I have a city in the desert

Chapter 658: Xia Yanxing

The immigration center at one o'clock in the morning is still brightly lit.

The people in the immigration department have changed a group, but Zhu Shaoxuan has not rested yet.

"Brother Jiang, why are you still asleep?"

After watching Jiang Chen come, Zhu Shaoxuan yawned several times.

During this period of time, Zhu Shaoxuan was also busy as a dog, and even if he was busy, Zhu Shaoxuan's expression was very bad when he was busy borrowing money every day.

Therefore, he took a sigh of relief. He was about to watch his city quickly build up, and the house quickly sold, and he would never look at other people's faces anymore.

"Not yet, Xiao Zhu, help me find someone, and you will go to bed after checking. I'll be watching."

Jiang Chen got used to staying up all night, and he forgot how long he hadn't got a good night's sleep. In fact, think about it, he worked so hard, isn't it just to save face?

"Who to check?"

"Check if someone named Xia Yanxing can apply for immigration? It should be between 60 and 70, a boss with a market value of 10 billion."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Zhu Shaoxuan nodded. He asked people from the immigration department to search in the background. Don't say it, there really is such a person!

"Yes! Brother Jiang, see if it's this?"

After Zhu Shaoxuan finished speaking, Jiang Chen walked to the computer. There was an information sheet on the computer screen. In the information sheet, there happened to be a family relationship named Xia Yanxing.

And this Xia Yanxing is more than sixty years old, chairman of Nanhua Group.

According to the information, there are a total of six people in his immigrant family.

Xia Yanxing's father-in-law, Xia Yanxing's wife, and his son and daughter.

"Is this the person?"

After Zhu Shaoxuan finished speaking, Jiang Chen asked him to zoom in on Xia Yanxing's photo, not to mention it, once the photo was zoomed in, it really looked like Xia Haidong!

"It's him! How many suites does he apply for?"

"Three sets! There are instructions here. I want to buy an elevator bungalow, one set for his father-in-law and his mother-in-law, one set for his son's marriage, and one set for himself."

"Okay, it's arranged for them. Just remember to arrange one set on every other floor for the house opposite the Financial Building in Qingshan Town!"

"Understood! Go back and give them a discount!"

"You know what a shit, no discount is allowed for a dime! Also, don't sell that building, I'll give it away."

"Brother Jiang is so magnificent? The whole building is given away? Which big beauty is it for?"

Zhu Shaoxuan was shocked!

"Beauty, I just promised to give it to Lao Xia!

Also, I told the Saha Group back that, except for the three houses, I sold the other houses to Xia Haidong at a low price!

Also, starting today, Xia Donghai's dividends for the next five years are gone!Only pay every month!Don't starve to death!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Zhu Shaoxuan nodded.

However, he quickly asked in a low voice: "Brother Jiang, my relatives in my hometown also want to live here. He asked me if I can get the house at the internal price?

By the way, it meets the immigration conditions!Doctor of his son!

Also, I will not cheat for personal gains, Brother Jiang, don't give me face!"

After Zhu Shaoxuan finished speaking, Jiang Chen looked at Zhu Shaoxuan, who had been tanned for Qingshan City, and nodded.

"Give you the quota for five sets of internal rooms, regardless of floor height, twenty thousand and one flat, don't say anything."

"Thank you Jiang, thank you Jiang! Later on the Disciplinary Supervision Committee..."

"I'm calling, don't worry, these five houses will not check you!"

"Brother Jiang! Thank you so much! Don't say anything, if Qingshan City doesn't work out, I will see you!"

Zhu Shaoxuan's excited eyes were red after speaking, what is a good leader?

A good leader can make the people below have the feeling of being dead for a confidant!

Just like Jiang Chen in front of him, the lowest price for a set of Qingshan Town's high-level staff started at 40,000, and the highest floor was 70,000 yuan. Jiang Chen directly gave him 20,000 yuan!

A set of 120 square meters, he took the house to confirm the highest level, one flat saves 50,000 yuan, and one set saves 6 million!

And there are still five sets, that's thirty million!

Of course, in Jiang Chen's eyes, this is all drizzle!The cost of building a high-rise building is only 40 million yuan, and even if the greening money is used, a building is only 50 million yuan.

Therefore, Jiang Chen was very angry. Of course, in order to silence others, he just couldn't talk about the cost!

The night dissipated quickly. After dawn, Lao Xia woke up from her sleep, and he was already lying in the Qingshan Hotel in Qingshan City.

Lao Xia wanted to call Jiang Chen, but after thinking about it for a long time, he put down the phone.

Three days later, Jiang Chen opened his account on the cactus video.

Even to support Lao Xia, he deliberately used the live broadcast function of Cactus Video to make a small live broadcast.

The live broadcast attracted a large number of viewers, and Jiang Chen took the opportunity to directly spread a red envelope of 100 million cash, and instantly made the cactus video rush to the top of the thousand-degree search.

Of course, Jiang Chen didn't lose in this wave.

In these three days, Jiang Chen built a desert Gobi Desert tourist attraction on the north side of the development zone.

The construction of the Desert Gobi Desert is very simple.

In order not to spoil the natural sense of the Gobi Desert, Jiang Chen just built some pergola for tourists to rest, as well as some toilets and garbage disposal centers.

This special scenic spot was assigned to the Saha Scenic Area Construction Management Group. From now on, its tax revenue will go to Qingshan City, which can also be regarded as a tourist attraction in Qingshan City.

A little bit of time passed, and the summer was gradually coming to an end.

Before the end of the summer, after Jiang Chen asked Zhu Shaoxuan something about immigration, he drove directly to Sark City.

He promised the fans that all fans would be able to eat the medicine produced by Poppy Pharmaceuticals, so he planned to build another poppy base in Sark City.

Just as Jiang Chen chose the address, his cell phone rang.

Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone. It was Lao Xia. Looking at Lao Xia's phone, Jiang Chen smiled.

"Hey, is Lao Xia doing anything?"

"Brother Jiang..."

After a while, the phone stopped, and only the cry of a forty-year-old man could be heard on the other end of the phone.

"Why cry? Are you ashamed of being a CEO?

What, put it alive, bring the wine, and come to Sark City to find me!

I have just prepared some noodles. Give me something delicious, don't be stingy!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chen directly sent Lao Xia an address. After sending the address, Jiang Chen put down the noodles in his hand and started to get busy.

The site of Jiang Chen’s opium poppy base is close to 100 square kilometers between Salman Hospital and Kani Mountain.

This flower sea base is close to Highway No. 3, and across the mountain is the Sark City Medical Device Development Zone, and it is not too far from the poppy pharmaceutical industry.

And the more important thing is that Jiang Chen is going to fire up the land of Salman Hospital.

The location of this piece of land is really good. Not to mention it’s close to the largest hospital in the Saha area, it’s still stuck between Sark City and Future City. This is simply out of print!

"Start planting! Just take advantage of the fact that Qingshan City has just gathered more than two trillion yuan in front of the building!"

After Jiang Chen finished talking, he clicked a key to plant, and soon a sea of ​​super poppies that stretched to the foot of the mountain and the horizon appeared on a desolate land.

Oh no, I can't call it a sea of ​​flowers, because the poppies are withered, and what appears to Jiang Chen at this moment is a piece of indescribable things!

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