jiang Chen will develop their own hobbies based on the characteristics of the children, rather than deciding everything by their scores.

The people in Jiangchen Scenic Area don't need the kind of high-score and low-powered person, nor the kind of person who can't even eat by myself as long as I have good grades.

Jin Cancan: It's really good for you to say that, and you should cultivate this way now.

Students should first understand some safety knowledge, know some life knowledge, and know how to get along with others. This is what they need to learn most from school.

Lao Feng: If they don't get their early knowledge in prison, what will they do when they go to university?

A CD: I feel that if this is the case, the children in Twin Cities will definitely fail the domestic children.

After a group of people finished speaking, Jiang Chen shook his head.

"I have already told everyone that our admission model is different from that in China.

You don’t need to test them. Besides, let me tell you that we only need 4 days of classes every day after elementary school. They will need to participate in various community activities one day.

In addition, they also have 4 days of study time in junior high school, and they spend more time participating in many extracurricular groups, as well as community or factory activities."

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