I have a city in the desert

Chapter 619: Don't be muddled at the critical moment

Speaking of asking for help, Li Sizhe didn't agree, let alone his future son-in-law!

"You don't ask for it! Okay, then we will continue to consume him, and it will be a big deal.

You Li Group don’t care, and Dajiang Group is more than just this industry, I don’t even care!"

After Zhu Dajiang finished speaking, an old man next to Li Sizhe hurriedly persuaded Li Sizhe.

"I said, Lao Li, how could you be so stubborn? We can lose tens of billions of dollars in a word of yours!

And the most important thing for us now is to stabilize the stock first, right?Face is more important or stocks are more important, so don't make a mess of Lao Li!"

"That is, Lao Li, if you make a phone call, we can cooperate with Sark City, then our stocks can be stabilized!"

After several people persuaded, Li Sizhe looked at so many partners, he thought of the Li Investment that he had worked so hard to create, and he couldn't help lowering his head.

"Okay, then I'll call and try."

Li Sizhe dialed Jiang Chen's phone after speaking. After making a few calls, no one answered, Li Sizhe became even more embarrassed.

"He won't answer my phone, and now I can't help it."

After Li Sizhe finished speaking, Zhu Dajiang frowned. He took Li Sizhe's call and checked the number, and then started calling with his cell phone.

Jiang Chen answered the phone without ringing twice.

"Hey, who are you?"

"I am Zhu Dajiang, the president of Dajiang Group. I want to discuss a cooperation with you. Are you interested?"

"Not interested, I have always had no good impressions of the Zhu family."

Jiang Chen wanted to hang up after speaking, Zhu Dajiang couldn't help frowning one day.

"For the conflicts between our Zhu family and you before, I am here to say sorry to you.

We all come out to do business, and if we have more friends, we sometimes take multiple paths.

Little brother, only children can't let go of hatred. If you want to make a big business, you must remember that there are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits."

After Zhu Dajiang finished speaking, Jiang Chen thought for a while, and he decided to listen. He didn't want to be extravagant.

Now he also has many worries. He is afraid that Zhu Dajiang will poke him in the back like Zhu Chang.

Zhu Chang stabbed Lou Zi last time, causing him to lose tens of billions. So far, Saha Oil has not filled this hole.

Of course, the loss of money is only a small matter. The most important thing is the hidden dangers and negative effects brought about by the explosion of the oil transfer station. This is the biggest.

"How do you want to cooperate?"

"I can let you buy shares in Royal Family Gardens and Tengxian Yipin. Don't sell your house in Sark City. Let's sell the Royal Family Gardens and Tengxian Yipin's house first, and then you will sell the house in Sager City.

At that time, you don't need to invest a penny to get at least 1 billion yuan from the Royal Family and Teng County First Product."

After Zhu Dajiang finished speaking, Jiang Chen shook his head. He certainly wouldn't do such things that damage his reputation.

"No, my house in Sark City will definitely not stop selling out.

If you really want to make a little contribution to mankind and society, I hope you will not hype the clear water and blue sky of the special zone."

"Contribute? Is that what we businessmen should do?

Well, I don't want to talk about these things with you, how do you want to cooperate?Tell me, let me listen."

"I don't want to cooperate with anyone. If you want to recover a little capital, you can now sell it at a price of 20,000 square meters. I believe someone will buy it."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

At this time, Zhu Dajiang is still thinking about making money from these two projects. What good things are he thinking about!

After the phone was hung up, at night, Jiang Chen had no sleep at all.

If the Zhu family could be kind to the poor back then, then Jiang Chen's grandmother might have lived to this day.

As time passed, the neon signs of the Twin Cities remained the same late at night, and the streets were full of people shopping.

This group of people is well-dressed, and the streets are full of luxury cars.

Twin Cities, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a paradise on earth.

Jingle Bell……

Jiang Chen walked for a long time in the night breeze of the Twin Cities. When he was about to go back to the hotel, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

"Jiang Chen, it's late at night on your side?"

"Still, why do you call this time? Is there anything?"

Li still rarely calls himself late at night.

"Nothing, well, I will graduate next year, and I will be back next year to help you, be happy!"

"Happy! Still, you call because of your father's business!"

Jiang Chen is no longer a kid now. After so many experiences, he can see at a glance...

"Neither, he took the initiative to call me today and talked a lot about my childhood. So, I..."

"It's okay, let me help him."

Jiang Chen always felt that he still owed a lot to Li, especially at this time, Anna's father relied on his good luck in the special zone.

If his father didn't help her when it was so difficult, even if Li still hated her father, she would feel lost in her heart.

"Help them if you can help, don't force it if you can't, we don't owe him anymore."

After Li finished speaking, Jiang Chen nodded. He certainly wouldn't do business that lost money.

Even if Li Sizhe is his father-in-law, he no longer owes him anything.

After Jiang Chen and Li still chatted for a while, Li Sizhe called.

Today's Li Sizhe can no longer lose. If he does not quickly resolve the matter between the royal family and Tengxian Yipin, the stocks he invested in Li will continue to drop.

After hanging up Li Zhan's phone, Jiang Chen connected Li Sizhe's phone.

"You tell Zhu Dajiang directly, I will buy the villa you are building at a price of 20,000 yuan.

How much did you get for the uncovered land?Sell ​​it to me at a 20% discount.

If he wants me to do your business, if he doesn't want to, you just go to someone else."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Li Sizhe on the other end of the phone shook his head and said, "No, it definitely won't work!"

"Then you go find someone else, the only thing I can do is this.

There are also those villas you built. In my place, I can only sell more than 20,000 flats to customers.

I sold more than 20,000 yuan, and I have to ensure that all residents study for free. I don’t want to do such a loss."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he hung up and asked Li Sizhe to talk to Zhu Dajiang.

After the call was hung up, at the moment in the Zhushi Group headquarters meeting room, the shareholders of these two projects have not yet dispersed.

Almost all the shareholders were watching Li Sizhe and the others, hoping that Li Sizhe would be able to settle this matter through this relative relationship with Jiang Chen.

"How about Lao Li? Did he promise to cooperate with us?"

"As long as this kid surnamed Jiang cooperates with us, we can still sell it for 100,000 yuan, and then we can turn defeat into victory!"

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