I have a city in the desert

Chapter 653 Good enough to sell out, is there any?

"Don't worry, I will let the opium poppy pharmaceutical industry increase production this year. We will definitely solve your medication problems before the end of this year!

Also, let me repeat again, don't buy medicine on the black market!

Don’t go to other pharmacies to buy opium poppy medicine. The medicines of our Saha medicine and opium poppy medicines are only sold in Saha pharmacies and hospitals above the top three grades!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, his live broadcast room exploded again!

A sea of ​​stars: stop being funny, okay?Do you think we want to buy medicine on the black market?Not good at all!

Long Dongqiang: Well, don't say anything, you are here to report the problem, not to fight!

Looking at everyone's barrage, Jiang Chen decided to call Poppy Pharmaceutical in front of everyone!

The call was quickly dialed, and the chairman of Poppy Pharmaceuticals personally answered the call. This was the first time Jiang Chen called him. This made the chairman very excited!

"Zhang Zong, does the opium poppy pharmaceutical industry have a large stock of medicines? Why do the people in China report that they cannot buy medicines?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Mr. Zhang hurriedly replied: "The first production this year, the volume is not very large. With the blockade of China, we were not prepared to enter the domestic market.

Now that we have suddenly entered the domestic market, our stock is not enough, so we can barely supply the domestic top three hospitals."

"To expand production, we must find ways to make pharmacies have medicine supply!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Mr. Zhang was sweating.

"Brother Jiang, this, this expansion of production is not enough. We are now working three shifts every day and night, so our pharmaceutical industry is just barely able to buy in limited quantities from pharmacies.

In addition, our raw materials are not enough, and we must wait for the poppy to mature this year before we can process it."

After Mr. Zhang finished, Jiang Chen couldn't make this call in vain after all in front of more than 50 million fans.

"Find a way to solve it, and I will help you solve the problem of raw materials. I will broadcast it now, and you will give an explanation to the fans!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Mr. Zhang heard Jiang Chen's live broadcast, he thought about it and decided to cut the meat.

"In that case, I will cut the supply of Sac City and Saha Group. Starting today, Sac City and Saha Group will supply limited quantities. I will adjust a batch of medicine from here."

If the Sac City and the Saha Group are eliminated, it is estimated that Mr. Zhang will be cast aside as a traitor on the streets!

"When will the problem of full coverage of Saha pharmacies be solved? The people must be able to buy medicines without going out of the market!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Mr. Zhang had a headache. Don't you know how old China is?

To cover every city in China, the poppy in the Poppy Valley is not enough between teeth!

"Next year, it will definitely be resolved next year!"

After Mr. Zhang finished speaking, Jiang Chen was very satisfied!

How could he not know how many cities in China?But this is live!

After hanging up the phone, sure enough, Jiang Chen's live broadcast room was full of 666 and nearly two million gifts.

Unlimited scenery: anchor cow!Just as the anchor is such a good leader who really solves problems for the people, I want to live in a place where you govern!

The loneliness behind the success: It is the happiness of the people to have such a leader!

The End of the World: The people living in Sark are all happy!I wanted to go, but I was brushed off, so embarrassing!

"Thank you for your reward! Solving the problem for you is what I should do.

In the future, I will directly open a voting window in my Sahara Story King. I will open a live broadcast once a month or two to solve the problem of the top ten votes for everyone!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, his fans boiled even more!

Fat brother: Bull!The top leader solves the problem online, and the ratings are extremely high!

Hee hee hop ha ha: Don’t say anything, let’s just give a reward, brothers, take a wave of rockets for such a leader!

Long Dongqiang: Take a wave of rockets!

Soon Jiang Chen's live broadcast room was filled with rockets. At the moment, Lao Xia lit a cigarette in the backstage of the Saha live broadcast. It took less than half an hour and Jiang Chen's rewards exceeded 6 million.

"Brother Jiang is really a genius in the live broadcast room!"

Isn't it true? As long as Jiang Chen starts the live broadcast, there is no one who won't break 100 million online viewers and 10 million rewards one day!

It can be said that Jiang Chen's personal traffic is about to feed Saha Live.

"Small point, he was so strong when he was broadcast live in China, otherwise, why would I switch from Maoya to Chili for him, and then from Chili to here?"

After Lao Xia finished speaking, Zhang Wei lit a cigarette and started smoking. Zhang Wei felt that the most important decision in his life was to switch from Chili Live to the president of Saha Live!

After solving the Poppy Pharmaceutical matter, Jiang Chen returned to his live broadcast.

"Now everyone can rest assured, well, the problem of medicine has been solved. Now I want to tell you a good news!

Don’t you want to live in a place under my governance?Now comes the opportunity!

What I want to tell you now is that everyone in the live broadcast room who has a skill or a college degree and started out will have the opportunity to live under the sky under my governance!"

Today Jiang Chen has become a spiritual symbol of the Sah people. He really looks like the god of the desert. Only with Jiang Chen, the desert people will never worry.

The boss is not bald: What?Is there a new house again?Hey, I have applied for more than a dozen times, but I have never succeeded. I don’t know this time...

Mao Dan: Are you finally going to start with our specialists?Hahaha, me, a famous hacker, ahem, a college diploma, a cybersecurity expert, can immigrate?

Caterpillar: I am a first-class chef and a college diploma. I seem to see hope!

"Okay, now I want to recommend my newly built city to everyone. This time we will broadcast the entire city at once. After the live broadcast is over, leave and open the immigration window!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he turned the camera at the villa in a green grass field.

Gangster’s youth: Wow, the grassland scenic spot has a villa?This is truly the top home of blue sky, white clouds and green grass!

Tianbei Ai Live: What is the most precious end of the world?Home!To make a home in the green grass field is definitely a winner in life!

Mr. Pineapple: These villas are good, three-story, not small in size, and each building is also very expensive.

"Yes, this is the most ideal home for mankind! These villas not only have a good environment, but more importantly, they have a beautiful location!

Everyone, this is a map of the special zone. The special zone is just over 10 kilometers away from the boundary of the special zone along the No. 1 Avenue of the Saha Group!

This super green land villa is closer to the airport and high-speed rail station than Yinan New District!Isn't it exciting?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a group of people became excited. This cliff is better than Sark City and exploded!

Song Yi: Is it a prime plot in the middle of Line 1 and between the Saha Scenic Area and the Special Zone?That place is really a land in a golden land!

Birth or not: Yes, it is convenient to travel to the Saha Scenic Area, also to the special zone, the roads are good, coupled with the excellent greening, and the scenic area blocking the wind and sand in front, it is really a treasure.

By the way, the prices of these villas must be marginal!

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