I have a city in the desert

Chapter 752: The Warlord of the Buffer Zone

In terms of reaction ability or something, they are the most elite soldiers here, and they are not Jiang Chen's opponent.

After Jiang Chen pushed the squad leader and the others away, he snatched a submachine gun from a soldier, then rushed to a dilapidated corner facing the south and squatted down.

Under that corner, one could see the desert in the distance.

At this moment, scattered troops of close to hundreds of people appeared in the desert, and it is inappropriate to say that they are troops.

Because this group of people did not have a uniform dress, they wore all kinds of clothes. Some of the clothes were better in military uniforms, and some were worn out and were refugees.

Fortunately, they have guns in their hands. Most of these guns are old ak rifles.

Da da da!

When a group of bandits rushed towards the village, the steel knife company took advantage of the wall to launch the most violent counterattack.

The fire continued, and rocket launchers were sent from the opposite side from time to time, and the explosion sounded from time to time in the corner.

7 Even here was not polite, and soon two tanks drove out of the village.

The rocket player in the distance where the tank was aiming banged and shot over.

Seeing a huge noise in the desert, while a piece of yellow sand was flying up, a person was instantly thrown into the sky.

The enemy's vanguard forces were soon suppressed by the garrison in Songgang Village.

Jiang Chen thought they would retreat, but what Jiang Chen didn't expect was that this group of ants, like ants that were not afraid of death, just rushed forward, not caring about their own lives.

The first wave of people almost fell when they arrived in front of Songgang Village.

Then the second wave of people quickly rushed over from all over the desert, and this time these people became more terrifying.

The mountains and plains were full of people, they surrounded from all sides, they looked like scourges, and Songgang Village was like a flat boat in this vast ocean.

"Send a flare!"

After Chief Zhang finished speaking, Songgang Village soon rose up with a colorful firework.

After the fireworks exploded, the whole Songgang village was illuminated.

There are no people in this dilapidated Songgang Village with no roof.

"Why not call?"

After Jiang Chen asked, the company commander who was hiding across the wall saw Jiang Chen also coming. He was mostly shocked.

Of course, he was more panicked than scared!

Jiang Chen is no ordinary person, he is the leader of the entire Saha area, and he is their spiritual symbol.

If Jiang Chen had a problem with him, he would die 100 times, and he would be to blame for 1,000 deaths!

"Brother Jiang, why are you here?

Xiao Liu, what is going on with you?"

After talking to Jiang Chen's guard, Jiang Chen waved his hand and said, "It has nothing to do with him, I asked for it myself!

Also, don't protect me like a child.

I think when I created the Sahara Army, when I played Sark City, I was always on the first line!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the company commander looked behind him, and there was no retreat behind Jiang Chen.

Behind Jiang Chen is a large open space. If he runs back from the corner at this moment, he can only become a target for others.

Moreover, Songgang Village was originally a small place, and because of the desert, they could not really establish a base here.

So even if Jiang Chen ran back to the bunker in Songgang Village, when a large number of people from the opposite side surrounded him, it would be difficult to hold the bunker if the reinforcements could not reach it.

"Brother Jiang, we have no signal here, we are all deserts, dead deserts.

The people from the communications company came last time, and they tried several times, but they couldn't establish a signal base here."

After the company commander finished speaking, Jiang Chen finally understood.

In fighting here, all modern weapons and equipment are useless.

So this place is a place where fate is dead. When the enemy comes, they can only hold their guns. Any missile, aircraft, etc. will become a joke here.

"When will the reinforcements arrive?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the company commander looked up at the sky, and then looked at his watch.

This time is when the various troops are changing defenses, so it will take at least an hour for Yuan Jun to arrive.

"We must hold on for an hour!"

Company Commander Zhang has dealt with these people for a long time, and these people have already figured out the details of Kerry City.

"What are these people?"


A bullet slammed into the mound on Jiang Chen's head. A large area of ​​soil was built up on the ground, and Jiang Chen was scattered all over the soil.

When Company Commander Zhang saw this, he hurriedly took off his helmet and threw it towards Jiang Chen.

This time Jiang Chen did not refuse, because Jiang Chen knew that if he did not wear a helmet, then Company Commander Zhang would be even more worried.

Worrying about others on the battlefield may kill yourself!

After Jiang Chen quickly put on the helmet, he picked up the submachine gun and shot a shuttle toward the outside of the wall.

The shuttle bullet went down, and the three or four soldiers who had just rushed to the wall fell directly.

"Brother Jiang, they are bandits in this area."

After Company Commander Zhang finished speaking, a huge grenade was thrown in the distance.

Before the grenade hit the ground, Jiang Chen took off his helmet and hit it back with a bang.

The current traitor, his six senses are particularly good, even if a bullet flies towards it, Jiang Chen is confident to hide.

Not to mention a grenade of this size.

After Jiang Chen returned the grenade, Company Commander Zhang and others were stunned.

He had only seen such a fierce operation in anti-Japanese dramas.

I really didn't expect someone to do it in real life!

"Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang, you are really like a fairy!"

They used to call Jiang Chen a desert god, but at first the company commander only thought it was a kind of worship.

This is a kind of worship for people who have developed plants that can grow in the desert.

However, after seeing Jiang Chen's bravery and responsibility today, Company Commander Zhang, who had graduated from a regular college, also began to worship Jiang Chen inexplicably.

"Stop flattering, how could there be so many bandits in life?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Company Commander Zhang also sighed.

The bandit Jiang Chen has seen it. Generally, there are hundreds of bandits in the desert at most. Their weapons and equipment are very poor. Some bandits still live with a knife and rob.

When the city of Salman was not established, there were many bandits in the north of the grassland.

Jiang Chen followed the Saha Group to fight against bandits several times, so he knew a lot about bandits.

"They are not bandits or bandits, they are a special army of the Akhanate.

To be precise, they are a special warlord.

They are not convinced by the Akhanate government fostered by the United States, nor are they willing to join forces with the local armed forces fostered by the Rosha State.

They are a free army. They mainly control the northeastern part of the Akhanate. They are a buffer warlord between the government and non-government forces."

After Company Commander Zhang finished speaking, Jiang Chen frowned. This kind of person has no grievances and no grudges against him. Now he is running to provoke himself. Does he feel that he is not as powerful as the United States and Rosha?

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