I have a city in the desert

Chapter 625: Xia's accident

In the spring, the sun is shining, and this is Jiang Chen's sixth year in the desert.

Looking at the city he built, like a drop in the ocean in the endless desert, Jiang Chen felt quite uncomfortable.

"If it continues like this, when can it be built into the desert!"

Jiang Chen feels that it is time to increase the seed rate. In the future, he will build the Future City within two years, and then completely turn the Future City into the most powerful city in Northwest China and Asia.

In the end, relying on this, he will be able to head towards the desert smoothly in the next year. As long as he solves the cause of the desert raging, and then finds the bones of the people returning home, he will have no regrets in this life.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang, it's not good, it's not good!"

While Jiang Chen was thinking about the future of the desert, Guan Xu suddenly rushed from Mechanical Town, and with him was Chen Jianzhou, the president of Saha Group.

It's really rare for two people to come together!

"what happened?"

"Brother Jiang! Xia Yi, Xia Yi..."

"Has Shay come back? Come back when you come back. Our desert now has its own TV station and its own programs. You can sing anywhere, and you can be famous only in cold wave countries."

In a blink of an eye, Xia Yi has been to the cold wave country for two years. This is really out of Jiang Chen's accident, and Jiang Chen can't help feeling that time passes so quickly!

"No, yes, it was Miss Xia, she committed suicide..."

After Chen Jianzhou finished speaking, Jiang Chen's head went blank in an instant, and he felt that his brain was blank.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang? Take it to the hospital!"

Guan Cu finished speaking, he helped Jiang Chen to go to the hospital, but Jiang Chen slowed down after a while.

"Why jumped off the building? Who did it?!"

"I don't know, we also just received the news that Miss Xia's body has been transported to the Special Zone Airport, and we have sent someone to pick it up."

"Go to the airport!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Guan Su drove the car toward the airport.

Xia is no one else, she is the third builder of the desert, and she has also contributed to the rise of the scenic spot.

Arriving at the airport of the special zone, Xia Yi had already been cremated and put into the urn outside the airport. At this moment, Fatty Wang was walking out with the urn and gritted his teeth.

"Fatty Wang! Who did it?"

The moment Fatty Wang saw Jiang Chen, his anger rose from his heart. He waved his fist and punched Jiang Chen severely in the chest.

"It's you, it's you! You know she likes you, and she wants to stay in the desert, why did you let her go?

Okay, now you have money, you can have countless women, but Shay has done so much for you, can't you have a little bit of her in your eyes?"

When Fatty Wang finished roaring, the green veins on his neck were exposed, making him extremely angry.

"Fatty Wang, calm down! How did Brother Jiang know that something would happen to her?"

"He doesn't know? Has he ever been concerned about Xia's life in the cold wave country? Did he call and ask once?"

Jiang Chen looked at Xia Yi's portrait on the urn, so familiar, yet so strange.

"Say said that she will be back when she finishes her dream. Tell me, who did it?"

I have to say that that person has already provoked Jiang Chen, and there is always no good way to die for people in this world who provoked Jiang Chen.

After Jiang Chen roared, a person who sent the plane back carried a box and handed it to Jiang Chen.

"You are Jiang Chen. Everything from Xia Yi's life is here.

Before she died, she texted me and told me to send all her things to the desert, and said to you."

The one who came to see him off was a little girl, about the size of Sha Yi, who was Sha Yi’s assistant and a Chinese.

"How did Xia die?"

Jiang Chen grabbed the assistant and asked sternly. The little girl was terrified by the roaring Jiang Chen, so Guan Cu hurriedly pulled Jiang Chen away.

"Brother Jiang, don't scare people, go, this is not a place to talk, let's go to the oasis town to talk!"

Many people next to the airport were attracted by Jiang Chen, and several airport security guards also walked towards Jiang Chen.

Chen Jianzhou walked to the security guard and spoke a few words to the security guard. Several security guards hurriedly walked away.

On the way back to the scenic spot, Jiang Chen held Xia Yi's ashes tightly like this, and he still remembered the first time he saw Xia Yi.

Xia, who is pure and like a girl next door, looks like his first love. This is why Jiang Chen has not dared to face her for so many years.

In the car, Jiang Chen opened the box Xia left her. There were many things that Jiang Chen had given her. She regarded them as precious.

Jiang Chen saw a tape recorder in the corner of the box, and he reached out and opened the tape recorder.

"This is the first day I left the desert. Everything is fine for me in the cold wave country.

The cold wave country is not as beautiful as I thought. I am a little uncomfortable, but I can't go back now."

"This is the first month I came to the cold wave country. These days the company has begun to package me. I always dream of Jiang Chen, and I miss him a little."

"I wrote a song, I want to hum it to him, I heard that there is another girl beside him, and I feel a little uncomfortable.

When I succeed, I will stand on the same starting line with him, and then I will tell him loudly, I like you, marry me!I will guard you like you guard the desert!"

"I have been in the cold wave country for a year, my voice is very good, the boss likes it very much, I wrote a lot of songs, the boss said that as long as I can pack it well, I can become popular throughout the cold wave country.

I don’t know if Brother Jiang has listened to my song, and the song I wrote to him last time is also recorded in my new album."

"Woo, they are a bunch of bastards. They lied to me to let me go to the wine bureau, saying that they were some of the most famous business people in the cold wave country.

They, they drugged me in the wine, I woke up with nothing, Jiang Chen, I'm sorry, I hate this world!"

"Am I numb? I can't go back to the desert, and the boss drugged me again.

I really want to die when I wake up.

But I can't bear my song. It hasn't been released yet. I want to let him hear it before I die and let him know that I don't need to worry about me. I'm fine in the cold wave country."

"The boss said that today several big bosses called me to accompany me. As long as I accompany them, my album will be released.

Jiang Chen, I like that you can hear my songs. These songs are the only things I leave for you in my life, you must listen to them."

"Sorry, they deceived me, they let me sleep with them endlessly, they tossed me endlessly in bed.

They even tortured me with a few people, but they didn't release me an album at all. I regret it.

Jiang Chen, I am leaving today, do you know?At that time, as long as you say it, I will stay in the desert. I like to stay by your side.

It’s just that I can’t go back again. Goodbye. The only thing I don’t regret in my life is that I met you, but I can’t wait to say..."

Listening to Xia Yi’s familiar voice, Jiang Chen was already...

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