I have a city in the desert

Chapter 779: Enthusiasm without money

With the avalanche of immigrants from cold wave countries, various industries such as construction and banking in cold wave countries have been hit hard.

After seeing that building a house can make a lot of money, which company does not rush to build a house?

Now the house is smashed into the hands, so almost many large companies have encountered the situation of the house smashing into the hands.

Therefore, in order to divert the domestic conflicts, the Choi Sung-ho government aimed its spearhead at the outside, and the only bullying outside was naturally the Saha area.

"Regarding the fact that Saha's enterprises were forced to leave the cold wave country this time, I can only say that it is not us who lost, but the government of the cold wave country, especially the people of the cold wave country.

As everyone knows, the cold wave country led by the Cui Chenghao government has collapsed, and all walks of life are declining or even dying.

Even Dia Motors, which the cold wave countries are proud of, went bankrupt, and Dalong Motors ran away. How many jobs did the cold wave countries lose every year?

How much fiscal revenue is lost every year?

Now Xingxing Group is at the end of the battle. He doesn't want to build a good relationship with us, but expels our company.

For this behavior, I can only like it!

In addition, you said that as long as my business is expelled, my business will die.

Here I tell the cold wave people, your thoughts are naive and pitiful.

The sales of Saha shops and Saha Pharmaceuticals in cold-wave countries are not even a fraction of the Saha area, not to mention our main market is in China.

Regarding the entertainment industry, how many viewers does the cold wave country have?How much advertising can we earn?

All of our markets are in China and the Saha area, and yours is really not even a drizzle.

However, the taxes and services we pay to you are not drizzle in cold wave countries."

Poor Smecta: You say these are useless. The people of the cold wave countries don't believe it. They always believe that in this world, any company that leaves them will die.

Panda: That is a very arrogant nation, but I feel that he is really the last one.

Small boat: It is definitely the most unwise choice to expel companies in the Saha area. Originally, cold wave countries can still have a place in the world due to the development of technology and other aspects.

But everyone can understand one thing, the communication in the Saha area has led the world.

Without communication in the Sahara, you seem to be the difference between people living in primitive society and people living in modern society.

Stick: It is true. Everyone has entered the 6g era, and we are still in the 5G era. Where can we sell Xingxing Group’s mobile phones?It's strange not to go bankrupt.

Orchid Tree: Our shipyard has greater influence. Everyone knows that the best steel is Sahha Steel. Almost every shipyard's core hardware is made of Sahha Steel.

Our shipyard does not have the support of Saha Steel. How do you let our shipbuilding companies compete with shipbuilding companies in other countries?

We have lost the competitiveness of the shipbuilding industry, and the major companies that our cold wave country depends on for survival have all collapsed.

Lao Ming: I can now imagine the life of the people in the cold wave country after the collapse of shipbuilding, mobile phones, automobiles and other industries.

When a group of people discussed, Jiang Chen was ready to close the live broadcast. His main purpose of starting the live broadcast was to tell the people of the cold wave that all these decisions were made by your Cui Chenghao government and had nothing to do with Saha.

When the time comes for you to fall back on the bill, don't just rely on me.

"Well, that's all for today's live broadcast.

I have sent a special plane to pick up the employees waiting at the airport in the cold wave country.

By the way, by the way, for all the employees in the cold wave countries working in Sakha enterprises, now you have to make a choice.

If you choose to stay in the cold wave country, according to the contract, we will not pay you any liquidated damages.

Because this is the result of your government and has nothing to do with our company.

Of course, our Saha Group has always been a company known for its kindness, and we will not treat any employee badly.

Therefore, if you work in a cold wave country, you will get an opportunity for immigration.

If you want, pack your bags from now on, bring your family, and come to Saha with the special plane!

When you come to the Saha area, we will continue to hire you to work in the Saha factory, and your family will also get a job opportunity."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the live broadcast room instantly became lively.

Blue Chalkboard: Thank you the leader for thinking about us so much. Our family is working in a Saha shop. The treatment here is very good. We are all sending out. If we lose this job, how will we be home in the cold wave country?

Big Ice Ocean: Immigrants must emigrate, because of the arrival of Chinese immigrants, the cost of living in cold wave countries is getting higher and higher.

Even if the cost of living is high, there are fewer and fewer job opportunities.

Coupled with the economic winter caused by the closure of major enterprises and the construction of large houses, the employment opportunities of South Korea and North Korea can only be worse in the future.

So, now immigrate to the desert, this will definitely be the best choice!

Brother Ergua: We are going to immigrate with my sister. My sister is an artist from Shay Entertainment Company. Once Shay Entertainment Company leaves, the entertainment industry in the cold wave country will definitely be as dark as before.

Fair and free, you always want everyone to repay you with enthusiasm, but you never consider their living conditions.

Such a place will eventually be abandoned by others.

After the live broadcast, after Jiang Chen knew that his company had gone, the cold wave country was really incurable.

"The shipbuilding companies in the cold wave countries are good, and you must call the supervisor later. Taking advantage of the cold wave country is now in the period of unemployment, hurry up and dig more talents."

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen directly dialed Guan Zu's phone.

After the call was made, Jiang Chen directly talked to Guan Cu about the plan to hollow out the talents of the cold wave country.

When it comes to digging out the talents of the cold wave country, Guanxi is also very interested. After all, everyone else likes it. All the talents are concentrated in their own cities.

This world is like this. When all talents gather in one place, this place will become stronger and stronger.

Similarly, because a place is very powerful, there will be a steady stream of talents who want to gather here.

I didn't understand on the phone, but Jiang Chen went straight downstairs and went to the government conference room to discuss with Guan Xu.

After nearly a morning of discussions, they launched a special immigration plan for the cold wave country.

The special immigration plan for this cold wave country is very simple. They will reopen popular cities such as Qingshan City and Future City to recruit talents from the cold wave country.

The conditions for their recruitment are also not very harsh, and those who have a skill in the cold wave country can apply.

In addition, they emphasized that talents in several key industries such as communications and shipbuilding in cold wave countries will implement a loan-to-house policy.

They only need to pay a very small amount of money to buy houses in the above cities with loans, as long as they arrive, the Saha area will provide them with the best jobs.

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