I have a city in the desert

Chapter 750 Helplessness in the Land of Death

Today, the grass seeds of Sahha Seed Group cost 1,000 yuan per square meter.

And places like Kerry can’t afford Bermuda lawns at all.

Not to mention Kerry City, even if China does not take credit, they will not be able to grow Bermuda lawns.

"Didn't I have already stipulated it? All the internal areas for Bermuda turf seeds are only 50 yuan per square meter."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Xiao Ma sighed: "We can't afford 50 yuan, not to mention our place belongs to the concession area, and the seed group has no seed budget for us."

After the horse finished speaking, the car still bumped towards the center of Kerry.

It's just that the road gets bumpy as you go into the city. The reason for the bumps is simple. There are dirt roads beside the center of the city.

After entering the city, the pavement was paved with some stones. Naturally, it is more bumpy to walk on the stone than on the dirt road.

"I have transferred thousands of companies from you. The tax revenue of these thousands of companies is a lot of money a year, right?

You always say that you have no money. Where did the money go?"

Jiang Chen was a bit displeased. Although the companies he settled in Kerry City were not as powerful as those in Salman City, they still paid a large portion of the tax each year.

"Brother Jiang, all the tax money collected every year is used for the survival of the people!"

Xiao Ma was also a little wronged, but he didn't take any of the money.

When Xiao Ma said this, he clicked on his handheld computer, which was all expenses of the city government.

"Brother Jiang, look, we don't have water here. Before the subway is opened, our water will be transferred from China by plane.

Although the price of water sold to us by the special zone is not expensive, the freight is really expensive!

Now that the subway is opened, our water can be transported from Metro Line 6, but the water supply of more than 2 million people in Kerry City is a huge expenditure!"

Speaking of water use, Kerry City’s water conservation is the best among all cities.

Let alone others, even the mayor, Xiao Ma, gets pitifully little water every day.

If it wasn't for picking up Jiang Chen today, Xiao Ma wouldn't even be able to wash his face.

He didn't even want to throw away the water for washing his face. This small basin of water was used to boil rice.

Don't ask why you don't use it to wash rice and vegetables, because all the rice and vegetables in Kerry City don't need to be washed.

"It's not just water. All the food we eat in Kerry is transported from the subway.

These foods are all money taken by our city government, because those refugees have no money, you can never starve them to death!"

Regarding food, food in Kerry is much more expensive than other places.

Take an ordinary bread, it may only cost two yuan in mainland China, but it may cost six yuan in Sark City.

But after getting this bread in Kerry City, he has to start at least 15.

So the wages of those refugee workers simply cannot support the family.

Listening to Xiao Ma telling his grievances, almost everyone who came to Kerry with him couldn't help crying.

These are indisputable facts.

But this is also the life each of them is living.

"Everyone has worked hard, and I will not forget your contribution to Kerry.

I think all the people of Kerry will not forget it!

I'm here today to save you guys!

Don't worry, I will definitely solve the draft problem inside before I leave!"

Water, this is the most expensive piece of Kerry.

Water is not only the most expensive thing in Kerry, it is also one of the most expensive things for Rosha and U.S. troops stationed in the Akhanate.

Moreover, as the desertification becomes more serious, the water price of the entire Akhanate has now risen to the sky.

So if the villagers can help them solve the water supply problem at this time, then Keri City can even dominate the chaotic situation in the Akhanate.

"Thank you Brother Jiang! If the drinking water problem can be solved, this is already the greatest good news for the people in the Akhanate area!"

Arrive to the Kerry City Government Building, the so-called Kerry City Government Building, is nothing but a three-story brick house.

Don't underestimate the brick houses. In the desert, this is definitely a luxury.

In this three-story brick house, all the cement and bricks were transported from Sark City by subway.

These things are not valuable in Sark, but once transported by the subway, their prices are high.

"Brother Jiang, this is our city government building.

Don't underestimate him, even if the plane from the United States comes, you don't want to blow it down!"

After Xiao Ma finished speaking, all the municipal staff laughed. Indeed, this hut is the holy place in the hearts of the people of Kerry, because it symbolizes safety and survival!

It was during dinner time that Jiang Chen didn't choose to go to the hotel. The hotels were for the rich.

Of course, the real rich people are not willing to invest in this place. The main reason why those companies are willing to come here is that they value taxation.

In Kerry City, the tax they have to pay is 1/10 of that of Salman.

In Kerry, the wages they need to pay are also 1/10 of that of Salman workers.

So this is the reason why those businessmen are willing to go to the barren land like Kerry to build factories.

After entering the small building, there was only a third floor above the building, but two more office buildings were built down.

The Kerry City sympathy meeting was held in the hall on the basement floor, and nearly a hundred people had gathered in the hall.

These are all dignitaries in Kerry or representatives of the business federation.

"The leader is coming! Welcome everyone!"

Xiao Ma shouted at everyone, and soon everyone applauded.

Jiang Chen waved his hand and bowed to everyone who could only hide in the desert every day.

Many people here can live a comfortable and happy life in Sark City or Future City, but they did not choose to be comfortable!

They chose to come to the most dangerous and poorest place in the world, none of them!

After Jiang Chen bowed to everyone, he picked up the wine glass on the table. The glass was filled with wine. These wines were specially made from Wanjiang Winery because Jiang Chen was coming.

"Don't say anything, brothers who are struggling in a foreign country, I respect you!"

Jiang Chen drank a glass of wine in one go!

And those whom Jiang Chen called brothers had already moved to the ground.

Jiang Chen sometimes thinks, what is worship?What is faith?

When he was studying in China, he often saw the leader of a small country next door visit a place, and the people in that place would be moved and weep bitterly.

At that time, Jiang Chen felt false, which was a joke at all.

But as Jiang Chen turned the desert into an oasis, as Jiang Chen allowed more people to have new homes, as Jiang Chen allowed more people to live a life like a fairy.

Jiang Chen already feels that they have crossed over ethnicity and language and have begun to worship themselves.

Even now, many fanatical young people have turned this kind of worship into faith!

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