I have a city in the desert

Chapter 630: Shay Entertainment Company

Fifteen days later, the detained tourists from cold wave countries were released and expelled from the Sahara Desert.

The president of the cold wave country was unfavorable in rescuing the people, and under their leadership, the Sakha group withdrew from the cold wave country.

People in the cold wave countries cannot eat safe Sakha beef and mutton and life-saving anti-cancer drugs. Coupled with the attacks of the opposition parties, the cold wave politics has also become unstable.

At the same time that the tourists from Cold Wave Country were released, Fanghua Entertainment Company successfully acquired CT Entertainment Company in Cold Wave Country.

After the acquisition of CT Entertainment, Fanghua Entertainment changed the name of CT Entertainment to Shay Entertainment.

After the establishment of Xia Yi Entertainment, it announced that it would launch the Ten Billion Project.

The 10 billion plan is that the Sac City Management Committee will inject 10 billion yuan into Fanghua Entertainment Company to increase its influence in the entertainment industry.

At the same time, Fanghua Entertainment will help Shay Entertainment Company in the cold wave country to create a hundred super new stars and combinations. In addition, Shay Entertainment Company will dig out artists from ZYT Entertainment Company at high prices.

As long as they are the gold medal artists of ZYT Entertainment, if they switch to Shay Entertainment, Shay Entertainment will give them more resources, and give them higher salaries and dividends.

In addition, Xia Yi Entertainment will also pay for their breach of contract.

Not only that, Shay Entertainment will abolish all unspoken rules for executives, and everyone will earn their own future by their skills.

Xia Yi Entertainment and Fanghua Entertainment, who dare to engage in unspoken rules here, then he will face sky-high compensation, and at the same time, he will also be blacklisted, he will not want to stay in this industry in the future.

In the same month, Mojiang Investment Group became a shareholder of SS TV station and became the largest shareholder of private SS TV station.

The first thing after SS TV was acquired as a shareholder was to cancel all cooperation with ZYT Entertainment, and at the same time announced that the TV station would no longer accept any artists under ZYT.

Not only that, but any film with ZYT Entertainment's artists participating in it is not allowed to be broadcast on SS TV.

After the announcement of this news, ZYT Entertainment Company can really be pushed into a desperate situation, because SS TV station is the most successful film, television drama and entertainment TV station in the cold wave country.

If you lose the cooperation of SS TV station, then zyt's artists will be really miserable!

In the middle of the winter, SS TV received a 2 billion Chinese yuan investment from Mojiang Capital, which will be used to purchase and produce new TV series and variety shows.

At the same time, SS TV and Xia Yi Entertainment signed a cooperative relationship.

In the future, the artists of Xy Entertainment will directly participate in the variety shows and TV series of SS TV station, which is the most popular in the cold wave country.

In addition, in winter, in order to make those who bully Xia pay the price, Jiang Chen directly hired a foreign killer organization, the Chopped Hand Party, to assassinate those who were on his death list.

In the second half of winter, the foreign killer community got the news that the Desert Civil Affairs Committee will provide one billion Chinese yuan as a reward for ZYG Entertainment's President Jin Changhao and artist director Park Zaiyong.

And the heads of Daiya Automobile General Manager Li Zhengmin, Vice President Park Changyu, Star Mobile President Chi Shengjun, Manager Li Zaixian, and CY TV Deputy Director Song Changcan.

After the reward order was issued, it shocked the entire cold wave country.

At the same time, the few people from the cold wave country who were offered a reward were even more afraid to show up. It was because they didn't dare to show up publicly, which made many people lose confidence in their company.

In the spring, when the winter storm subsided, Lu Zhimin flattened the desert covering an area of ​​1,549 square kilometers.

So Jiang Chen's task came again.

It is easy to break down zyt entertainment company, but it is not easy to break down Daiya Motors and Star Mobile.

Therefore, Jiang Chen decided to focus on building products that could bring down these two companies...batteries!

"Within three years, get rid of Daiya Motors and Xingxing Mobile!"

He can't continue to waste time on the edge of the desert. He doesn't want to be able to build deep into the desert when he is old.

"Well, taking advantage of the sunshine, let's start the first step of construction!"

The first step of Jiang Chen's construction is to build a battery research and manufacturing base in Saha Future City. Jiang Chen named him Battery Town.

The future Saha City will be an enterprise with a market value of hundreds of billions or even hundreds of billions.

And the battery company is his first!

Jiang Chen drove into the desert from the east of Future City.

In the area close to the scenic area of ​​Bermuda, Jiang Chen selected an area of ​​nearly 100 square kilometers as the land for the battery town.

It is not easy to build a battery town. The first step is to plan the entire battery town. Fortunately, Jiang Chen completed it in his spare time.

"First invest in a battery technology research institute with an area of ​​2,000 mu. The battery technology research institute is not only a research institute, but also an institution of higher learning.

In the future, it will recruit master and doctoral students in the battery industry, and also set up a post-doctoral mobile station, so it must be built!"

"Plant a comprehensive laboratory building first."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he clicked on the app in the desert. Jiang Chen obtained the seed of the comprehensive laboratory building a month ago, but Jiang Chen has not opened it yet.

System reminder: Seeds of the comprehensive laboratory building vary in price according to the height of the floor. Please purchase them as appropriate.

"The laboratory building directly purchases a 40-story comprehensive laboratory building, and purchases a 20-story comprehensive laboratory building elsewhere."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he clicked on the price.

Price profile: Forty-storey comprehensive laboratory building, each floor has a construction area of ​​1,000 square meters, and the total need is 80 million yuan, plus 100 million yuan for decoration.

The 20-storey comprehensive laboratory building is halved, and 50 million yuan is required. Choose the quantity to purchase.

After reading the price introduction, the price is really not high. The cost of the current Grade A office buildings has reached more than 8,000 yuan, but this is only 2,000 yuan.

So, at this price...

"Come directly to the four 40-story comprehensive laboratory buildings!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he directly purchased four 40-story super complex buildings, and then planted them directly in the middle of the Battery Technology Research Institute with one-click planting.

After planting the four buildings, four square buildings appeared in a barren desert in an instant. This dark blue glass-clad building is really a dream in the desert!

"so high!"

The sun pulls the shadow of the building very long and long, and the surroundings are very cool under the shadow of the building.

Moreover, even in the dazzling sunlight, the dark blue glass of this building does not reflect the glare at all, as if it swallowed all the light.

Entering the building, the effect of adding 20 million is different. The marble floor can reflect the shadow of people, and the elevator of future technology will have no bumps or noise.

And standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass, looking up, the world is like a picture scroll in front of you.

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