I have a city in the desert

The 673rd chapter will die

"Now I announce the results of the **. There are 35 million people who participated in the **, and 94% of them agreed with tree burial.

Three percent abstained and three percent opposed.

According to the principle that the minority obeys the majority, the funeral mode in the Saha area was changed to tree burial."

After Jiang Chen announced the result, someone soon objected.

The bird is still: I object, I support the tree burial. What if a person died and his son died, and no one maintained the tree?

White clouds in the sky: That is, unless you can introduce laws, the unmanaged trees that have lived for more than a hundred years will be managed by the cemetery on their own!

"Okay, I promised this!"

Regarding those trees that have lived for a hundred years, even if they don't say anything, Jiang Chen will let people manage them specially.

After solving the funeral and interment, Jiang Chen can finally get to the subject.

Thanks to these online solutions to the problem, the popularity of Jiang Chen's live broadcast has reached its peak again.

"Now that the problem is solved, let me send you another good news!

Now everyone knows that this is the year of winter storms.

Every year when there is a winter storm, strong winds blow from the center of the Sahara, and the wind and sand cover the sky.

This is not only the end of the Central Asians, but also has a profound impact on our country."

Jiang Chen introduced a few words, and it turned out that the winter storm was spitting out in his live studio.

Da Nian's Xiao Awang: Yes, winter storms are the most annoying. Every winter storm year, we have to stop production in the Northwest.

As soon as production and work ceased, we couldn't make any money. After a few months at home, the divorce rate went up.

Fenghua Zhengmao: What are you doing? I have to pay mortgages and car loans.This storm has lasted for three months. I don’t make any money. Where can I get the money to pay the mortgage?

Mice love to eat shit: We do business even worse!We opened a restaurant and it was closed for the past three months. Do you know how many restaurants have closed because of this?

Where is it cold: It's even worse for us as a travel agency!You can also deliver a takeaway in the wind. Who of us travels in the wind!

Old King of Footwash City: Our footwash shop can only wash our feet.

People in the northwestern region complained, and it was really a blow to all walks of life.

The fact is indeed the case. After the arrival of winter storms, the entire Northwest will bear the brunt.

The storm will cross the new province all the way to Gansu and even to Beijing, so during this period, most of the northern part of the country will be suspended.

Nowadays, China is a developed and fringe country, and it will be able to bring China back to a developing country within a few months.

Babbling: We are not quiet in the south. Now the storm has penetrated to the south.And because of the strong winds, there are also chain reactions on the sea. Do you know what it's like tornadoes in the winter?

A group of people did not say that Jiang Chen did not know that the winter storm had such a great impact on China.

When he was in Beijing before, Jiang Chen only knew that when the winter storm came, the entire Upper Kyoto was gray, dirty everywhere, and mud everywhere.

But at that time the South had not caused one after another tornadoes.

Little Harry: Hey, stop complaining, the world is the same.My home is to escape the storm in the United States, where the desert has also raged, and many areas have been annexed.

Bobby: Yes, when the winter storm blows, it is almost the same as in China. I really regret spending so much money to emigrate.

End of the World: It deserves it, I always feel that the moon in foreign countries is round, but the moon in China is not round?

When a group of people was arguing, Jiang Chen decided to attack.

"Do you want to live without winter storms?"

Pumpkin Weng: Nonsense, who doesn't want to live a life without storm?As soon as the storm hits, we have to move our family to a place where there is no storm. If we are not familiar with the place, the hotel prices will increase more than ten times.

"Now your opportunity is here! Qingshan City will launch another million high-quality houses. As long as you apply now, you can live in before the winter storm!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a group of people soon laughed.

Mousetrap: Did you make a mistake?Anchor, are you caught in the door?

The winter storm is coming, everyone can't wait to hide away, you still let us go to the desert to die?

Smecta: Hahaha, he was originally a neurotic, and he came to sanction our cold wave country. The sanctions have been so long, what happened to us?

Piao Dayong: That is, our cold wave country is fine, but he has to finish playing the desert first. The savages of Central Asia are unreasonable.

Guisun Yilang: Your house will definitely not be sold. Now that the winter storm has started, everyone is going to the cold wave country to buy a house.The cold wave country is the last piece of pure land!

Nowadays, under Jiang Chen's sanctions, the cold wave country not only has no economic crisis, but has become more serious.

This is also the reason why the cold wave countries did not go to the United States to engage in Jiang Chen.

Moreover, the people of the cold wave countries marched everywhere to protest against the Cui Chenghao group, demanding the life-saving medicine in the Saha area.

The Cui Chenghao Group also proclaimed everywhere that the Saha area would perish in this super storm.

Several group bosses who were threatened by the assassination were also waiting eagerly for the news that the Saha area was wiped out by the storm.

Xiao Qiongfeng: Qingshan City is still not going. My uncle's family emigrated to Qingshan City and returned from hiding in the sand last month.

Pili Fenghuo: Yes, now Sark City has also returned to many people.My distant cousin lived in Sark for a long time. He heard that the storm was coming this year, so his family came back again.

Listening to so many people leaving Sark City and Qingshan City, Jiang Chen smiled helplessly.

There are many such people in this world. They were afraid of death, so they came to Sark City from other places, but now Sark City is in danger, so they naturally left.

"Everyone can rest assured that the future city and its surrounding cities will not suffer a single loss.

In addition, in the future city and its subordinate cities, all the work continues as usual.

The workers can work normally, the shops are normally open, the scenic spots are normally open, and of course the students will attend classes normally."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, a group of people laughed again, especially those Smectas from Korea.

Park Dayong: Just talk about it. If you can persist in working in the sandstorm, there will be fools who are willing to go to the cold wave country to settle down!

Star Smecta: If you have the ability, you can try live broadcasting to work there!As long as you can keep all the people at work in the winter storm, how many houses will you have to sell?

"Let's not bother with the police in those cold wave countries, now let me introduce the prices of these houses!

These houses are distributed in Qingshan Town and several surrounding towns. The price is the same as half a year ago. The price is 450,000 to 1 square meters in the urban area and 30000 to 1 square meters in other areas. The development zone is slightly cheaper.

These houses are all newly opened houses, let me tell you now, you are buying at this price now, after the winter storm, all prices will be doubled."

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