I have a city in the desert

Chapter 570 If you grow well, you can do whatever you want

Nowadays, there are so many people with money in China. Some people buy millions of houses for the school district.

And Jiang Chen's house price here is only 10,000. Needless to say, there are definitely not a few people buying houses for several well-known universities in Saha.

Therefore, many people are worried about the purchase restriction because there are too many people buying houses.

After all, China has a population of close to one billion, and they can come up with a random number, which the Twin Cities can't collect.

"Not everyone can buy a house. We will review those who apply to buy a house.

We hope that our people in the Twin Cities are all capable of building and developing this city. Of course, you also hope that you can live in a city with a group of outstanding people.

Therefore, we will conduct a certain review of the applicant's academic work and other aspects.

Of course, if your children are smart enough, then you can also bring your children to apply for our house depending on the relationship of your children."

Jiang Chen, who wants to live in the Twin Cities, has very high demands on them.

In the past, when Jiangshan didn't have to choose, he certainly didn't have high demands, but now he has choices, why didn't he put the conditions higher?

Fang Stool: Our children are not smart and our education level is not high, but can we invest in factories to take our children there?.

There are too many self-made people in this world. People who start from nothing, they also want their children to have a good future and receive a good education.

For such people, Jiang Chen also has special care.

"Of course, let me talk about preferential policies.

First of all, we encourage more talents to come to buy houses for residence and development.

For those masters, doctors and post-doctors who have studied abroad in prestigious schools, if such talents come to the Twin Cities to buy a house, then their purchase price will be discounted by 50%.

Those who are studying in China for doctoral students and postdoctoral students will receive a 40% discount on their housing payment.

Those who have a bachelor degree or above at home and abroad will get a 10% discount on the room price.

In addition, there are also discounts for people with senior professional titles. Not to mention, as long as you can provide that you are a national first-class chef, then you will also enjoy a 20% discount on the purchase of a house.

In addition, for those who are planning to invest in Sark City, as long as you invest in related industries in the Twin Cities Development Zone, or invest in the Twin Cities Commercial Street, then we will lower your application standards according to your investment amount.

By the way, if people with more than 2,000 jobs can be solved, then he will be eligible to buy a villa.

Those who live in the villa area will enjoy the treatment of the best noble kindergarten, noble elementary school, noble junior high school and noble high school in the entire Twin Cities."

Everything in the Twin Cities will look to money and talents.

And as long as you invest in the Twin Cities, you will definitely enjoy super VIP treatment in the Twin Cities.

You will live in a villa in the Twin Cities, your children will enjoy aristocratic education, and you will also enjoy a different clear water and blue sky.

By the way, in Jiang Chen's plan, the villa in the Twin Cities is not something you can buy if you have money.

After all, the super-rich in this era, in order to make themselves live for a few more years, they are definitely willing to spend 10 million to buy a villa in the Twin Cities.

In the villa, they enjoyed the blue water and blue sky that Jiang Chen brought to them every day, and breathed the fresh air provided by the bermuda grass that Jiang Chen was at every turn.

However, if you don't invest in solving everyone's employment problems, what good things do you think?

After Jiang Chen announced his preferential measures, his fans soon discussed it.

Dr. Fangfang: That's great. I happen to be graduating with a PhD soon.I haven't settled down yet. I can go to the Twin Cities to work and buy a house there at half price.

From now on, my children can live under the blue sky and white clouds.

Jiangnan Sports: I am old, my body is getting worse and worse now.

Think about it in the past to earn money desperately, but now it is money for life.

Not to mention, I will move my factory to the Twin Cities in the future. It just so happens that I should retire and enjoy life.

Withered Teng Lao Shu Faun Crow: I am a novel writer. I graduated with a Ph.D. in China. I can buy a 100-square-meter house without 40% off the big money.

Fenghua is magnificent: Then let me ask, can people like us who have no high education and no ability, but good people come to you?

The cheapest house in Jiangchen Scenic Area is only 70 square meters and the price is 700,000.

700,000 people who live in a better-off family in a second- and third-tier city can use this money together.

But they were able to collect the money and couldn't make the application, so some people who really wanted to come left a lot of comments.

Zhu Bajie's wife: What good things do you think?Can you do whatever you want with your looks?

The boss is not young: you have no talent, that is your ability, we are born without talent, but God gave us a good appearance, this is also our ability.

You can live in the Twin Cities. Why can we afford to buy a house? We can’t live there because we don’t have a degree?

Xiao Jiaojiao: That is, I am also against it, isn't it one or two million?As long as our family sells our house, we can directly sell it for 3 million. Why can't we live there?

Song Yiyi: Aren't the anchors all tourist cities?I think people look good, which is also an advantage in itself.

Think about it, if there are a group of very beautiful and handsome people living in the Twin Cities, then these people alone are a kind of scenery.

Flying Wings: I think a new condition must be opened up, and people with good looks have the right to apply to live in the scenic spot.

Think about it, even though the IQs of the people in the entire Twin Cities will be high by then, they will look like crooked melons and dates. This is not good for our offspring's genes!

Xiaotonghao: Hahaha, all the people who are admitted to the Saha Tourism Academy will be foreigners, and there will be no local people. This is a great shame.

A group of people clamored, Jiang Chen thought about it, too!

If his external condition is to be talented and intelligent, and these people generally have a characteristic, that is ugliness!

If the streets of the Twin Cities are full of people with bald heads and crooked heads, this is really not beautiful, let alone a tourist city, so it must be integrated!

"Okay, since you have all requested, then I will fulfill your wish!

Now I will add one more privately. As long as you can afford a house, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have an education. You can apply to live in the Twin Cities as long as you look good.

In addition, I will give you the last good news. The residents of the Twin Cities will be the true first batch of residents of the Saha Group.

Our Saha Group has special preferential policies for our residents. In the future, you can enjoy 4 free tours every year as long as you come to Saha scenic spots with your ID card.

In addition, when it is not free, with your ID card, you can enjoy a 50% discount. Of course, this is only a discount on tickets. You will get a 20% discount on accommodation and other aspects."

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