I have a city in the desert

Chapter 677: World in 2027

The lowest house price in Qingshan City is only 30,000 per square meter. In China in 2027, even some 5th-tier cities' downtown houses will exceed this figure.

Not to mention the people living in the second, third, and first line.

So it was time to turn around now, it was Jiang Chen who chose them.

"I don't know a bachelor degree. Even if I promise you a bachelor degree, I can still apply, but you didn't think about it. How many doctors and masters are there in China?

Not only the East China, the cold wave country, the United States and Europa, how many masters and doctors are there?

It has now entered an era of mass education.

Those who are going to graduate school and doctoral degree do not need to say that you all know that their popularity is equivalent to the popularity of undergraduates 10 years ago.

And now there is still a problem. The problem of desertification is not only a problem faced by China, but also a problem faced by India and all countries including the United States and Europe.

Therefore, I personally think that it is possible that the remaining places can not even be settled for a master's degree."

Jiang Chen said this for no reason. The current immigrants are not like before.

In the past, the immigrant family only bought one house. Now the immigrants have come. Many of them buy two or three houses, and even five houses.

And it's useless if you block them. For example, if someone in your family has a master's degree, you can immigrate.

But after he came, he wanted to buy a house for his parents to live in.

They also have to buy a house for their children to live in. There are even two of my three children, each of whom has a house, so there are three or four.

So although Jiang Chen still has millions of houses left, the number of families who can really immigrate is far from several million.

Bright eyes: Yes, even if Brother Jiang promises you, there are too many monks and less meat!So, remember what Jiang Brother said in the future, and don't doubt that he will not harm us at any time!

Clearly my heart: here, I want to thank my uncle!My uncle works in the Qingshan City Government. He almost cried and begged my dad to come to Qingshan City to buy a house and emigrate.

My father couldn't see it, my uncle was crying, and he thought about the family reunion in the future, somehow he could take care of him, so he came.

The bear of the Arctic Ocean: My immigrant is funny, my uncle applied for immigration.

My uncle has cancer. He spends too much money at home, and he often cannot buy medicine.

Later, my grandfather thought about it, let's emigrate to Sark city!

So my grandfather took my uncle, my dad and my uncle from the household registration book and all immigrated to Sark City.

When I arrived in Sark City, when I was in the process of immigration, people said no. You are the only one who meets the qualifications of my uncle, and you can only take my uncle's children and my grandparents at most.

My grandparents knelt down and begged them to say that although my uncle and my dad have low academic qualifications, they also have skills.

What's more, we have no separation of families, so we have to sell our old house before we can immigrate.

Finally, the mayor of Sark saw us pitifully and left our family behind.

My uncle is idle in his hometown and fights every day. My dad is a cook. He said that he is a cook who just cooks for others in the office.

But now it's fine. After my father came here, he opened a restaurant with a loan with the support of the city government.

When Sark had just emigrated, everyone had no place to eat, so my restaurant went viral.

It has only been two years. My dad bought a house directly in Qingshan City, and then our whole family immigrated to Qingshan City to do business.

The bear in the Arctic Ocean soon asked someone after speaking.

Innocent bird: What about your uncle?

The bear of the Arctic Ocean: My uncle did not do good things in fights, and was sent to the army by my grandfather.

Yesterday when they were on vacation, my uncle came back specially. He is now a company commander, and his whole person has become completely different from before.

Oh, yes, my uncle participated in the Battle of Kerry City. In the Battle of Kerry City, my uncle fought bravely, so he was promoted quickly!

When it came to the Battle of Kerry, a group of people soon asked with great interest.

The spring breeze is blowing: What is the Battle of Kerry?

A bowl of ramen: You don’t know about the Battle of Keri City. Keri City is a small city in the north of the Akhanate. This small city borders our Sark City.

Everyone in the Akhanate is no stranger to it. It is a country rich in oil. However, the success of the oil is also the failure of the oil.

The U.S. charged the Akhanate with an unnecessary charge for oil, then beat the Akhanate, and then fostered a puppet regime.

However, the Luosha country in the north also fostered a rebel faction. The two factions fought every day, and refugees ran all over the ground.

Optimus Prime: Yes, half a year ago, many refugees crossed the desert and came to Sark City. Those refugees ate everything they saw, even the grass on the ground, and they robbed shops!

Kung Fu boss: Is it so arrogant?

Brother Ye: They are pitiful, but it's true that there are more refugees!Fortunately, our troops handled it in time.

The incident they were talking about Jiang Chen knew that half a year ago, a group of refugees came from the Akhanate.

There are about 500 refugees in this group of refugees. Jiang Chen can help with this number, but they are just the beginning. There are tens of thousands or even hundreds of people behind them!

Moreover, these are poor people, they cannot afford to buy a house, and because of the war, most of them cannot read.

Therefore, Jiang Chen could not take them in.

Finally, after all the leaders discussed, Jiang Chen pulled up a barbed wire fence on the border of the Akhanate.

Barbed wire temporarily blocked the entry of refugees, but there are still many Salmans in the Akhanate.

These people fled when the desert annexed Turkmenistan. These people heard that the Salman had built a city in Gilstan again, so they clamored to come over.

Originally, above reason, Jiang Chen should let them come.

However, the city Jiang Chen built is a place for high-end people. If refugees are allowed in, how will his house be sold in the future?

If the house cannot be sold, he has no money to build more houses, and he cannot go to the depths of the desert.

He doesn't go to the depths of the desert, he can't understand the cause of the raging Sahara Desert, how can he save the people of the world?

Therefore, in the end, under pressure from the people of Sark City, Jiang Chen isolated the Salman who had fled to the Akhanate outside the border.

However, these people are compatriots of the Salman after all, so Jiang Chen let them occupy the city of Keri in the north of the Akhanate.

The city of Keri became a gathering place for the Salmans in the Akhanate.

However, before the Salman had settled down in Keri for a month, the Ahan army supported by the United States launched an attack on Keri.

In order to keep Keri City and to allow more innocent refugees to have a place to rest, Jiang Chen sent people to discuss with the invading Ahan army.

Jiang Chen is willing to pay the new government of Ahan to rent Kerry City and let refugees live here.

A book recommended by a friend, "Rich Rivers and Lakes", is very beautiful!

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