I have a city in the desert

Chapter 763: The Northwest's Largest Wholesale Market

Money, after all, is something outside the body.

However, you will do nothing without this extraneous thing.

"Well, this new year must be a lively and lively!"

After the phone was hung up, Jiang Chen drove towards the transit city, no matter what, he would not stop his pace of building the desert.

When it comes to building deserts, there is no doubt that selling the houses in the transit market is the right way.

Arriving to the transit city, today's transit city has become a lot more lively.

Huaguo built a high-speed rail from the high-speed rail station to the transit city. Because of the special funds, the high-speed rail was built very quickly and it can be put into use in spring.

In addition, both the Huaguo Airport and the railway station have built a road to connect with the transit city, and the two roads have been paved.

Coming out of the subway entrance of the transit city, the city has already gathered a lot of people, especially as the New Year's Eve is approaching, the shops in the transit city are crowded with shopping people.

The houses in the transit city have not yet been sold, but the facade houses have been rented for half a year.

After several months of development, the transit city has become a wholesale shopping center for China.

Here, you can wholesale all the things produced in the Saha area, from cars and excavators to fashion buttons, clothes, perfumes, and jewelry.

Therefore, it has become a gathering place for businessmen from all over China.

They can wholesale what they want here, which saves the cost of going to the cities of Sahara, and even a lot of transportation costs are left.

"Hello everyone, I'm seeing you again so soon."

At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the desert sun was a bit warm, and there were trucks on the street.

The trucks are loaded with all kinds of festive goods produced in Future City Commodity City. These goods will be shipped to markets across China before the Spring Festival.

"I didn't want to open this live broadcast, but for such a big thing, I think it is necessary to tell everyone."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the popularity of his live studio was only tens of millions for the first time.

Moshang Huakai: Stop talking, everyone knows it!Anchor, go and see, the government of the cold wave country is speaking!

Mr. Lao Xing: This time they finally know they are afraid!

Kitty: Fear of a fart, they just say a few words symbolically, we can't take it seriously!The boycott must continue!

After a group of people finished speaking, Jiang Chen was puzzled. What he was talking about was selling the house. How could he be led by the cold wave countrymen again?

However, Jiang Chen also became interested when it came to the cold wave country's statement.

"Look at what they said first!"

Jiang Chen temporarily closed the live broadcast and opened Facebook news while he was talking. If he wanted to follow the news of the cold wave country, he could only watch Facebook news.

After clicking the news, the news is the news of the spokesperson of the cold wave country.

"After investigation, Song Changcan was dissatisfied with dissatisfied drug use and had hallucinations, so the nonsense has attracted the attention of all parties.

Here, we appeal to everyone not to believe it.

In addition, we have arrested Song Changcan’s son Song Ziguo.

Song Ziguo has been prosecuted according to law for manslaughter.

We call on China to immediately stop the act of smashing and smashing. In addition, we ask China to give a reasonable explanation and compensate related enterprises investing in China for losses.

In addition, in view of this unpleasant incident, we will intensify the review of applications for immigrants from China."

After watching the spokesperson's speech, Jiang Chen smiled, and as expected, they hadn't forgotten the appearance of being aloof.

The generations have changed. In this generation, the most fearful thing is that you cannot see your identity!

Little Wolf Princess: Ha ha ha, let you smash our business, block your immigrants directly, and wait for the desert to come, see where you go to hide in trouble!

Ran Jinghuo: Please continue to smash!What you are destroying is not our business, what you are destroying is your own employment opportunities!Waiting for unemployment to throw a bunch of fools!

Ergouzi: What you want is atmosphere!It's best not to let them come from a Chinese dog, we don't lack people!

Looking at the comments below, Jiang Chen was embarrassed when he praised him uniformly.

But think about it, very few people in China can log in to Facebook, so it’s normal if no one comments.

In the Saha area, people habitually log in to clients such as Saha News and My Sahara Story Net to watch news, and there are not many people who read Facebook, so this is more normal.

Xingkong: Big guys, have you seen the reprint?They want to block our immigration!

Ocean brother: I'm afraid of a hairy!Wealthy people immigrate, we are not rich people!Fuck, rich people can't run away while enjoying the blessings, the country is in trouble, we are ordinary people who can really carry it with the country!

Jiang Chen opened the live broadcast room, and his live broadcast room quickly became lively.

I have to say that the reason why the cold wave country is so arrogant now is because they are not affected by the desert.

And more importantly, his old neighbor Hua Guo was affected by the desert, which means that Chinese people who want to live a life free from the influence of the desert and want the lowest immigration costs, they can only choose them.

"The Cold Wave Nation did not admit their mistakes, and they will not admit their mistakes to you, because you have asked them.

But everyone gets tough!

You don't have to ask them if you want to immigrate. Starting today, you can come as many as you want!

We have to apologize!"

Today, Jiang Chen really dare to say that, for nothing else, he really has the ability to receive so many immigrants!

Brother Xiong: What is it?We are very aggrieved here!The outskirts of a remote city bought at a level of 51 thousand, where the locals slaughtered money every day, to buy a carrot for two yuan, we get five yuan.Who do you tell?

Ermao: How normal!Just to give our children a good living environment and a safe living environment, we emigrated here.

As a result, children cannot go to local public schools. Private schools are very expensive. They are all cheating schools run by Chinese people. What a damn regret!

None of those who have immigrated to the cold wave country do not complain, this is really cheating to get home.

Dahuaishu: Anchor, I heard that the houses in the transit city are going to be sold. Is it true?Sell ​​it now, we are ready for the money!

Red Panda: What kind of education does the transit city have?We really regret not being able to go to Sark City and Future City, where the education is really good!

A group of people talked and talked about the transit market. This is a good opportunity to strike while the iron is hot!

"The house in the transit city is on sale. Here I want to say to those who want to immigrate to the cold wave country, come to me, come here, you are the masters here, not the servants!

There are also housing prices. I believe many people have already understood the special location of the transit city.

As the closest place to the airport and high-speed rail in the Saha area, the transit city is uniquely positioned.

Just such a good place, in the cold wave country, they will sell you at least one hundred thousand per square meter.

But I am different here. In order to prevent all Chinese people from bowing to the cold wave country, the transit city houses are sold for 50,000!"

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