I have a city in the desert

The 664th chapter takes the goods king

Speaking of advertising, Jiang Chen took a bite of steak and drank another sip of Wanjiang wine and began to think about how to advertise for them.

"When I think about it, I will post a short video directly. Didn't I finish the advertisement for the small video, refrigerator, wok, steak?"

Thinking about Jiang Chen, he feels like a genius!

"Take a small video! Just take advantage of the street lights are so bright, you can't waste it!"

Jiang Chen turned on the phone as he spoke, and then began to take a video.

"Hello friends of the cactus video!

Now I am building in the desert, and it is time to have dinner, let everyone see my dinner!"

Jiang Chen pointed the camera at his wok as he spoke.

"Dangdangdang! That's right, black pepper steak! It tastes really good!

Many people may ask me, where is the steak in the desert?

The desert is so hot during the day, how do you keep the steak fresh?

Let me introduce a black technology to everyone!

First of all, let's take a look at this Kudamatsu refrigerator specially prepared for people who often work in the field or plan to go out for a picnic.

Look, this refrigerator is only fifty centimeters long, forty centimeters wide, and only thirty centimeters thick. It is small and light and can be carried directly in the trunk.

This refrigerator is very practical. It uses batteries from the Saha Battery Group, so it can be used for three days with a single charge, which is definitely suitable for everyone.

In addition, take a look at this solar wok, it is from Saha Electric Company, solar charging, it can be used for several days at a time!

Of course, if you have equipment, you have to have ingredients!

Just look at this steak from the Saha Animal Husbandry Group. It's fresh and juicy.

The most important thing is that the cattle of the Saha Animal Husbandry Group are all cattle that graze and grow up. This beef is definitely a treat!"

After Jiang Chen finished eating a steak with a face of intoxication while talking, he uploaded the video to the small cactus video of the Saha Entertainment Group.

After uploading, Jiang Chen took another sip of wine, then gave himself some noodles, and then pressed some dried vegetables.

After eating a bowl of hot vegetable noodles, Jiang Chen turned on his phone.

What he never expected was that his video had more than 100,000 hearts, and even more than 70,000 comments.

Table tennis: Wow, this is really an artifact!I'm never afraid of nothing to eat when I go out to camp!

The world is so big: anchor, where can I buy it!We are preparing to go on an autumn tour in the mountains!

Pineapple King: These things can be bought on Saha Shopping, yes, they can also be bought on Taobei. I just tried it!

Jiang Chen's effort to review comments, and because of the fan effect, coupled with the promotion of the cactus video, soon Jiang Chen's video has reached millions of views.

At the same time, the two products of the same product, Kudamatsu refrigerator and Saha Home Appliances Group, were quickly robbed of shopping on Taobei and Saha.

These two kinds of home appliances are not commonly used in the first place, and the sales are not good because of poor publicity and no money for advertising.

After Jiang Chen’s ad was hit, he was sold out of stock in just one night!

It was the first time Jiang Chen discovered that he still had the ability to bring goods!

This is really...

Jingle Bell!

While Jiang Chen was feeling emotional, suddenly his cell phone rang.

It was not someone else who called Jiang Chen, but Xia Haidong, the deputy mayor of the Future City and the Saha Entertainment Group.

"Brother Jiang, I saw the video you posted, thank you for your advertisement.

Now the struggle between Cactus Video and Leyin and Kuaijiao has become incandescent. It would be better if Jiang Ge could post more videos!"

Speaking of posting the video, Jiang Chen nodded. Now he owes the system so much money, he also needs to find a platform to promote the sale of a house or something to make money and pay the bill!

"Good talk, good talk! By the way, Lao Xia, what happened to the division of the media group?

The Xicheng District I built for you has been completed, and I hope you can move over to work before you."

During this period of time, Xia Haidong's task was to divide the media group according to Jiang Chen's plan, and then reorganize the various companies.

After two months of hard work, the companies of the media group have now been split.

In addition, Xia Haidong also reorganized his own entertainment group day after day.

When reorganizing the entertainment group, Xia Haidong also deliberately used the funds in his hands to purchase the top two novel websites in China and Cold Wave.

After purchasing the novel website, Xia Haidong has his own big IP work incubation plan.

In this way, I have my own popular novel IP, which is then adapted by a film company and filmed.

Finally, through cinemas and TV stations for sales, such a complete industrial chain comes out.

Moreover, after Xia Haidong entered the Saha Cultural and Entertainment Group, he cooperated with the Saha Scenic Management Group.

This collaboration includes plans to host a super open-air cinema.

The so-called super open-air cinema refers to the open-air movie broadcast plan in the grassland scenic area, the Bermuda Oasis, and the Qin Palace in the evening of spring, summer and autumn.

Open-air movies are mainly prepared for tourists. Here, tourists can enjoy a super screen larger than China, as well as open-air audio.

Moreover, in order to make more money for its own theaters, Saha Entertainment Group will directly add movie ticket money to tourists' tickets.

This is a particularly large income. You must know that the number of tourists in the Saha Scenic Area today is millions of people.

"The media group has been divided, and I have reorganized the entertainment group. We will prepare to move into Xicheng District after the winter storm!"

"Very well, come on! By the way, does your company have enough food for the winter?"

In order to cope with the super storm, Saha Group has prepared food and various supplies for the winter one year in advance.

"Ready! Our group has long been notified, and at the end of this month, all the scenic spots in our group will be closed.

In addition, President Chen requested that all non-essential departments of the Saha Group enter the vacation mode except for the necessary departments to work normally.

Beginning yesterday, the employees of the enterprises who entered the vacation mode began to successively transfer to the resettlement houses of the Saha Scenic Area Group or to the resettlement center of Sark City."

No one can guarantee that the special zone will be able to withstand this four-year desert winter storm.

But at least Saha Scenic Area and Sark City have experience in overcoming winter storms, so the relevant personnel have moved here.

"Okay! What Chen Jianzhou did is right. By the way, you guys will start to relocate too! I won't say anything, I have something to do."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he was about to hang up, when suddenly Xia Haidong stopped Jiang Chen.

"Brother Jiang, there is one more thing, I want to tell you. Can I interrupt for a few more minutes?"

When I heard that Xia Haidong had something to do, Jiang Chen was naturally willing to give him a few minutes. After all, Xia Haidong is his own capable man, and the future city must count on him!

"Yes, what's the matter?"

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