I have a city in the desert

The 729th chapter is about to move the killer

The head of Li Zhengmin, President of Daya Motors, is worth tens of millions.

Therefore, after the president of Modern Asia Group dismissed the bodyguard team, the killers lurking in the cold wave countries all became interested in the president of Dai Asia Group.

Not only those killers, but even some desperadoes from the cold wave countries also focused on the president of Deya Motors.

Years are long, and in the middle of winter, on a rare sunny day, Fatty Wang specifically called Jiang Chen to go to the grassland to eat lamb.

Jiang Chen's phone rang when he was eating half of the lamb.

Jiang Chen saw that the number was from the cold wave country. He thought it was Lao Jin who changed the number.

"Hello? Lao Jin? Where are you now? Come to Fatty Wang's prairie to drink mutton soup!"

In the past few months, after the Salman factory was put into use, most of the workers had come.

Lao Jin didn't waste much effort to form a coalition government of workers and businessmen, so Jiang Chen didn't bother him for a while.

Jiang Chen was about to wait until he was done, then call him a good meal and have a meal together to show his condolences!

"I, I am Li Zhengmin.

There is an old saying in China, you and your country, one person is responsible for doing things.

Indeed, I did sleep Shay a few times, and I also beat her and scolded her as a Chinese bitch.

But now that I have nothing, can I spare my family?"

On the other side of the phone was a person who was not fluent in Chinese. His voice was hoarse and his voice was exhausted.

"How do you know my number?"

When I heard that the person was Li Zhengmin from the Daiya Automobile Group, Jiang Chen had some differences. To know his mobile phone number, not many outsiders knew it!

"I, I sent someone to investigate you.

how about it?If I give you the head, I have the right to give Shay his order and bypass my wife and children!"

Li Zhengmin's voice is already full of pleading, such a big man in the automobile industry, a year or two ago, killed others and did not believe that he would be so low.

However, Jiang Chen is not a bad guy, after all, he knows the endless troubles without cutting the grass!

"Did you ever think about her family when you tortured Xia?

Did you come to say an apology to Shay when I made the announcement?

Now you have nothing, knowing to beg for mercy?"

Jiang Chen snorted coldly when he finished speaking.

"I can't help it. I represent the Daya Group. I can't sing because of a..."

Before finishing the conversation, Jiang Chen hung up.

After hanging up the phone, he directly removed the calling card and threw it away.

People are like this, always making excuses for themselves, and always feeling that they are right.

So what else is there to say?

"Brother Jiang, who is it?"

In the tent, the enthusiastic shabu-shabu turned the entire glass into a white flower.

Fatty Wang asked while boiling the mutton. Looking at Fatty Wang, Jiang Chen took a glass of wine and said, "No one! Come on, let's go! Today, we will not be drunk or go home!"

"Okay, don't get drunk or return!"

After speaking, several people toasted and drank.

Those who were able to accompany Jiang Chen to drink at the Prairie Tent Hotel were the confidants of Fatty Wang and the core leadership of Fatty Wang's two tens of billions group companies.

At night, after drinking, Jiang Chen stayed directly in the hotel run by Fatty Wang.

At one o'clock in the morning, Jiang Chen's new mobile phone number was available.

After the new cell phone number was sent, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang not too often.

"Brother Jiang, Li Zhengmin drove to Southeast Asia and was crushed to death by a truck.

Tomorrow the Philippine government will issue a notice that his family died in a traffic accident and the truck driver was driving fatigued."

The caller was the president of the Bermuda Oasis Scenic Area, and he was also the person in charge of Jiang Chen's special tasks.

"Very good, well done!"

"I will arrange payment right away. Brother Jiang, the deputy director of CY TV is under a lot of pressure. Recently, he is actively contacting me. You can see if we can..."

It is better to kill people now than Zhu Xin, especially the cold wave country, who are very hostile to them.

I have to say that the cold wave country at this time is also very influential in the world. It is one of the few developed countries in Asia.

Therefore, Jiang Chen's declaration of war on the Cold Tide Nation, even if he wins in the world, he will lose the war.

However, if Jiang Chen can let them speak out for themselves about the misfortune of the entertainment circle in the cold wave country and the extravagance and crime of these big giants.

Then there is no doubt that Jiang Chen has the upper hand at least in terms of name and justice.

"How did he say?"

"He heard that Li Zhengmin was already on the road, so he knew that we would definitely take him in the next step.

So he asked someone to tell me that if we can let him go, he is willing to do whatever it takes!"

Now Song Changcan, the deputy director of CY TV, has a hard time. Although he is the deputy director of the TV station, his salary is not as high as everyone thought.

Especially now that TV stations’ advertising revenues and various revenues have dropped sharply, their TV stations can’t even issue year-end bonuses.

And recently Song Changcan got another piece of news that because of his sex scandal, Taili was going to quit him to establish a relationship with Shay Entertainment.

Now Shay Entertainment controls the most popular artists in the cold wave country. He asked the TV station now that no one is available.

And now some particularly popular TV programs are also controlled by the TV station of Jiang Chen Holdings.

This also means that if CY TV does not kick Song Changcan who offended Jiang Chen, then their TV station will never want to get the copyright of some programs.

They will never want to get the support of Xy Entertainment's artists.

Song Chang was dumbfounded when he got the station to kick himself out to protect the TV station.

Now he is like a cross-street mouse in the cold wave country, and like a hot potato, as long as he leaves the cy TV station, no one dare to attract him.

And in order to save his life, Song Changcan spent almost all of his money for security.

Once the TV station fires him, it means that he will no longer have the funds to hire bodyguards.

Once he lost the protection of his bodyguard, he was greeted with a miserable death.

"Brother Jiang, do you think we should continue to hunt him down or let him surrender?"

If I continue to hunt him down, I am sure to solve him before spring arrives."

After the president of the Bermuda Scenic Spot on the phone, Jiang Chen began to think about it.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Chen finally made a decision.

"Allow him to surrender, but I have some requirements here. If he can do it, I will save his life."

"What's the requirement? I think he can do it."

No matter how arrogant you are these days, but when you meet a real strong, no matter how strong you are, you are like a grasshopper in a pot.

And now people cherish their lives. Even if you don't cherish your own life, you will take care of your family's life.

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