I have a city in the desert

Chapter 582 Will not let go

Speaking of the whereabouts of the seeds, Manager Shan hurriedly explained, after all, he can't remember the black pot of stealing seeds!

"Brother Jiang, the seeds were sold to the ancient capital scenic spot and the cactus forest world scenic spot in accordance with the quota.

In addition, President Guan signed a greening agreement with Shangjing. In order to protect the SAR from the desert, we must completely green the desert areas close to the SAR.

Therefore, the seeds we harvested last year are used to green the desert from the scenic spot to the border near Baili Road!"

After Manager Shan finished speaking, Jiang Chen frowned. Why has he never heard of this greening agreement?

"Okay, hang up first!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone. He wanted to call Guan Zuo to ask him to understand that his city went into the desert, and if it wanted to be green, it would also be green in the desert. Who made him go green in the special zone?

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chen directly dialed Guan Zu's phone.

The call was made in a short while, and Guan Xu was busy in the mechanical town at the moment.

Jiang Chen’s focus is on the Sac Twin Cities, while Guanxi’s focus is on his mechanical town.

"Old Guan, I heard that you signed a greening agreement for the special zone with someone who went to Beijing. What's the matter?

Haven't we all discussed it?In the future, our city will go into the desert. You agree with this too!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he sighed as soon as he heard about the greening agreement in the special zone.

"Yes, what we have discussed is to develop into the desert.

But we kept up with Beijing's application for legislation, and their leaders refused to pass it.

No way, after we negotiated with them, they granted us legislative power, but we have to green all the desert from the scenic spot to the special zone."

After finishing talking, Jiang Chen also sighed, and as expected, his arms were still no more than thighs.

He knew that going to Beijing would definitely not benefit him easily.

Since these grass seeds can give him legislative power and allow his scenic spots to have their own legal power, then it is worth it.

"Okay, let's green it! By the way, Mr. Guan, you must remember to leave enough space in the desert near the special zone to attract investment and urban construction."

If such expensive greening is done, then Jiangcheng will not let go of it if he doesn't build these green areas properly and then earn the money from the grass seeds.

"Brother Jiang, don't worry, we have already planted the grass seeds, and we have also left a lot of open space for development. In the future, we will create development zones and residential areas."

Guan Cu stood up and nodded. After Jiang Chen talked with Guan Cu about some trivial matters for a while, Jiang Chen hung up the phone.

After all, what he has to do now is to ask Fatty Wang to make money!

After the phone was hung up, Jiang Chen looked at Fatty Wang and said helplessly: "I'm busy, you also heard it. Now it's not that you don't give you seeds, but you don't have seeds."

"It can't be done without seeds! The grasslands I planned are all very useful. This small grassland alone will generate at least one billion yuan in income a year.

Of course, money is not a small matter. The most important point now is that if I cannot produce so much milk and beef, then my business may fail!"

When Fatty Wang finished speaking with an anxious expression, Jiang Chen thought for a while, and he decided to plant all the grass for Fatty Wang himself.

"Well, don't ask for this, don't ask for that. Just leave it to me about the grassland. I will straighten out the grass seedlings for you, so you don't have to wait for the germination."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Fatty Wang smiled instantly.

Yes, all his calves and lambs have been bought, and if the grass is planted directly, then they can be put into operation immediately.

As long as he can put it into operation, his beef factory plus milk powder and fresh milk companies may be able to earn hundreds of millions a day!

"Okay! Then I will give Brother Chen the money to buy the seeds. After Brother Chen helps me get it done, how about I give Brother Chen an extra 2 billion yuan in benefits?"

"Okay, that's it!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Fatty Wang transferred over 20 billion to Jiang Chen to buy seeds.

The 20 billion yuan is all the cash that Fatty Wang can take out now, and once it is handed over to Jiang Chen, then he will have to tighten his belt to live.

Jiang Chen received the money and was not in a hurry to plant grass seeds. Fatty Wang's office was very warm, so Jiang Chen immediately fell asleep in the office.

It was late at night after Jiang Chen woke up.

Late at night, Fatty Wang fell asleep leaning on the chair beside Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen rubbed his eyes, and when he saw Fatty Wang sleeping Zhengxiang, he gently picked up his clothes and left the office.

In the big desert at night, the moon was shining brightly, and only the roar of the wind could be heard around, and the boundless coldness.

The desert is like this, it is extremely cold at night, even if spring has arrived.

"Well, this should be the dairy base planned by Fatty Wang. Let's start planting!"

Under the silver moonlight, Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone and chose Bermuda grass seedlings to directly plant them with one click.

After the key was planted, tens of thousands of mu of grassland appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

But these small grass seedlings are very small, and the goose yellow grass seedlings look very immature in the cold wind.

"No way, Fatty Wang, the money you gave is too little, you can only grow Bermuda grass seedlings."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he drove directly towards another sand dune.

Less than twenty miles away from the dairy base, this is the dairy sheep base planned by Fatty Wang. After Jiang Chen stopped the car and planted tens of thousands of acres of grass with one click, he drove off again.

In the night, Jiang Chen just built a piece of grassland farm after another in the desert north of the grassland.

At the dawn of the day, the five grassland farms that Fatty Wang wanted were all built. Not only that, Jiang Chen also sent him two small farms.

After building the grassland farm, Jiang Chen directly built a particularly wide road to connect all the seven grassland farms with one click.

After planting the road, Jiang Chen connected the road to the junction of No. 2 Road and the desert grassland.

In the future, the cattle and sheep produced in these seven rural areas can be transported directly through this farm road to Line 2, and then transported directly to Fatty Wang’s factory in the bonded area through Line 2.

After everything was built, most of the 20 billion that Fatty Wang gave Jiang Chen had already been spent.

"Forget it, I'm a good man, let's do it to the end. Fatty Wang broke his family and supported me, so we can't let this brother down!"

While Jiang Chen was talking, he drove his car and built more than a dozen roads on seven grassland farms, and these roads ran through each farm.

The cost of Jiang Chen's road construction is very low now, so Jiang Chen is willing to help.

After the road was repaired, before leaving, Jiang Chen considered the long period and high cost of building houses in the desert.

So he spent another billion to build four ranch towns for Fatty Wang on the grassland.

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