I have a city in the desert

Chapter 636: The 100 Billion Enterprise Plan

In this era, no one is optimistic about Komatsu Electric, because the only profitable Kayamatsu Electric is washing machines.

An enterprise without a future, an enterprise that sticks to the rules and does not innovate, buying such an enterprise is no different from buying a father!

"Brother Jiang, I don't think so.

Although the Kudamatsu Group is a mess, the deadly camel is bigger than the horse.

If we can acquire it, we can solve the problem and fill in the shortcomings of our products in the various life areas of Saha Future City!

Brother Jiang, now we can rely on China, but what if one day we are cut off from the world?

They don't recognize us, what should we do if we don't have our own technology?"

Chen Li strongly advocated the acquisition of Komatsu because many things in Komatsu are mature, such as the battery he is responsible for.

If Jiang Chen can acquire Kuamasatsu Group and give him responsibility for the battery, he will be able to put all their technology on the Saha Battery Group.

At that time they will use alien technology, not to mention how awesome, defeating the Dening era will certainly not be a problem!

As long as they defeat the Dening era, who will not use him in the world's battery supply for new energy vehicles?

"I agree with President Chen's opinion. In charge of President Chen, the task of acquiring Kuamatsu is left to you!"

Now he can get Jiang Chen to spend more than 20 billion meters. After all, the house in Sark City hasn't been sold for a long time, and there is money there.

Of course, what is more important is that Chen Li talked about his heart, and Jiang Chen now really can't guarantee that someday the bitch of the cold wave country will go to the United States to engage in himself.

If the United States does not recognize itself, then the world will block itself.

Without technology, he can't even produce a toothbrush at that time. Can he still keep his people?

"Brother Jiang, you might have thought about it! The Kudamatsu Group is in shortfall. If there is a real need, why not just buy their battery business?"

"That is, once our battery is launched, his battery business will definitely fall to the bottom.

They must know this, so they will definitely sell it."

After Guan Cu and Zhu Shaoxuan finished talking, Jiang Chen shook his head, Jiang Chen already had a plan in his heart.

The battery Jiang Chen will make it profitable, and Jiang Chen will also make it profitable in other aspects.

For example, Jiang Chen is now preparing to enter the smart phone business, and Kudamatsu has a smart phone business, although it has never been used by anyone, it has been losing money.

However, it has at least the production and design capabilities of the smart phone business, saving it from building its own mobile phones with zero basis.

Wanting to make money on mobile phones, Jiang Chen decided to abandon 5g mobile phones and directly let Kudamatsu design 6g mobile phones and 7g mobile phones.

Nowadays, 6g communication has not been developed anywhere in the world, but Jiangchen’s scenic spot has reached the 6g era, and the future will eventually belong to 6g. Therefore, Kudamatsu can use the 6g service of the scenic spot to design a new generation of mobile phones.

Once Kota Matsushita launches a 6g mobile phone, it will lead other mobile phone manufacturers by an era!

Mobile phones are one aspect, and Jiang Chen wants to build a 6g communication service equipment base.

He imagined that as Guowei was leading at 5g and 6g at the same time, Kudamatsu happened to have this business!

In addition, when it comes to LED displays, Kudamatsu has always been the overlord before the rise of Xingxing Group.

If you acquire Kayasatsu, you will be able to provide the advanced technology on your car's display to Kayasatsu Display.

At that time, once the display screens incorporating alien technology are mass-produced, the era of Kudamatsu display screens will come again!

Of course, these are just a few simple aspects. You must know that Kudamatsu Electric also has air conditioners, which can be studied in conjunction with their own alien technology.

And all aspects of home appliance business such as elevators and TV dramas will be relaunched!

"Brother Jiang! Have you thought about it?"

"Think about it, let's stop here today! President Chen, I now officially announce that from this moment on, you will serve as the first president of Saha Battery Group!

In addition, President Guan, from now on you are responsible for the acquisition of Kuamasatsu Group, Xiao Zhu, you are responsible for assisting in the acquisition, Chen Li and Brother Jianzhou, you are responsible for assisting in dismantling the various businesses of Kuamasatsu Group!"



Several people saw that Jiang Chen had already made up his mind. They knew that the opposition was useless, so they were forced to accept this reality and work hard to do it well!

"By the way, after the acquisition of the Kudamatsu Group, the Kudamatsu Group will move into the Future City, and the Kudamatsu Group will be temporarily in charge of the president."

"Well, I will complete the acquisition as soon as possible."

After everything was settled, it was dark, the street lights of the battery town were on, and the whole battery town was quiet and fresh.

"Let's go, let's eat! I invite everyone to have a good drink. It is up to you whether the future city can develop in the future!"

Leaving the battery town, Jiang Chen led a few people towards the Lavender Manor Hotel in the Oasis Scenic Area.

Now it is the beginning of summer, the lavender is blooming, and the fragrance of flowers will definitely warm the whole night.

Lavender Manor Hotel, the hotel boss heard that Jiang Chen was coming, and he quickly vacated the presidential suite.

In addition, he hurriedly called the president of Bermuda Oasis Scenic Group Road and let the president Lu come to accompany him.

Jiang Chen did not refuse. The president of this road was the president of the scenic spot he personally promoted. This person is not an outsider. He is Jiang Chen's distant cousin.

At the same time, this person has another identity, and behind his back he is the chairman of the Desert Committee.

After President Lu arrived, he still carried a briefcase in his hand. President Lu, who was in his 30s, was slightly fat.

After he came in, he greeted a group of people with a smile on his face, but his smile always made everyone feel a little bit cold, after all, he was indeed a bit fierce.

"Yeah, President Guan, President Chen, you are all here! Why don't you tell me in advance, I will prepare early, at least I will prepare some game for you..."

"Don't, don't eat wild animals from me!"

"Look at what you said, are we the one who eats wild animals?"

President Lu put down the bag and started to pour the wine for everyone after he finished speaking. The few people were a little drunk after drinking for a while.

"President Lu, I heard that you have eaten human flesh. Really?"

"Nonsense, is human flesh eaten by humans? We are all law-abiding citizens!"

"Before the desert came, were you really a mercenary in Central Adam?"

"Nothing, we have never been to Central Asia, it's all rumours! Hahaha, haha!"

At night, several people did not leave drunk, Jiang Chen arranged for them to stay in the Lavender Manor Hotel.

When he was leaving, President Lu gave Jiang Chen a wink, and Jiang Chen nodded at him.

At the beginning of summer, under a full moon, the charming fragrance of lavender in the distance.

On a lavender hillside, Jiang Chen lit a cigarette and handed it to Lu Ming. Lu Ming took the cigarette and took a few puffs. The scars on his face became more frightening with the movement of his lips.

"Brother Jiang, I just received the news, and I got one. This is a photo. It will be reported to the cold wave country tomorrow."

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