I have a city in the desert

Chapter 746: Bad guys hate fake news too

Now the domestic news websites and chat software are simply useless. Except for the junk and false news sent by the media, there are advertisements for such brain-dead novels everywhere.

So if it weren't for the arrest this time, Ye Chen would have prepared several news apps in the Saha area.

Although these apps are charged on a monthly basis, they are at least very guaranteed in terms of news quality and article quality.

Especially a few months ago, you downloaded the Saha News client or Cactus News and My Sahara Story App, you can still make money every day!

Those domestic garbage from the media saw the news of the Saha area such as Saha News and Cactus News, so they flooded in again.

After paying a deposit of 10,000 to 20,000, they started the unscrupulous fake news and headline party model.

These people think that clients rely on them and rely on them to gain traffic, so they dare not do anything to them.

As a result, the initial members took screenshots everywhere to report, and the website blocked nearly tens of thousands of self-media accounts.

So everyone who participated in the report received a lot of money.

At least this money is enough for them to pay three or four years of membership fees.

It's just a pity that human trafficker Ye Chen will never have the opportunity to use news from the Saha area again.

The execution of the prisoners was extremely bloody, so Jiang Chen also specially opened a login account, and everyone needs to log in with an account in the Saha area.

These accounts include accounts of various software such as My Sahara Story Network, Cactus Payment, and Saha Chat.

After they log in, this website will be automatically blocked for people under the age of 18.

Thousands of knives lasted for nearly half a day. After more than 40 people were executed, the website again broadcast the speech of the president of the Future City Legislative Court.

The president of the Legislative Yuan is an old man who is close to 70 years old, and his hair is gray.

He is a legal expert from China. When he was young, he traveled around various countries and studied the laws of the world.

So he is also known as the world law expert.

This is why Jiang Chen is so old and invited him out of the mountain.

"Hello everyone, I am the president of the Mirae City District Legislative Yuan.

Now I declare that according to the additional regulations of the Basic Law, leaders have the right to submit laws.

The leader’s submission of the clause regarding the severe division of human traffickers by capital punishment is established.

In the future, as long as you can traffic in people in the future city area, whether it is a child, a woman or an adult labor force.

Nengdu will be executed by Mirae City in accordance with the law.

In addition, this clause stipulates that if children, women, and laborers whose household registration in Mirae City can be abducted and sold, Mirae City still has the right to hunt you globally!

Once you are arrested and brought to justice, you will be put to death in jail!"

When the President of the Legislative Yuan spoke, Jiang Chen even opened a donation code channel under him.

Next to the donation code, there are also a few words written specifically: All your donations will be used for the global hunting and trafficking of the registered population in the future city area!

It seemed that Jiang Chen would never give up unless he squeezed everyone out.

Of course, this donation code is mainly for the local tyrants in the future city area to donate.

Especially an old man, his hoarse voice, utterly screaming, can even more impress every citizen of the future city!

Feng knows: Thank you, thank you the leader for giving us the safest guarantee!

Pianist Li Haoran: Being in the Future City, I am proud and proud of the Future City!

Rural Education Carrot Horse: Everyone works together, the future city will look like a future paradise!

The carrot horse donated five million directly after speaking!

As soon as the carrot horse came out, it completely detonated the entire Sark City Prison website!

Panda: Carrot horse is what a real rich man should be!After retiring for so many years, he has been running for rural education all over the world.

Now his rural teacher training program has trained tens of thousands of teachers in poor areas.

Last year, Carrot Horse also invested more than 30 million yuan in Future City Normal University to establish a rural education foundation.

In the future, City Normal University will continue to provide free training for teachers in rural areas of China. This is the backbone of mankind!

Brother Xiong: Rich people are different. When people are running for a living, your vision is always limited to living, or living better.

But when you stop running for a livelihood, you will see a new world, maybe at that time you will start to help others to make this world a better place.

So this is why many people want to live in developed areas.

When a group of people was discussing it, the great money fan Jiang Chen had already exited the website, and he drove directly to the Sark City Information Management Center.

After half an hour, all live broadcasts ended, and the execution was completely over.

After the end, it was when Jiang Chen divided the money. He and Song Weiping had agreed that Jiang Chen would charge 10% of all donations on the Sark City Prison website this time.

This Qian Jiangchen is of great use. Now the satellite city of the next week has basically been completed.

The only thing left is that the future West City, which leads to the desert, has not yet been built. Jiang Chen is planning to build it after the winter dividend ends.

In this way, he just waits for the arrival of spring to start selling houses, maybe he will be able to complete the construction of the entire future city by the end of next year.

As long as the construction of the future city is completed, he can leave here and march towards the desert!

"Brother Jiang, you are really a man of money!

In this live broadcast alone, how come a total of nearly 4.4 billion donations were received!

It just so happens that we are preparing to build an overground light rail transit system, this money really solves our big trouble!"

The municipal income of Sark is mainly based on factory taxes.

But after the establishment of Sark City, in order to attract everyone to invest in the construction of the factory, Jiang Chen announced to me that everyone was exempted from the three-year fee.

So now the city of Sark is terribly poor!

Like domestic cities, they can also make money by selling land, but all the land and houses in Sark City have been sold out.

So you can say without hesitation that most of Sark’s expenditures now rely on donations from the rich.

Especially Sark’s expenditure on education, without these rich people’s donations, Sark would not even be able to pay teachers’ salaries!

So let alone the money used to improve traffic.

Now the city of Sark has a registered population of nearly 14 million.

In addition, the number of tourists and migrant workers is close to more than 27 million, so their traffic pressure is very high.

After the subway and bus were opened, daily transportation was still very tight.

So Sark City restarted the construction of the above-ground light rail. The money originally planned for the construction of the above-ground light rail was taken away by Jiang Chen to build the subway. It happens that this donation can be temporarily embezzled for light rail construction.

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