I have a city in the desert

Chapter 641: The Last Fleece of Wool Sark City

The houses in Sark are very popular. Whether they are the villas on the upper floors of the outer ring or the small high-rise buildings in the inner ring road, as long as Sark is released, they are almost sold out.

Even the houses of the Sack Mansion that cost hundreds of millions at every turn are almost sold.

However, all the money he earned was spent by Jiang Chen. There was no way, the investment was too big.

Jiang Chen has built eleven small and large towns in the east of the city in the future, each with a minimum investment of 10 billion.

This is just an investment in building houses and so on.

Such as the digital town and the glass town need to recruit workers, and the total investment in the acquisition of domestic brands has to be tens of billions!

Therefore, no matter how much money is made for the house in Sark City, it can't help but spend so much!

Fortunately, no one bought the villa across from Poppy Valley.

Because this place is really worthless.

First of all, its location is particularly biased. It is at the entrance of the Dead Desert. When the winter storm comes, it is the first to be overturned.

Secondly, there are scenic spots around here, and I haven't seen the shadow of scenic spots for more than a year.

And the unopened scenic spots were kept secret, so they all thought Jiang Chen was fooling people.

Secondly, the price is too expensive!Fifty thousand and one level is still so biased, everyone is not a second fool!

Speaking of 70% of the money for buying a villa, Jiang Chen instantly became interested.

"Okay! I'll sell the house for you later! I will sell all the hundreds of houses this weekend!"

Jiang Chen plans to start the live broadcast on Saturday, that is, three days later, because there were so many people at that time!By the time it happens to be sold in the house!

Time passed quickly, and it was noon in a blink of an eye. The noon sun was very warm. Zhu Shaoxuan wanted to invite Jiang Chen to the nearby Poppy Town Hotel for dinner.

Anyway, Jiang Chen's meals can be reimbursed at the hotel on the spot.

However, Jiang Chen refused, and he was going to eat something on the street in front of Poppy Flower Valley.

Then take advantage of the afternoon to play around the scenic spot.

After all, now he has the ability to plant tall buildings, take this opportunity to finally slaughter Sark City a sum of money.

After all, the current Sark city is on the right track step by step. After slaughtering this time, next time you want to gather the Sark city wool, it will not be easy!

"Go, there is a noodle shop over there, let's eat a bowl of noodles!"

When Jiang Chen spoke, he walked towards a noodle restaurant not far away.

As soon as he walked to the entrance of the noodle restaurant, Jiang Chen found that the noodle restaurant was already full of people.

On this street, the business of other restaurants is bleak, but this noodle restaurant is extremely hot.

"I'm going, Lao Qin Noodle House?"

Jiang Chen looked up at the sign. He was wondering, who can sell noodles so well, even better than his old father-in-law.

This raised his head, Jiang Chen was immediately depressed. I really didn't expect Lao Qin Noodle Shop to have such a remote street!

It seems that my little mother-in-law is really not easy!This look is absolutely fine!

"Yes, it's the old Qin noodle shop. Now Uncle Qin's business is getting better and better.

He has opened more than 100 branches in Sark City, and this shop is considered small."

After Zhu Shaoxuan finished speaking, the two walked directly into the store.

Fortunately, the owner of the shop knew Zhu Shaoxuan, so the noodle shop was busy preparing a single room for them.

Two bowls of noodles, a few side dishes, because they didn't drink while driving, the two of them talked and had a good time.

Before he left, the boss saw that Jiang Chen was coming, and he deliberately waived the bill and gave Jiang Chen a box of beer.

Jiang Chen didn't refuse, after all, he was going to stay up late to work this night.

"Boss, is there any water? Take the bottle to warm it up, I'll take medicinal use!"

"Yes, here you are! Mayor Zhu walk slowly!"

When he came out of the Laoqin Noodle House, Zhu Shaoxuan took out a bottle of medicine from his pocket, then opened it and took out two pills and drank it directly.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?"

Walking on the street, it is noon, very few people.

This street is full of people only at night, and people in the daytime go to see Xinghua.

"It's okay, dysentery. I went home late yesterday, and the kid's mother slept, and didn't want to disturb him, so she cooked something for herself.

You said that with our technique, the meat was not cooked, and the stomach was eaten badly!

I took some medicine in the morning, maybe it was food poisoning, but I was too busy to hold a movie conference, this has not been delayed until now.

Once this person is ill, I must not procrastinate. I have a little stomach trouble. After procrastinating all morning, I have dysentery.

Fortunately, I took some medicine from the poppy pharmaceutical factory on the way. The dysentery medicine produced by our poppy pharmaceutical factory has good effects!Go back, Brother Jiang, you also have something!"

Speaking of Poppy Pharmaceuticals, Jiang Chen suddenly thought of the several pharmaceutical factories outside the valley. These pharmaceutical factories looked so deserted!

"Okay, I'll be ready to look back.

By the way, Xiao Zhu, our opium poppy pharmaceutical factory harvested a batch of opium poppies last year. Is it not good?

Why are there no drug carts at the entrance of the pharmaceutical factory?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Zhu Shaoxuan sighed in the warm sunshine.

"The production is pretty good. We have established a poppy pharmaceutical factory.

Pharmaceutical factories have now introduced several medicines, dysentery tablets for the treatment of dysentery.

Coughing for chronic cough and nourishing kidney pills for treating spermatorrhea and slippery essence caused by kidney deficiency

Of course, there are analgesic tablets. This medicine can relieve all kinds of pains in the chest, abdomen, muscles and bones. The effect is really useless!"

After Zhu Shaoxuan finished speaking, Jiang Chen nodded.

Although these kinds of medicines are few in variety, they treat the most common diseases in humans. The market is huge!

Therefore, once it is produced, it will definitely sell well!

"Yes, I'll prepare something later. Xiao Zhu, then why does the factory look so deserted?

There are quite a lot of poppies in our Poppy Valley, and it must be enough for your pharmaceutical factory to process for a year!"

"It is enough to produce for one year, but the medicine is not easy to sell!

We can't get the batch number of these drugs in China, so we can't enter the domestic market at all!

Therefore, now only the people in Sark City are taking this medicine. Last time, a patient from the Mainland came to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Sark City University to see his lungs and had a long cough.

The doctor prescribed Poppy Medicine's coughing spirit, and within two days of taking it, he obviously improved!

When he left, he was prescribed medicine for a few days, but he was checked and confiscated as soon as he arrived in the special zone. The patient was arrested, saying he was selling poppies!

Had it not been for our hospital to issue a certificate, it would be enough to squat."

"Has the people let go?"

"Let it go, but the medicine was confiscated. Later, he stayed in a chain hotel in Sark City for half a month, and returned to China after eating."

After Zhu Shaoxuan finished speaking, Jiang Chen thought about it this way.

The effects of these drugs are so good that they will benefit the people, so it is impossible to get stuck!

"Looking back, I called Shangjing to resolve this matter. Did our medicine have any side effects?"

"There are no side effects. We have been clinically used in Sark City for a year, and there are no side effects such as drug dependence and addiction.

I think they are reluctant to accept these medicines because they are extracted from poppy."

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